This is from the City of Lawrence:
"Common Ground is an urban agriculture and community gardening program of the City of Lawrence and Douglas County
Applications due: Friday, December 16, 2011
The City of Lawrence and Douglas County are seeking applications for an Urban Agriculture/Community Garden land use program (Common Ground). This Request for Applications (RFA) is intended to assist initiatives for the development of urban agriculture and community gardens in the City of Lawrence and Douglas County, increasing local food production, and providing community benefits. The City and County seek applications from qualified individuals, businesses, and/or nonprofit organizations to apply for a license to use currently vacant or underutilized municipally-owned properties with the goal of producing fresh healthy food for personal consumption and/or sale.
The Common Ground Program’s goal is to license these properties for the cultivation and sale of plants, herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables, either as for-profit or not-for-profit enterprises. Local community members are strongly encouraged to submit applications and/or develop partnerships with local community organizations.
2012 Growing Season Program Timeline:
Nov. 14th- Request for Applications published on City and County websites.
Nov. 28th – 5:30 PM – City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall - Meeting for interested applicants and neighbors.
Dec. 16th – Applications due. Email completed applications to Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator, [email protected]
Application Materials:
Questions? Contact Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator: