"Together with others, I know I can get much further."
INTO UNITY tells a story that is both personal and universal: that of our deep sense of longing for a truer way of living. In this beautifully shot short film, we follow the stories of three individuals and their journey to ecovillages: their beauty and their challenges, and how they can bring us into closer connection in a hectic modern world.
GEN Europe
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) consists of a constantly expanding network of intentional communities, ecovillages and national ecovillage networks, bridging all cultures and continents. GEN-Europe is set up to support the experimental creation and preservation of human settlements that not only sustain but regenerate their social and natural environments. Ecovillages are communities with vibrant social structures, vastly diverse, yet united in common ecological, economic, social and cultural values and goals.
Video shot and edited in Angsbacka, Sweden, by Siri Lof and Steven Sonneveld