Pushing Through the Pavement: A Permaculture Action Story (trailer)

It’s true; musicians can be a catalyst for social change!  Watch the inspiring story about the first Permaculture Action Tour, with music producer The Polish Ambassador, that covered over 9,000 miles though 33 cities and 19 states, from San Francisco to New York City, spreading funky beats and permaculture action. 

The film tells the story of the Permaculture Action Team traveling with musicians The Polish AmbassadorAyla NereoMr. Lif, and visual projection designer Liminus, working with local organizers and fans in each city to get their hands dirty building the world that we want to live in.  With coverage of the entire 6 weeks on tour coast-to-coast, and over 40 interviews with permaculture designers, educators, and practitioners, the film is packed with exclusive TPA content, behind-the-scenes footage, and sustainable solutions.  Amidst the global theater of climate change and a variety of other social and ecological problems, this film introduces permaculture as a practical solution we all can implement now, from the micro to the macro. We have all the power to make the world we want to live in!

“While the world’s problems become increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple” – Bill Mollison 

A documentary film by Zac Fabian

Climate Change   Solutions   Sustainability
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