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An indie documentary about the ethical fashion industry
Talks with: Mantis World, Greenpeace, Textile Exchange, Ananda Pascual, Pweye, Lohada, Fundación Emotiva, Down Toledo, Sunflaj, Nómada Market
For years we have been spectators of two very different realities in the world of fashion. On the one hand, the series of scandals that show exploitation and job insecurity, fatal accidents in factories with no security, environmental destruction and widespread abuse of human rights by some of the major textile companies.
On the other hand, there is an emerging movement of small businesses and designers committed to change the status quo. They state their model on two pillars: the passion for art of fashion and respect for human rights.

The documentary DO WE CHANGE IT? shows this second vision of fashion, much less known by society. Viewers can watch a group of companies and organizations that works to transform the textile industry in a sustainable engine of economic and social development.
Starting with the first steps of an NGO project, the documentary shows the reality of several companies and designers of the entire chain of production: Cotton producers, processing and screen printing companies, designers, managers, and entrepreneurs. The film opens the debate on the importance of traceability in the production chain, certifications and business challenges. Alongside, DO WE CHANGE IT? reflects on the commitment of any company to social development and the service to be provided to people instead of economy.
Genre: Documentary, Social
Year: 2015
Country: España Locations: Spain, Tanzania, UK
Duration: 53 min
Directed & Produced by: Carlos Isabel La Moneda
Music: Martín Laude, Carlos Isabel