661-720 of 979 results
Film series tells the stories of eight embattled indigenous communities around the world
Christopher McLeod
Comedian, Aaron Barschak, once said that all you need for creativity is a certain level of boredom, and some alcohol. The latter we have plenty of but with the technological advancements at our disposal, I wonder if we are no longer able to feel bored?
Is there a belief about the Universe or about ourselves that causes all of the conflict in the world?
Chris Agnos
I saw a dear friend a few days ago. I stopped by to ask her how she was doing, how her family was. She looked up, voice lowered, and just whimpered: “I’m so busy… I am so busy… have so much going on.”
Omid Safi
This is a letter to my younger self - both the inner cynic and the idealist that secretly believes a more beautiful world is possible.
Charles Eisenstein
He cleans up after himself. He cleans up our planet. He is a role model for young men. He is rigorously honest and fiercely optimistic.
Boysen Hodgson
This seeking for security is inviting insecurity. Have you ever found security in any of your relationships? Have you?
J. Krishnamurti
Welcoming and insightful in both approach and tone, this compilation of short videos named Capitalism tackles various aspects of capitalistic ideals from a surprisingly human perspective which often borders on the psychoanalytical. Over a series of breezy and appealing...
97 min
We talk of love as if it were just one thing: in fact, it’s two very different moves, Loving and Being Loved. You start to grow up when you stop focusing on the latter and get involved with the former.
2 min
“Give a man a gun and he’ll rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he’ll rob the world.”–Unknown
Gary ‘Z’ McGee
Sometimes it seems like we live in nonsensical times. Do you ever wonder what happened to good old common sense? Indigenous voices from around the world who are fighting for cultural survival and protection of nature in their homelands offer simple wisdom in the face of...
Rucha Chitnis
Most of us were taught as children never to talk to strangers. At face value this is bad life advice — we can never know people we never talk to. But we know it’s only meant to arm children with a basic skepticism about unknown people, so that they’re less likely to accept a...
David Cain
People can say with conviction and confidence that voting will never make a difference - but it's still a belief, and possibly one that may be too ideological for our own good, as it can skew our perception of reality.
The word “Buddha” means to wake up. More precisely it means to see what is really going on (in other words, “dharma”), and understand that it has always been so. The Occupy Wall Street movement and its 1,000 offshoots worldwide is that kind of awakening. Its overarching theme...
Lewis Richmond
Within modern life exists a paradox: we celebrate democracy as a political system, but not as an economic system, even though our workplaces have a far greater impact on our day to day lives. It's fair to say that most workplaces under capitalist management are organized in...
59 min
Is religion the source of conflict, or are deeper problems to blame? Militant atheists such as Richard Dawkins compare religion to a virus which infects human minds and turns potentially rational people into dogmatic automatons, willing to kill and die for their beliefs. But...
Steve Taylor Ph.D.
The Battle for Compassion is a film by Jonathan Leighton about what matters and how we can have greater impact in shaping a gentler future for our planet. The film draws on key ideas from his book The Battle for Compassion: Ethics in an Apathetic Universe. He advocates the...
20 min
Miasma Theory was universally held and horribly wrong. What else might we be wrong about?
Weldon Kennedy
Some things are beyond measure and beyond price. No amount of money is enough to compensate for the loss of the sacred.
Charles Eisenstein
Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 -- April 3, 2000) was a modern philosopher, whose main interest was psychedelics and their role in society and existence beyond the physical body"
2 min
Transformational Festivals Panel for “Practicing The New World” LIVE at 7:00pm April 29th following the LIVE MASS VIEWING of THE BLOOM PART II
60 min
A lot of people reacted to my comment on Facebook the other day that greed is more a symptom than a cause of our current system, with all its inequities. I’m asked, What is the cause of greed? First I’ll say what I think greed is: Greed is the insatiabl
Charles Eisenstein
Radical hope is not just about determination and courage in the face of darkness, writes Paul Hoggett - it is also about love and a re-finding of all that is benign in the world. And this is the spirit we need to muster to confront the serious challenges that lie before us.
Paul Hoggett
“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over.” - Thich Nhat Hanh
Many people have little trouble confessing to being hard on themselves, to being “my own worst critic” or to being a perfectionist. They are, after all, merely confessing to something that our culture upholds as a virtue: the struggle against the self. People are generally...
Charles Eisenstein
Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of life of the Indigenous people of the Great Plains before, and during, the arrival and subsequent...
Wisdom Pills
When we talk about saving the world, what world are we talking about? Not the globe itself, obviously. But also not the biological world—the world of life. The world of life, strangely enough, is not in danger (though thousands and perhaps even millions of species are). Even...
Daniel Quinn
Charles Eisenstein explains how the real power we have to create change comes from stepping into a new story he calls The Story of Interbeing.
8 min
"At first I thought… The most powerful thing that you can do for your people, your future, your land, your air, your water is to fight and die for what you believe in. But it’s not true… you have to LIVE for what you believe in." - Ta’Kaiya Blaney
Jacob Devaney
Life after death for a pantheist depends entirely on the life of the living. It is achieved through deeds, descendance, inheritance, and remembrance.
Paul Harrison.
Becoming a global family, one that unites ancient indigenous wisdom with other faith and cultural traditions, is essential if humanity is to overcome the crises of climate change.
Jennifer Browdy
Contrary to popular opinion, Charles Darwin did not originate the idea of evolution. By the middle of the 19th century, the mere fact of evolution had been around for a long time, and most thinkers of the time were perfectly content to leave it at that. The absence of a...
Daniel Quinn
It is no secret that the Earth is in trouble and that we humans are to blame. Just knowing these grim facts, however, won’t get us very far. We have to transform this knowledge into a deep passion to change course. But passion does not come primarily from the head; it is a...
Richard Schiffman
From the San and the Kogi:
Value community and cooperation;
we are part of the world,
not separate from it.
One of the oldest cultures on Earth is that of the !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in the northern parts of South Africa.
The exclamation point in their name...
Thom Hartmann
It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
and if you dare to dream
of meeting your heart’s longing.
A story that will change how you think about what kinds of change will *really* make a difference
Charles Eisenstein
You are probably a bit of a blamer - most of us are. But why should we give it up? In this witty RSA Short, inspirational thinker Brené Brown considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move beyond this toxic...
3 min
Dear friends, last week, a horrid assault was perpetrated against the French weekly Charlie Hebdo, who had published caricatures of Mohamed, by men who screamed that they had “avenged the prophet”. A wave of compassion followed but apparently died shortly afterward and all...
Olivier Tonneau
In Plum Village, where I live in France, we receive many letters from the refugee camps in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines, hundreds each week. It is very painful to read them, but we have to do it, we have to be in contact. We try our best to...
Thich Nhat Hanh
When every cultural force beckons us to hate, to harden our hearts and vilify the other, we must have the courage to look, deeply, with an intention to understand.
More than 20 years ago, the psychologist Arthur Aron succeeded in making two strangers fall in love in his laboratory. Last summer, I applied his technique in my own life, which is how I found myself standing on a bridge at midnight, staring into a man’s eyes for exactly four...
Mandy Len Catron
How capitalism functions like a religion
Zack Smith
"Beyond Right & Wrong" looks at areas of conflict around the world and asks what it takes to forgive, and what it takes to ask for forgiveness under the most difficult of circumstances. Paired personal interviews of aggressors and victims from Northern Ireland, Rwanda...
2 min
If you want a 4 minute summary of Marxism, this is as good as any. Because people should probably have a basic idea of what it actually is.
4 min
Dystopian narratives have long been an alluring and thought-provoking form of entertainment, especially for those who take an interest in studying social and political structures. From classics like Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World to the current hit, The Hunger...
The Pachamama Alliance is a non-profit organization working to create a just, thriving and sustainable world for all. Our work started in the Amazon rainforest with a call from our indigenous partners, and has spread our message to the entire world.
9 min
No piece of art or entertainment has meant more to me than "Star Trek." It continues to have a profound effect on my life and the manner in which I perceive the world around me. The half century of philosophical and metaphysical musculature stands as one of the most robust...
15 min
Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us how to relax the bonds of anger, attachment and delusion through mindfulness and kindness toward ourselves.
Thich Nhat Hanh
These days we're talking a lot about gender: about sexism, discrimination, sexual assault, and gender roles. Actor, author and former NFL Football player Terry Crews, who is well known for his work on the TV series Brooklyn Nine-Nine and his appearances in ads for the brand...
22 min
Based on Dalai Lama's book "Art of happiness". A short illustration of the reckless but powerful human mind.
Footage from a trip to India and Nepal in 2012.
Shot and cut by Samir Bernardes
May the happiness be with you!
9 min
It’s been said that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than it is the end of capitalism, so ubiquitous is the ideological project of neoliberalism in the modern world – like goldfish in a bowl that are totally ignorant of ‘water’, we often fail to notice how...
Rob Plastow
What a 13,000-year-old eucalyptus tree reveals about the meaning of human life.
Maria Popova
Let me tell you a story about how the world began. I promise you the story is not completely false.
Libertarianism is, in theory, no defender of the rich and powerful who must always be subject to market competition. As a libertarian who has engaged in countless classroom and online debates, I’ve often asked myself why other people cannot see that. However, I’ve come to...
Andrew Kerr
One things that crops up over and over when someone on the libertarian right notices the outright hostility of anarchists when he appropriates the “Anarchist” label for himself is the accusation of “harming the movement” by not being willing to look past differences and work...
A Division by Zer0
Lately, I’ve been thinking about how the diverse anarchist strategies could combine against our current class society. How every variation on the theme of “assert your freedom now,” from the anarcho-syndicalist direct action to Sam Konkin’s agorism, could combine in order to...
Uriel Alexis
Editor's note: We found this article about Tucker relevant to today because his views represent such an interesting break from stereotypical views about socialism, markets, anarchism, and the 'left/right' associations we have with all these terms. For instance, that if you...
Gary Elkin
60 min
This is Part 2 of 3 articles in Generation Alpha's ‘Shades Of Green’ series. Read part 1 here.
Kari McGregor
The word “anarchist” is thrown around a lot these days. When discussing their mild disagreements over foreign policy, healthcare, tax rates, gun control, immigration, torture, or the war on drugs, it’s not uncommon for a Republican or Democrat to hurl the word at each other...
Jason Lee Byas