661-716 of 716 results
Unless we come up with some better solutions Klein says, "this crisis will be exploited to militarize our societies, to create fortress continents."
AMY GOODMAN: Our guest for the hour is Naomi Klein, journalist and author. Her latest book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of...
Naomi Klein
When we try to engage people politically we never know who will respond, or when someone will shift from reveling in their apathy to taking powerful public stands. Here's a striking example of one such transformation.
Paul Loeb
For the past few weeks, I have been learning how to sing. Once a week, members of the Unitarian Church, social activists, and climate activists have been gathering together to learn the some of the old protest songs that buoyed up the abolition movement, the civil rights...
Jamie Pleune
The Yes Men Fix the World is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.
86 min
"We're literally stuck up a cul-de-sac in a cement SUV without a fill-up" - James Howard Kunstler
Global oil peak and the inevitable decline of fossil fuels are upon us now, Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of the future? This is a short version of "The End...
52 min
This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.
22 min
A middle class white guy comes to grips with peak oil, climate change, mass extinction, population overshoot and the demise of the American lifestyle.
123 min
This beautifully animated short video argues that grassroots efforts to deal with climate change can be more effective if they adopt the tactics of open source technology, using databases and social networks to "tap into our collective genius" to tackle the toughest of global...
15 min
CO2 is a naturally occurring compound, that plays a profound and vital role in a myriad of natural processes. How could more of it be bad? Here's how.
9 min
In this documentary, ''Team Stupid' reveal the lengths they went to - from kidnap threats in Nigeria to 'crowd-funding' in London - to make 2009's most talked-about climate change film starring Pete Postlethwaite.
54 min
Carbon Nation is an optimistic, solutions-based, non-partisan documentary that illustrates why it's incredibly smart to be a part of the new, low-carbon economy: it's good business, it emboldens national and energy security, and it improves health and the environment.
82 min
How does eating beef contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions that are hastening climate change? Why does meat production have serious impacts on our soil, air, and water?
7 min
Last week, in a move that pits American labor against China's green-technology industry, the Obama administration filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization over China's wind-power subsidies.
Lucia Green-Weiskel, Tina Gerhardt
Are you worried about climate change? What if we could actually do something really effective right now to halt it? In this short 3 minute film, WeForest shows how permaculture, and more broadly, preserving, expanding, and re-growing the world's forests may be the "first...
3 min
In 2006, as many as 5,000 modern electric cars were destroyed by the major car companies that built them. Today, less than 5 years later, the electric car is back... with a vengeance. In Revenge of the Electric Car, director Chris Paine takes his film crew behind the...
2 min
Reducing your home energy use is the best of win-win deals — not only does it reduce your carbon footprint, it also saves you big bucks on your energy bills. That’s especially exciting when you consider that many home energy improvements are fast, easy and inexpensive. Often...
Gary Reysa
In the digital age, half our electricity still comes from coal. DIRTY BUSINESS is a documentary that reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and tells the stories of innovators who are pointing the way to an alternative energy future. Guided by Rolling...
3 min
CANCUN, Mexico—Critical negotiations are under way here in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations, to reverse human-induced global warming. This is the first major meeting since the failed Copenhagen summit last year, and it is happening at the end of the...
Amy Goodman
A demo video of selected scenes from the feature documentary EVOLVE LOVE : Love in a Time of Climate Crisis, by award winning director Velcrow Ripper.Among the incredible people to be featured in the film: Naomi Klein, Roshi Joan Halifax, Nassim Harameim, Tantoo Cardinal...
10 min
Supporting local farms is one of the best and easiest ways to eat healthy, reduce your carbon footprint, and strengthen your community. is an international campaign that's building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis—the solutions that science and justice demand.
Many climate deniers still seem to think global warming was invented by Al Gore, in 2006. As this recently uncovered recording from 1956 shows, the outlines of climate change science have been clear for many decades.
10 min
Climate change got you down? Don't despair. Here's a visual exploration of what you can do to make a difference, featuring art, video, and dinosaurs.
Franke James
Climate change skeptics have been making a lot of noise about a set of stolen emails from one of the world's leading climate centers, The Universtiy of East Anglia. The spin they're putting out is that the emails reveal what they always suspected, an evil global conspiracy.
9 min
Climate Change will have profound implications for the security of every nation. Experienced military experts have come to some conclusions on what's coming.
Watch Part 2
18 min
Is That Really True? Well, no....But to get to the bottom of this claim, we'll have to go back in history, and meet someone who really was, at one time, a leading scientist...
10 min
Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society.
51 min
Is climate change a moral issue? We know that Al Gore thinks so. Former Clinton administration climate negotiator Don Brown expanded upon this idea at a panel on ethics at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development sponsored by the Baha'i faith. In his eleven minute...
11 min
The Energy [R]evolution is Greenpeace's plan to save the planet from catastrophic climate change.
The 200-page document was developed with specialists from the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and more than 30 scientists and...
2 min
Jeff Rubin, the former Chief Economist of CIBC World Markets and the author of Why Your World Is About To Get A Whole Lot Smaller built his reputation as one of Canada's top economists based on a number of successful predictions including the housing bust of the early 90s and...
45 min
The Story of Cap & Trade is a fast-paced, fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. Host Annie Leonard introduces the energy traders and Wall Street financiers at the heart of this scheme and reveals the "devils in the...
10 min
Political performance artists, The Yes Men, have taken credit for today's prank, in which they posed as Chamber of Commerce officials pushing for comprehensive climate change legislation. In a statement from the group offered hours after a fake press conference was held at...
6 min
Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts...
92 min
It’s much, much later than you think. There's a tipping point ahead. This really isn’t about polar bears any more. At this very moment, the fate of civilization itself hangs in the balance. It turns out that the way we have been calculating the future impacts of climate...
12 min
The Age of Stupid is a 90-minute film about climate change, set in the future. Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite (In The Name of the Father, Brassed Off) stars as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, looking back at archive-footage from 2007 and asking: why...
2 min
Two short debunkings of the British documentary that claimed people are not responsible for global warming. The audio quality of the presentation in part 1 is poor, but this and the video in part 2 are the best video responses we've found that directly critiques the main...
14 min
Although many films have convincingly succeeded in drawing public attention to the issue of global warming, they have repeatedly ignored one of the most important causes of climate change, namely: intensive livestock production. Meat the Truth has drawn attention to this by...
70 min
350 is the most important number in the world. This number is the safe line for our global climate and a start line for a global movement. Join to take action in your community, engage our world's leaders, and build an international movement to solve the climate...
1 min
State of the Forest is a hard-hitting report on the condition of Indonesia’s rainforest today. Still in the production phase, the film is presented above in 8 parts. Use the playlist button next to the play button to watch parts 2 through 8.Through “a mixture of voices from...
36 min
Global warming is lighting a fire on todays campuses, and this weekend thousands of students will come to D.C. to rally, lobby, and get arrested for a clean energy economy. ANP talks with young activists about why this issue inspires their generation, and we hear from...
5 min
Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this captivating documentary explores the perilous state of our planet, and the means by which we can change our course. Contributing to this crucial film are noted politicians, scientists and other ambassadors for the importance of a universal...
2 min
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed. This film examines the politics, business interests, and technology that explains why.
92 min
Hundreds of citizens from Nevada and Utah came to Mesquite City Hall to appeal to the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection and speak out against a proposed coal plant. Many members point out flaws in the current EPA standards.
5 min
A spoof praising the marvelous wonders of consuming green to help fight climate change.
4 min
Afsan Chowdhury is a journalist and communications development expert based in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Toronto, Canada. Director of the film "Climate Change - Does Anybody Care if Bangladesh Drowns?," he is also Director of Advocacy and Human Rights at The Bangladesh Rural...
6 min
Hot topics from Richard Heinberg: record-high U.S. fuel prices; the ethanol big-business boondoggle; coal projected to peak about a hundred years early (around 2020); what the climate change discussion is missing; and enjoying ourselves as we "go local."
28 min
Enjoy toe-tapping tunes as environmental educators Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz regale us with songs like "Penguins on Thin Ice." Their shared goal is for education to be fun and entertaining. Their catchy lyrics bid "Goodbye, Oil" and ask "How do we find the balance?"...
28 min
Outraged that their local bank is fueling climate change through the support of coal burning power plants, a group of polar bears take matters into their own hands by organizing a protest and withdrawing all of their money from the bank.
2 min
Smart municipalities are planning and preparing for energy vulnerability and climate change. Daniel Lerch, manager of the Post Carbon Cities project, has prepared a guidebook including case studies of cities large and small planning how to maintain essential services in the...
28 min
Cal Broomhead and Melissa Capria of the Energy & Climate Program discuss the rationale, aggressive plans, and activities for city-wide energy self-reliance and greenhouse gas reduction. Tools include energy efficiency in buildings, transit alternatives, alternative vehicle...
28 min
After summarizing the facts of deepening global climate chaos, Australian Kelly Tudhope notes that our psychological response is often overlooked. Feeling powerless, many people stay in denial. But if we acknowledge our feelings, we can find empowerment arising from our...
27 min
Former energy analyst Jan Lundberg opens by singing "Have A Global Warming Day" and closes with "The Depaver's Song." In between is an unabashed look at climate distortion, peak oil, and declining ecosystems, all bringing a necessary collapse of our "pigging out" economy. He...
27 min
Two thirds of all energy generated in the UK's nuclear, coal and gas fueled power stations is lost as waste heat - that's enough heat to meet the whole of the UK's heating and hot water needs. Made by BAFTA award-winning Memory Box Films and narrated by Clive Anderson, the...
18 min
A short film about climate change, energy and nuclear power. If you're confused about whether we need nuclear power to stop climate change, take nine minutes of your time to watch this new film from Green Peace UK. It doesn't just explain why nuclear power can't stop climate...
9 min
You won't believe the lies and misinformation Fox News is spreading about global warming and climate change. No responsible company claiming to support the environment should be advertising with a corporation that consistently deceives America about the climate crisis...
2 min