Articles by Adebayo Akomolafe
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
[Warning: There are some big words here. Not the best words like yours, but big words nonetheless]
Bayo Akomolafe
Dear President Trump,
I am Nigerian, from Nigeria, a shithole non-Norwegian type country in West Africa – widely...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
In the wake of the Charlottesville incident, we must understand that the kind of work that needs to happen now, in order for racial healing to take place, will not be held by the combative punditry of CNN or be championed by the White...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
The screen froze as yet another announcement crept into the cabin from the overhead speakers and through my headphones. I swore beneath my breath. For the umpteenth time, the captain spoke with that strange in-flight inaudibility and...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
Our hope for new landscapes does not lie in the center of the circle to which everyone has turned, but beyond its circumference - in the wilds beyond our fences. The mystic will always live on the margins; the madman, twiddling with his...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
"To those of you that care about diversity, about the environment, about the beauty of queer sexual orientations, about indigenous lands and their right to thrive, and about policing practices that have led to the deaths of many black...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
A poem for those that fight with the Sioux, with water, at Standing Rock.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
We are in an age of spillages and fundamental breaches in the borders of things. From the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, to the ‘insurgency’ of Syrian refugees, to the surprising revelations that with the NSA the Americans spy...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
The world doesn't stop being sacred because we start to understand it - and that's mostly because understanding is not a relation of exteriority or of final approximations, but of ongoing participation.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
The 'new story' - that longed for milieu when all is right with the world and things are set straight - seems to be taking its sweet time coming. Why?
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
When famed New Zealander psychologist, Dr Paul Spong, was first invited by the University of British Columbia to study the sensory apparatus of killer whales at the Vancouver Aquarium, he no doubt thought his time with the cetaceans...
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
Americans don't just want a new president, they want a new precedent.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
The times are urgent; let us slow down. Bayo Akomolafe calls a virtual community to gather round the prospects of a deeper revolution, a different politics of shared cultivation, as a response to the troubling challenges of our time.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
"...Patriarchy is not the rule of men over women, it's the rule of the binary - the insistence that there really are sides, and that each is a pre-existing category unto itself, fixed and hallowed, one superior to another."
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
What's remarkable about the decision of SCOTUS, and its well-publicized dissensions, is how it alludes to the fault-lines now showing up in language 'itself'. A deeper paradigm shift is underway.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
Let me tell you a story about how the world began. I promise you the story is not completely false.
Adebayo Akomolafe ·
The reader should be aware that this is not your typical review. As a world-weary academic, disillusioned by the failed promises of the ivory tower and its pretensions to inevitability, I think I know full well how reviews ought to...