Revolution Now! with Peter Joseph

Part 1: introductions are made, along with a treatment on the origins and nature of systemic racism in the USA.

Part 2: the topic of systemic racism is addressed in more detail, along with consideration of Covid19 and what kind of activism may prevail in the future.

Part 3: Peter addresses the nonpolitical, non-categorical nature of social science/public health analysis, building a "train of thought" about how society should be organized if civil and ecological stability is to be achieved.

Part 4: Peter addresses the historical origins of our social system, coupled with commentary on activist failures related to our increasing ecological crisis.

Part 5: Peter touches upon "out-system" activism while addressing the nature of Wall St., fiscal stimulus and the class war inherent.

Part 6:Peter discusses the upcoming election and Trump, the rise of voter disenfranchisement over the past 50 years & the oppressive nature of the monetary system through its basis in debt.

This program is also available on Spotify and Apple/Google Podcasts.

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Activism   Economics   Philosophy   Social Issues   Sustainability   The Big Picture   Transition
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