Articles by Films for Action
There Is No One Right Strategy to Change the World
Films For Action · The left in the United States has long been divided over strategy, and that division has often done as much to weaken movements as the actual forces of corporate power we are fighting against.
Now That Trump Is in Office, Who Is Really Running the Country?
Films For Action · For years, conservatives during Biden’s presidency asked: “Who’s really running the country?”The irony is that the same forces conservatives claimed were pulling Biden’s strings—corporate interests, think tanks, and wealthy donors—are...
Playbook for Defeating the 1% - the Swedish and Norwegian Model
Films For Action · This playbook is inspired by the insights of George Lakey and the transformative movements of Norway and Sweden in the early 20th century. These nations, once marked by extreme poverty and inequality, achieved remarkable economic...
How We Got Here: 17 Documentaries That Explain Why the Mass Media Is the Crisis
Films For Action · The crisis of mass media lies at the heart of every other crisis we face today. Economic inequality, a ravaged planet, endless wars—none of these can be addressed if the public is systematically misled about their causes or distracted...
The Top 250 Transition Documentaries Inspiring a Thriving Future
Films For Action · A better world is possible. These documentaries light the way by showing examples of people rejecting despair, fighting against the status quo, creating alternatives and living a more beautiful world into being.
50 Paradigm-Shifting Documentaries for a Wise Earth
Films For Action · The human journey is at a crossroads. Authoritarianism is on the rise, the biosphere is destabilizing, and the capitalist global order is driving us towards the cliff with its head stuck in quarterly profit reports. From everything...
Twenty Media Education Foundation Documentaries Are Coming to Films for Action!
Tim Hjersted and Films For Action · Hi all. I'm thrilled to announce a new partnership with the legendary nonprofit film studio, the Media Education Foundation.
Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 41 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending
Films For Action · Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future.
Free Films for Action - Summer 2020 Highlights
Films For Action · In this round-up, you'll find the links to watch 19 documentaries we wanted to highlight this summer.
Films for Action's Statement on Planet of the Humans
Films For Action · Why we took it down. Why we ultimately decided to put it back up (including this note). Plus our critiques and thoughts on the film.
Youth Leadership Gave Biden a "Cheat Sheet" for Winning the Support of Young Progressives
Coronavirus Coverage on Films for Action
Films For Action ·   We wanted to put all our Coronavirus coverage in one place, as a resource to share with friends and loved ones. The quality of our response is only as strong as the quality of our k...
Films for Action's Patreon Rewards
Films For Action · Films For Action's $5/mo+ supporters can watch all of the films below for free. Visit our Patreon page for details. 
Anti-Fascist Activism & the Value of Nonviolence
Films For Action · This collection of articles from the Films For Action library looks at the tensions, disagreements and varying strategies within the anti-fascist movement from a variety of authors.
Films for Action's $5/Mo Supporters Can Watch These Paradigm Shifting Films for Free
Films For Action · Thanks to the filmmakers we've partnered with, our $5/mo+ supporters can instantly watch the 12 pay-per-view films below for free, and we plan to add more to this support tier over time. Check out the video below to watch the trailers...
100 Short Films to Expand Your Consciousness
Films For Action · There are over 6,000 videos on Films For Action, hand-curated for their potential to inspire action and raise awareness on just about every topic related to making the world a better place. 
Films For Action's Big Redesign Is Now Live!
Patreon Update: A Big Thank You! + New Rewards & More
Films For Action · Hello fellow travelers, explorers, pioneers and visionaries! First I want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has thrown their support behind us in the first few months since we launched our Patreon campaign! I can't say how much...
Films for Action Is Making a Big Change, and We Want You to Be Part of It!
Films For Action · For all our supporters who haven't heard yet, last month we decided to make a major change to how Films For Action operates.
Films for Action: an Important Message to All Our Supporters
Films For Action · Hey everyone! We're excited to announce that Films For Action has launched a
Films for Action's Vision for the Future
Films For Action · Films For Action is a learning library for people who want to change the world. 
Does Films for Action Have Bias? - a Statement About Neutrality and Our Values
Films For Action · It's hard to believe Films For Action has been around since 2006. From our early years focusing on local film screenings in Lawrence, Kansas to our more recent years, focusing on raising awareness globally via our website and social...
123 Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo
Films For Action · Now that there are thousands of films on Films For Action, we realized the very best gems have really become buried all across our library, and for people new to this information, we needed a more guided way to dive in. Spread across 15...
Films for Action — A Social Change-Oriented Alternative to Medium
Films For Action · Films For Action is a library for all the best social change films on the internet, cataloged in one place. But because there is so much to cover, and films can’t cover it all — we also curate a ton of articles too. So this is our...
Films for Action University: a Map for Navigating the Transition From Empire to Earth Community
Films For Action · This collection of 122 documentaries is a map for navigating the 21st century. It is guided by the premise that we are facing a planetary emergency, and the primary role of schools today should be to prepare students to become active...
15 Things We Can Do to End Police Brutality & Reform Our Broken Criminal Justice System
Films For Action · Here are 4 excellent articles about how to end police brutality and reform our broken criminal justice system. Together they offer a holistic and comprehensive approach that should get us well on our way towards the more just and...
60 Eco-Conscious Documentaries to Honor Mother Earth
Films For Action · Pachamama, our dear Mother Earth, is 4.5 billion years old. She is home to an estimated 8.7 million species of life! This wondrous web of relationships is truly a gift to be a part of, and we can thank our growing and evolving Mother...
Films for Action City Chapter Starter Guide
Films For Action · This guide will help you start your own Films For Action city chapter.
A Charleston/Lowcountry Progressive Hub
Films for Action · Providing a hub for progressive voices, groups, news, and events. Connecting our individual passions and interests to amplify and expand our reach, connect with others, learn and grow, and speak truth to power.
93 Documentaries to Expand Your Consciousness
Films For Action · This is the crash-course in 'what the hell is going on here' that we surely all wish we got from our education growing up but probably never did.
50+ Films About Women That Will Inspire You, Anger You, and Make You Want to Change the World
Films For Action · Here are 50 documentaries, short films and other videos that focus on women's issues, perspectives and struggles. We're hoping to expand this list over time so feel free to share links to anything we missed via our contact page. Thanks!
Films for Action, Oakland, CA
Films for Action · We're excited to announce that Films For Action is planting roots in Oakland, California! Angela Sevin is kick-starting the local chapter. For those that are new to Films For Action, we're a local and international organization...
13 Films about Post-Growth Economics
Films For Action · A Post-Growth economy is not only necessary for planetary survival, but will make our lives way better, too. These films explain why.
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
Films For Action · A more beautiful, egalitarian and regenerative world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
Where Films For Action Goes to Find Good Articles to Read
Films For Action · Here are some of the websites we like to visit to discover awesome articles to read. 
The Bloom Documentary Series: 3 Week Online Watch Party & Panel Series
Films For Action and The Bloom · Films For Action and 
Films for Action Is Launching a Pay-Per-View Section of the Website
Films For Action · Hey everyone, after two years planning, developing and taking our sweet time to get this ready, we are excited to announce the launch of our pay-per-view (PPV) section of the website. This section will feature films hosted by Vimeo...
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2014
Films For Action · This round-up features Films For Action's picks for best activist film of 2014, most of which can be watched for free online. Our favorites for the year are at the top of the list.  
13 Documentaries to Frighten You on Halloween
Films For Action · Tired of watching scary movies that all end up disappointing when you realize they're not actually real? Try some of these documentaries. They will frighten you. They will shock you. They will give you chills as your mind realizes...
Films For Action: We Share Breaking Knowledge
Films For Action · A lot of media organizations focus on breaking news. We&
The Best Social Change Documentaries of 2013
Films For Action · 2013 was another incredible year for fantastic, forward thinking social change films.
Lawrence, KS Film Screening History
Films For Action · We hosted a lot of film screenings back in the day. Since we've been focusing on the growth of our international website over the last few years, our screenings have slowed down significantly, but we hope to get back into it...
15 Documentaries to Nourish the Brain and Heart (Free to Watch Online)
Films For Action presents a Film Screening of Occupy Love Monday June 10th
Films For Action · We've got our next event booked for Monday June 10th at 7pm at Liberty Hall.
The Most Important Articles Written on the Boston Bombing Outside the Establishment Consensus
Films For Action · The purpose of true journalism is to say what needs to be said, when so many refuse to say it. By this measure, true journalism is virtually nonexistent within the establishment media. The corporate press and the talking heads on TV...
The Top 15 Climate Denial Myths
Films For Action · We've been covering the debate on climate change for a while now, and we've noticed there's about a dozen or so common responses that we get on Facebook and here on the site.
A Must View Collection of the Best Animal Rights Films Free to Watch Online
Films For Action · In the spirit of the popular Wall of Films we created back in 2012, we wanted to roll out a series of visual walls each crafted around a unique theme. Our first is dedicated to the rights of mother Earth and all our relatives. Check...
Exxon Tries to Silence Free Speech & Fails + More of our Best Content This Week
Films For Action · "I cannot believe the fantastic selection and must sees of this week. What a fantastic thing to have available to us. Thank you - Mary
When Adding a Video, You Can Add Multiple Parts to Videos (Part 1)(Part 2) Etc
Films For Action · We've had a few video submissions lately where the member added 4 videos that are all separate parts of the same video. Video part 1 Video part 2 etc. I wanted to write this note to let people know that our video submission...
Films For Action v2.1: Lots of New Changes Going Live on the Website Today
Films For Action · Woo! If you've visited the site today you may have noticed a few changes. After about a month of working on new changes to the website behind the scenes we finally launched the new updates today, which involved switching to a new...
Films for Action's Recommended Independent Media
Films For Action · Our Recommended Independent Media Links: Adbusters Aljazeera AlterNet Black Agenda Report Boiling Frogs Post
Lawrence Vision: an Alternative News Network for Lawrence, KS
Films For Action · December 5 2012, a new independent media project was launched on Facebook.
Films For Action launches in Boston, Massachusetts
Films For Action · We're excited to announce that Films For Action is planting roots in Boston, Massachusetts. Jeanne Dasaro is kick-starting the local chapter. For those that are new to Films For Action, we're a local and international organization...
Films For Action launches in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Films For Action · We're excited to announce that Films For Action is planting roots in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Katie Felten is kick-starting the local chapter. For those that are new to Films For Action, we're a local and international organization...
Films For Action launches in Columbus, Ohio
Films For Action · We're excited to announce that Films For Action is planting roots in Columbus, Ohio. Marcus Erridge is kick-starting the local chapter. For those that are new to Films For Action, we're a local and international organization dedicated...
Chipotle in hot salsa over tomato pickers' rights
Films For Action · It’s a long drive from Florida to Denver, but Leonel Perez and his colleagues at theCoalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) don’t mind. In fact, they arrived in the Mile High City three weeks early for Cultivate, a food, beer, and music...
Films For Action project takes root in Dallas, TX
Films For Action · We're excited to announce that Films For Action is planting roots in Dallas, Texas. Jon Burroughs is kick-starting the local chapter. For those that are new to Films For Action, we're a local and international organization dedicated...
Speed Levitch tackles Kansas & Missouri History in this Week's Episode of "Up to Speed"
Films For Action · Having met Speed Levitch at a party last year, it was awesome to see he is the star of a new show on Hulu where he takes on the history of a new locale each week commenting with the zany, sometimes poetic, often philisophical...
New Evidence Reveals Cover-Up of Civilian Drone Deaths
Films For Action · Detailed information from the families of those killed in drone strikes in Pakistan and from local sources on strikes that have targeted mourners and rescue workers provides credible new evidence that the majority of the deaths in the...
Troy Karlin Interviews Tim Hjersted, co-founder of Films For Action, on KLWN
Films For Action · This summer Troy Karlin started a radio show on the local Lawrence, Kansas AM station KLWN 1320 called "On the Brighter Side." As Troy put it, "I turned off my television over two years ago...the news was getting so negative I couldn't...
A referendum on Brownback
Films For Action · By Edward Flentje Reporters from Reuters, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal descended on Kansas in the last few weeks to cover a political contest they view to be of national significance, that is, a battle for the heart...
Films For Action: Providing a Go-To Resource for the Best Social Change Videos Free to Watch Online
Films For Action · With excellent independent media sites like Common Dreams, Truth Out, Grist, and others providing progressive news and perspective in written form, Films For Action has dedicated itself to filling in the progressive video niche.
Films For Action presents the Midwest Premier of WITHIN REACH
Films For Action · That's right, Films For Action is lucky to be presenting the Midwest premier of the finished documentary film "Within Reach" here in our very own Lawrence, KS! We're also pleased to have one of the film-makers - Ryan Mlynarczyk - in...
Media, drones and rank propaganda - As usual, the leading spokespeople for government policies are disguised as the nation's Adversarial Watchdog Press
Films For Action · Several items today relate to the issue of gross U.S. media propaganda and Obama’s national security policies:
Sen. Sanders: Consumers should know if food is genetically modified
Films For Action · Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) on Thursday introduced an amendment to the farm bill that would give states the power to label genetically modified food.
Internet data caps targeted by antitrust probe
Films For Action · U.S. cable companies have become the subject of a wide-ranging antitrust probe launched in secret by the Department of Justice, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.
Indian Man Single-Handedly Plants a 1,360 Acre Forest
Films For Action · A little over 30 years ago, a teenager named Jadav "Molai" Payeng began burying seeds along a barren sandbar near his birthplace in northern India's Assam region to grow a refuge for wildlife. Not long after, he decided to dedicate his...
Film Screening of Fierce Light with Director Velcrow Ripper
Films For Action · Environs, Films For Action and the Learning for Life Center in Topeka are all collaborating to bring you a film screening of Fierce Light: When Spirit Meets Action. We'll be very lucky to have the director of the film, Velcrow Ripper...
Major ISPs to turn into copyright police by July, says RIAA
Films For Action · File-sharers, beware: By July 12, major US Internet service providers (ISPs) will voluntarily begin serving as copyright police for the entertainment industry, according to Cary Sherman, chief executive of the Recording Industry...
"You're Gonna Feel It:" U.S. Military Unveils New Crowd Control "Heat Ray"
Films For Action · The U.S. military has unveiled its newest approach to crowd control, the Active Denial System, a heat ray that sends out a high-frequency electromagnetic ray. People hit with the ray feel an intense, unbearable heat.  The military touts...
The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm (2012 Edition)
Films For Action · Film offers us a powerful tool to shift awareness and inspire action. By hosting community film screenings and sharing them online, they offer a method to break our dependence on the mainstream media and become the media ourselves. We...
WikiLeaks releases first 200 of 5 Million Stratfor emails
Films For Action · WikiLeaks has released the first 200 of a cache of 5m emails obtained from the servers of Stratfor, a US-based intelligence firm.
The Films For Action Challenge on FB: How Many of these 100 Activist Documentaries Have You Seen?
Films For Action · Films For Action recently released a Facebook App that features a top-100 compendium of documentaries made to change the world...
Occupy KC and Films For Action KC Present: Rise Like Lions Saturday March 3rd
Films For Action · "Scott Noble's film Rise Like Lions takes the people, actions, and words from the camps and streets of Occupy Wall Street and provides a radical, compelling and inspiring account of what the movement is about. Watch it. Share it. Do...
Ron Paul: All Your Delegates Are Belong To Us
Ex-cop: Marijuana policy ‘creates too many crime victims’
Films For Action · In the midst of the students and conservative stalwarts in business attire at CPAC, Howard Wooldridge stands out like a sore thumb — but not because of his cowboy hat and big belt buckle. It’s his T-shirt, which loudly proclaims “COPS...
Big News on Bank Transfers
Films For Action · Two summers ago, at the U.S. Social Forum, I attended a panel discussion about ways to expand the use of credit unions as alternatives to the “too big to fail” banks whose risky investments had helped tank the economy. Each of the...
Where’s the Outrage Over Coal Boondogles?
Films For Action · While much has been made of the $535 million loan guarantee made to the failed Solyndra Corporation in 2009 to encourage alternative energy, you may have missed the court decision this week, halting expansion plans for a Kansas coal...
Films For Action Launches New Mobile Site!
Films For Action · January 25, 2012 - We've launched our new mobile site today, bringing the site's library of over 900 films, independent news and actions to the small screen inside your pocket.
Remix Film Challenge! | The Crisis Of Civilization
Films For Action · REMIX : To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new. If you’ve seen it, you’ll probably have guessed that here at The Crisis of Civilization we love Remix films – and we want you to have a go too. We would like to...
Youth Rights, Dignity, and the Anti-Democratic Values of Public Schooling
Films For Action · As students, we are told that we are being made into an “informed citizenry” capable of maintaining a vibrant democracy. Indeed, we are told that we must give up most of our constitutional rights in the name of achieving this goal. We...
Catholic Leaders Call On Gingrich And Santorum To ‘Stop Perpetuating Ugly Racial Stereotypes’ About Poverty
Films For Action · Faith in Public Life reports that more than 40 Catholic leaders and theologians across the country are calling on two of their “fellow Catholics,” GOP contenders Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, to stop using divisive rhetoricabout race...
Films For Action Launches in Phoenixville, PA
Films For Action · Occupy Phoenixville is expanding into film, launching their own Films For Action chapter representing the Phoenixville area. We're hitting the ground running with two film screenings coming up in January (more details coming soon)...
Films for Action Is Ready to Hit the Tipping Point in 2012
Films For Action · It's been five years since the Films For Action project began in Lawrence, Kansas. It started with one simple idea: we can't depend on the mainstream media to inform us, so let's become the media ourselves by hosting documentaries on...
Common Ground Program Seeking to Grow Urban Farming in the City
Films For Action · This is from the City of Lawrence: "Common Ground is an urban agriculture and community gardening program of the City of Lawrence and Douglas County Applications due:  Friday, December 16, 2011 The City of Lawrence and Douglas County...
Free Film Screening of Inside Job November 5th
Films For Action · 2010 Oscar Winner for Best Documentary, 'Inside Job' provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst...
The Top 10 Films on 9/11 Truth
Films For Action · 9/11 has always been one of the most difficult subjects for news organizations to cover with integrity. The majority of media has forced the debate into two black and white extremes: either Osama bin Laden did it and the government is...
Films For Action Chapter Launching in Taos, New Mexico
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our ninth Films For Action city chapter representing Taos, New Mexico! Below is our mission, goals and vision for the chapter, as well as several ways to get involved. Join us!
Promote Your Social-Change Inspiring Events on
Films For Action · Via our local chapter, Films For Action SF aims to provide a definitive online space where people can find out what's happening in the San Francisco bay social change community. In these times of great change, we believe the role of...
Films For Action Toronto - Our Mission & Vision
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our eighth Films For Action city chapter representing Toronto, Ontario Canada! Below is our mission, goals and vision for the chapter, as well as several ways to get involved. Join...
The Vanishing of the Bees
Films For Action · Pachamama's and Films For Action present a film screening of The Vanishing of the Bees, with the director of the film coming to speak before and after. Free State beer will also be on tap. Doors open at 6. Film starts at 7.  
Promote Your Social-Change Inspiring Events on
Films For Action · Via our local chapter, Films For Action Eugene aims to provide a definitive online space where people can find out what's happening in the Eugene social change community. In these times of great change, we believe the role of media must...
New Chapter Launched: Films For Action Eugene!
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our seventh Films For Action city chapter representing Eugene, Oregon! Below is our mission, goals and vision for the chapter, as well as several ways to get involved. Join us!
New Chapter Launched: Films For Action Wichita!
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our sixth Films For Action city chapter representing Wichita, Kansas! Below is our mission, goals and vision for the chapter, as well as several ways to get involved. Join us!
Durham's first Films For Action screening happening Sunday May 1st
Films For Action · Internationally renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand makes his feature directorial debut with this environmentally conscious documentary produced by Luc Besson, and narrated by Glenn Close.
New Chapter Launched: Films For Action Durham!
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our fifth Films For Action city chapter representing Durham, North Carolina. There are so many forward-thinking, innovative groups in Durham that are doing amazing things, we can't wait to see...
New Chapter Launched: Films For Action - San Francisco, CA!
Films For Action · We're excited to announce the launch of our fourth Films For Action city chapter representing the San Francisco Bay Area, California. There are so many forward-thinking, innovative groups in San Francisco that are doing amazing...