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They Would Sell Your Heart If They Could...
Where do you draw the line?
Chasing Ice
Acclaimed photographer James Balog was once a skeptic about climate change. But through his Extreme Ice Survey, he discovers undeniable evidence of our changing planet. In Chasing Ice, Balog deploys revolutionary time-lapse cameras to capture a multi-year record of the...
Bill McKibben: Draw the Line on Keystone XL
On September 21st, we will draw the line to protect our communities from climate change and show President Obama that there is no turning back -- to keep his climate promises, he has to stop Keystone XL and the tar sands.
Our Society Is Living a Massive Lie About the Threat of Climate Change -- It's Time to Wake Up
Our society is living within a massive lie. The lie says, “Everything is fine and we should proceed with business as usual. We are not destroying our climate and, with it, our stability and our civilization. We are not committing passive suicide.”
Conspiracy Theories Fuel Climate Change Denial and Chemtrail Beliefs
I recently wrote about geoengineering as a strategy to deal with climate change and carbon dioxide emissions. That drew comments from people who confuse this scientific process with the unscientific theory of “chemtrails.” Some also claimed the column supported 
Naomi Klein: Green Groups May Be More Damaging Than Climate Change Deniers
Canadian author Naomi Klein is so well known for her blade-sharp commentary that it’s easy to forget that she is, above all, a first-rate reporter. I got a glimpse into her priorities as I was working on this interview. Klein told me she was worried that some of the...
A global movement is coming together to challenge the fossil fuel industry in a fight for the planet and our future here.
Capitalism Will Save the Planet
Filter-free news & resistance updates via the Stimulator.* This week:
Unprecedented Cut in Colorado River Flow Ordered, Due to Drought
For the first time in history, the U.S. government has ordered that flow of Colorado River water from the 50-year-old Glen Canyon Dam be slashed, due to a water crisis brought about by the region's historic 14-year drought. On Friday, the Federal Bureau of Reclamation--a...
The Earth's Not Getting Hotter....We're Just Getting Colder
cold: adjective- “aloof” syn
How to Fry a Planet
The Third Carbon Age: Don’t for a Second Imagine We’re Heading for an Era of Renewable Energy When it comes to energy and economics in the climate-change era, nothing is what it seems.  Most of us believe (or want to believe) that the second carbon era, the Age of Oil...
Shift | Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis
A film by brother/sister duo, Sam and Kate Fulbright to take a closer look at what climate change really means in the United States, and dive beyond the daunting numbers and graphs to meet the people and communities effected by the problem of climate change.
Confessions of a Climate Change Denier
Photo: A mural by the artist Banksy along Regent’s Canal in London. (Flickr/Matt Brown) I suppose it wasn’t really until I was standing on the west side of Hoboken, N.J., in water and oil up to my thigh, that climate change really made sense. And it wasn’t until I was out...
What the Bhutanese are Doing is Amazing. Can We Get More of this in Our Country?
Bhutan, a small country enshrined in the Himalaya's leads the way in the pursuit of holistic, inclusive and truly environmentally sustainable development. This commitment emanates from the visionary statement in the early 1970s, of His Majesty, the Fourth King of Bhutan...
If somebody tells you that young people don’t care about the planet’s future, tell them to watch This
In June, 2013, over 500 young leaders converged in Istanbul for Global Power Shift -- an unprecedented gathering designed to scale up the climate movement worldwide. Now it's time for Phase 2.
Ice Free Arctic in Two Years Heralds Methane Catastrophe: Scientist
Leading Arctic expert Prof Wadhams warns that a summer ice free Arctic in 2 years could trigger dangerous methane release, triggering costs as high as entire world GDP.
Do the Math
Like most people, Bill (environmentalist and co-founder of, is not an activist by nature. There’s really not that many people whose greatest desire it to go out and fight the system. His theory of change was that he’ll write his book, people will read it and they’ll...
Anima Mundi: Permaculture, Deep Ecology & the Soul of the World
Many people do not realize that permaculture is much more than about growing fruit and vegetables, it is a whole view incorporating the environment, energy, resources, housing, technology, education, healthcare, the arts, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and agriculture...
Pentagon Bracing for Public Dissent Over Climate and Energy Shocks
NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism Top secret US National Security Agency (NSA) documents disclosed by the Guardian have shocked the world with revelations of a comprehensive US-based surveillance...
Climate Change’s ‘Evil Twin’: Ocean Acidification
A three-year assessment from a team of international scientists will detail how the phenomenon dubbed “climate change’s evil twin” is shaping up to be a global problem. The rapid acidification of the Arctic Ocean will have widespread impacts to be felt for “tens of thousands...
DAMOCRACY: Debunking the Myth of Dams as 'Clean' Energy
DAMOCRACY: A documentary that debunks the myth of large-scale dams as clean energy and a solution to climate change. It records the priceless cultural and natural heritage the world would lose in the Amazon and Mesopotamia if two planned large-scale dams are built - Belo...
Vegucated follows three people who, for six weeks, adopt a vegan diet and a new way of thinking about food. A FilmBuff Presentation.
How Your pension is Being Used in a $6 Trillion Climate Gamble
Suppose you weren’t worried that we humans are destroying our water supply and eroding our ability to feed ourselves by burning coal and gas and oil and hence changing climate. Suppose you thought that was all liberal hooey. What might worry you about fossil fuels...
The Rare Non-Sucky Infographic on Climate Change
There was a time in the distant past — call it the late 2000s — when infographics seemed like a good idea. You can pack all kinds of info into a visually appealing file that’s easy to share! What could go wrong?
The Fossil Fuel Resistance: As the world burns, a new movement to reverse climate change is emerging
It got so hot in Australia in January that the weather service had to add two new colors to its charts. A few weeks later, at the other end of the planet, new data from the CryoSat-2 satellite showed 80 percent of Arctic sea ice has disappeared. We're not breaking records...
Think a Carbon Tax Would be a Tax on You? All the Biggest Myths Addressed in this FAQ
Editor's Note: Fossil fuel companies have spent millions of dollars to get you to believe that a tax on *them* would really be a tax on *you.* Their money has bought mouthpieces to propagate their myths in both mainstream and alternative, anti-establishment outlets. But don't...
The Price of Carbon
We are all paying the price of carbon pollution. It's time to put a price on carbon and make the polluters stop the carbon destruction. Narrated by Reggie Watts.
101 Solutions to Global Climate Change
Peak Moment 26: Author Guy Dauncey's lively, optimistic solutions for Peak Oil and climate crisis are do-able here and now. Conservation, efficiency, proven technologies, and emerging innovations will take us through this critical planetary energy transition.
Myth: Water Vapour, Not CO2 is Driving Climate Change
One of the most contentious of climate crocks is the role of water vapor in climate change. And climate deniers are always trying to fog the issue. But don't be scared, Crock of the Week is here, to help make sure you don't get sucked in.
The Top 15 Climate Denial Myths
We've been covering the debate on climate change for a while now, and we've noticed there's about a dozen or so common responses that we get on Facebook and here on the site.
Myth: Modern Climate Change is Part of a Natural 1500 Year Cycle
Climate Deniers S. Fred Singer and Dennis Avery make their living by confusing and obfuscating the science of climate change. Their latest book, "Unstoppable Global Warming every 1500 Years", is a compendium of vintage as well as cutting edge climate crocks. Let's find out...
Myth: The Medieval Warm Period Proves Recent Climate Change is Natural
The so called Medieval Warming Period is an article of faith among deniers. I’ve had deniers write to me to say that this is the single most convincing piece of “skeptic evidence”.
The Koch Brothers & Their Amazing Climate Change Denial Machine
A short animation detailing the effort of billionaires oil barons Charles & David Koch to undermine belief in climate change and prevent legislation that threatens their profits. By pouring money into bogus scientific studies and funding third parties such as Think Tanks...
Greedy Lying Bastards (2013) (trailer)
"Greedy Lying Bastards" investigates the reason behind stalled efforts to tackle climate change despite consensus in the scientific community that it is not only a reality but also a growing problem that is placing us on the brink of disaster. The film details the people...
We Have Met the Environment, and It Is Us
Clearly, we have a catastrophic problem on our hands. But climate change isn’t it. In fact, climate change isn’t a problem at all – to be precise, climate change is merely a very acute symptom of a much, much larger matrix of problems that, if left undiagnosed, will rapidly...
You Are Being Lied to About CO2
Does breathing really make global warming worse? Is the C02 being emitted by human activity (measured in parts per million) too small to have an impact on the climate? And do conservatives really think CO2 is safe because it doesn't cause cancer? All this and more is...
Myth: Other Planets Warming Prove Climate Change is Caused by the Sun
This video addresses the perennial denier favorite, 'There's Global Warming on Mars." Here are the supporting links. Mars "global warming": Pluto "global warming":
"It's Cold Outside. So Global Warming Must Not Be Happening."
"I looked outside, and it was snowing, therefore, there is no climate change." If that's what passes for rational thought in your social group, you owe it to yourself to watch this edition of Climate Denial Crock of the Week.
The Hungry Tide
The central Pacific nation of Kiribati is expected to be one of the first countries to disappear as a result of climate change. Sea level rise and increasing salinity are threatening the homes and lives of 105,000 residents spread over 33 atolls. One of the least develop
The Coal Conspiracy: A Plan Even More Dangerous than Keystone XL
There's a new front line in the battle to prevent catastrophic climate change. Arrested Development star Alia Shawkat (aka Maeby) explains the truth about the coal industry's plans to export American coal. Multi-billion dollar coal companies like Arch, Ambre, and...
Sustainable Man Vs. The Keystone XL Pipeline
We attended the "Forward On Climate Rally" and made this video about it. Thanks to all those we met and agreed to be a part of the video. Vandana Shiva said "When you do the right thing by the Earth, she gives you great company" and we've certainly found that to be true.
The Thorium Dream
Motherboard's 30-minute film on the grassroots movement to make thorium nuclear power a reality.
Forward On Climate Rally & March - Washington DC
Skip to the 11:30 minute mark for the speeches. 50,000 people showed up from across the country to make what has become the largest Climate Rally in History: February 17, 2013 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Find more info at Presented by 135...
Secret Funding Helped Build Vast Network of Climate Denial Thinktanks
Conservative billionaires used a secretive funding route to channel nearly $120m (£77m) to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change, the Guardian has learned.
Exxon, You Can't Silence Us: A Public Letter
In a brewing scandal that should shock and trouble all of us, Exxon silenced us this week.
We Can Do So Much Better than Adaptation Or Resilience. Let's Focus On Building The World We Want.
'Call it the creative instead of “resilient” frame of mind. “Resilient” is OK, but it is still reactive, if in a good way. Better to create something actively good in the first place rather than build dikes around what’s left over.'
Moms Against Climate Change: "Demonstration"
Moms Against Climate Change believe that our children will pay the greatest price if the world's political leaders fail to take urgent and decisive action on global warming. 
Tarsands Showdown, Allies Converge to Protect the Sacred
Global warming is a threat to all of us regardless of our politics, religion, or culture. People from all walks of life are realizing this and converging to address this common threat and, Bill McKibben, along with The Sierra Club are leading the charge.
Tar Sands Pipelines: the Dirtiest Oil on Earth
The Sierra Club Beyond Oil Campaign aims to block the most dangerous oil projects (Keystone XL, Enbridge Gateway, Trailbreaker pipelines) and revoke the oil industry's license to operate above the law and interfere with our transition to a clean energy future. Narrated by...
Stop Biomassacre Subsidies
Legitimate concerns about climate change are being exploited by big energy companies and financial institutions who are lobbying for subsidies from industrial bioenergy (biofuel and biomass) power generation. This short film explains the environmental and social problems...
Sacha Baron Cohen Finally Reveals His Greatest Character to Date: Lord Monckton
Sometimes satire is the best weapon. Craig Reucassel interviews comedy genius Sacha Baron Cohen in character as his latest creation: climate skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton.
Climate Change: Lord Monckton Rap-Battles Al Gore
Rap News EP3: Al Gore finally accepts Lord Monckton's challenge to a highly uncivilized debate over the issue of anthropogenic climate change, as the Copenhagen Climate Conference - aka COP15 -  approached and faded. 
Clean, safe, cheap, abundant thorium energy
Thorium is readily available & can be turned into energy without generating transuranic wastes. Thorium's capacity as nuclear fuel was discovered during WW II, but ignored because it was unsuitable for making bombs. A liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR
Plan B: Mobilizing to Save Civilization
"Plan B" provides a glimpse into a new and emerging economy based upon renewable resources as well as strategies to avoid the growing threat of climate change. As prices rise, oil insecurity deepens, and concerns about carbon emissions cast a shadow over the future of fossil...
LFTR in 5 Minutes: Thorium Remix 2011: An Energy Solution
Thorium is readily available & can be turned into energy without generating transuranic wastes. Thorium's capacity as nuclear fuel was discovered during WW II, but ignored because it was unsuitable for making bombs. A liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is the optimal...
Fracking Hell: The Untold Story
An original investigative report by Earth Focus and UK's Ecologist Film Unit looks at the risks of natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale. From toxic chemicals in drinking water to unregulated interstate dumping of potentially radioactive waste that experts fear can...
16 More Years of Global Warming
Human greenhouse gas emissions have continued to warm the planet over the past 16 years. However, a persistent myth has emerged in the mainstream media challenging this.  Denial of this fact may have been the favorite climate contrarian myth of 2012, first invented by
If Your House Is On Fire: Kathleen Dean Moore On The Moral Urgency Of Climate Change
I  first met nature writer and philosophy professor Kathleen Dean Moore in 2004. I had already dog-eared my copy of her first collection of essays,Riverwalking: Reflections on Moving Water, when she came through town to read from her next book, Holdfast: At Home in the...
An ill Wind: The Secret Threat of Coal Ash
The Moapa River Indian Reservation, tribal home of the Moapa Band of Paiutes, sits about 30 miles north of Las Vegas and about 300 yards from the coal ash ponds and landfills of the Reid Gardner Power Station. Coal ash is the toxic ash and sludge left at the end of the coal...