121-180 of 716
Kiss the Ground
Kiss the Ground reveals that, by regenerating the world’s soils, we can completely and rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems and create abundant food supplies. Using compelling graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, the film...
It's Okay to Panic
​"It’s Okay to Panic" is a nostalgic portrait of 62-year-old Professor Szymon Malinowski, Director of the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw, who worries that climate change may cause human civilisation to collapse in the coming decades. A career educator...
The Troublemaker: How Extinction Rebellion Became A Global Climate Movement
The film scratches the niggling itch that is lurking in many of our brains about the extinction of planetary systems that seems to be going on all around us, and the dawning realisation that something has to be done.
David Attenborough - For All Nature
“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.” Sir David Attenborough
Immuto (Change)
Immuto (Change), is a response to the climate emergency and global environmental collapse.
Tomorrow's Power
Local activists in Gaza, Germany, and Colombia challenge fossil-fuel dependency and power structures in a struggle for social and climate justice.
The Carbon Rush
From indigenous rain forest dwellers having their way of life completely threatened, to dozens of Campesinos assassinated, to the livelihood of waste pickers at landfills taken away, THE CARBON RUSH travels across four continents and brings us up close to projects working...
How Exxon Deceived The World (But Not Their Investors)
A video essay by Second Thought. 
Nobody Takes the Renewable Energy Transition Seriously
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Despite all the demands from climate activists, scientists, and even policy makers, hardly a single country is taking the shift to renewable energy seriously. Even countries and regions that claim to be...
Biodiversity is Collapsing Worldwide. Here's Why.
In this video essay, we look at how climate change is causing a decrease in biodiversity worldwide. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety and variability of life, and climate change is causing the decline of biodiversity in numerous ecosystems via extreme weather...
Fairytales of Growth
A film on Climate Change, Degrowth and System Change. The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse. This film studies the role economic growth has...
Our Coming Baptism by Fire
There is worse ahead. In acceptance, hope is transformed into energy for the unimaginable.
Who Owns the Future of California's Energy? Its Residents
For many homeowners, rooftop solar is a smart move. But what if you could get every home and business in your entire county to switch to renewables, all at once? This is essentially what’s happening in my state, California: a quiet revolution awkwardly named community choice...
This Living Salish Sea
"This sweeping documentary takes us in and under the waters of the Salish Sea, while more fully understanding the threats posed by the Trans Mountain (Ex- Kinder Morgan) pipeline expansion…
The Sleeping Giant: A Localist Manifesto
Four-part video series on Paul Fenn, pioneer of the Community Choice Energy movement in the United States. Produced by Stuart Farmer. Directed by Yoni Goldstein. Written by Charles Schultz. Production Assistant is Sebastian Alvarez. Filmed on location at Local Power in...
Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales, HARMONY captures on film in a way we’ve never seen before, an authentic leader on critical global issues. For the better part of three decades, The Prince of Wales has worked side by side with a surprising and dynamic array of...
Review of Planet of the Humans: What They Get Right and the Environmentalists Get Wrong
Planet of the Humans has stirred the resentment of many a climate crusader. Yesterday, the chair of the Sierra Club California Energy and Climate Committee instructed committee members (I am one) not to “watch or promote” Planet of the Humans. Today, climate scientists called...
Generation Green New Deal
Generation Green New Deal is a film about the historic youth-led movement to stop the climate crisis and transform America. Our team invites you to watch this exciting (25 minute) sneak-peek available online exclusively during this turbulent time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. All...
Renewables Can't Power Capitalism, But They Can Power Ecosocialism
This is a fantastic video podcast on the viability of renewables under an infinite-growth paradigm versus a steady-state/degrowth transition effort. There are some great knowledge gems here - perfect to listen to during a 20 minute walk.
6 Reasons Why Planet of the Humans Is a Disaster of Misinformation
Overview I. Intro II. The problems ——#1. Misrepresenting ——
Corona Crisis Reveals We Need Systemic, Not Just Individual Change
Climate change is not your fault.
Richard Heinberg's Review of Planet of the Humans
A few days ago, Emily Atkin posted a reaction to Michael Moore’s latest film, 
Michael Moore, Filmmakers Respond to Criticism of Planet Of The Humans
Academy award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore and associates discuss their new documentary, 'Planet of the Humans,' a documentary that says we are selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. 
One World 1 - A Survival Strategy for Humanity
"It’s time to design a global society that fits the biological and material constraints of earth and also fits the psychological, cultural, and developmental needs of diverse peoples worldwide."
Climate: A New Story with Charles Eisenstein
Climate: A New Story shows us how we can reframe our thinking. Our Earth is not simply a resource, it is complex, living and fragile. Charles Eisenstein expresses how we might transform our mindset, to reveal a process that could be the quickest way to reverse climate...
Inner Climate Change: The Change Starts Within You
How do we navigate the intensity of emotions and reactions stirred up by climate change, or COVID-19 for that matter? How do we come to a place of peace, compassion, forgiveness and life-affirming action?
Planet of the Humans
A Note from Films For Action (Last Updated 5/26/2020):  While we believe the film is worthy of a good critique, we don't support the campaign to have the film removed from Youtube. Please join us in promoting critical engagement with the f
Why I Stopped Protesting and Started a Garden
“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack...
When Climate Met COVID: 7 Reasons We Should Tackle These Challenges Together
We face not one but three simultaneous inter-connected crises: the COVID-19 Emergency, the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, and the Crisis of Capitalism. We urgently need connected constructive responses.
Wantoks: Dance of Resilience in Melanesia
In 2018, the Solomon Islands, in the South Pacific, hosted the Melanesian Arts & Cultural Festival, celebrating the country’s fortieth anniversary of independence.
The Green New Deal Will Make Life Better For All & It's Cheaper Than More Wars for Oil
What if taking on climate change could create a better economy and millions of jobs? Check out The Leap's new video on the Green New Deal, with a voiceover by the incomparable George Elliott Clarke.
Aluna: A Journey to Save the World
Aluna means "conscience." Enter the last theocratic chiefdom in America, hidden for centuries on a mountain in Colombia. The Kogi have made this amazing documentary to help us understand how to avoid the destruction of the world that they are trying to protect, and of ourselves.
From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning
The Kogi are the last surviving civilization from the days of the Inca and Aztec. They see themselves as the spiritual guardians of life on earth. For four centuries they lived in seclusion in the Sierra Nevada mountains, carefully guarding their isolation. When the tribal...
Coronavirus and Climate Activism: Five Common Lessons
The pandemic is a testing ground for how to address the climate crisis, and vice-versa.
Coronavirus Spells the End of the Neoliberal Era. What's Next?
Coronavirus is a political crucible, melting down and reshaping current norms. Will the new era be a “Fortress Earth” or a harbinger of a transformed society based on a new set of values?
5 Ways Coronavirus Could Help Humanity Survive the Ecological Crisis
The human tragedy of the coronavirus is immense. Thousands have died, hundreds of thousands have been infected globally, and millions more have been affected. Whilst infectious disease has always been a part of the human experience, the expansion of industrial civilization...
A Letter from the Virus: #LISTEN
An Imagined Letter from Covid-19 to Humans Stop. Just stop. It is no longer a request. It is a mandate. We will help you. We will bring the supersonic, high speed merry-go-round to a halt We will stop the planes the trains the schools the malls the meetings the frenetic...
A Vote Against Bernie Sanders Is a Vote for the End of Human Civilization
Frightening commentary has emerged among liberals committing to a protest-vote against both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Proponents argue that, in some undescribed way, their protest-vote will send to these front-runners the “signal” that they are not entitled to our...
Iowa’s Vision of a More Beautiful World, 10 Years After Passing a Green New Deal
What would America's heartland be like, 10 years after we pass a Green New Deal?
On February 6th Antarctica Was Warmer Than Orlando, or Why I Support Only Sanders
Even if we elect a better-than-Trump, half-measures candidate, we're still not better off. Our grandchildren will curse us all the same.
The Goal of Life is Not to Survive It |  Charles Eisenstein
With climate change and biodiversity loss worsening every day, we're all asking ourselves: will humanity survive?
Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives On Restoring Our World
INHABITANTS follows five Native American communities as they restore their traditional land management practices in the face of a changing climate. For millennia Native Americans successfully stewarded and shaped their landscapes, but centuries of colonization have disrupted...
In Our Hands: Seeding Change
Food and farming is in crisis. In just over a decade we’ve lost more than 33,000 farms from our countryside, and alongside this, bad diet is now causing more health problems than smoking! The fundamental link between people, food and the very land we stand on is being broken...
We Are The Political Revolution
Sign up to host a launch party:
Why Climate Action Is the Antithesis of White Supremacy
Behind the urgency of climate action is the understanding that everything is connected; behind white supremacy is an ideology of separation
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming | Paul Hawken
The visionary goal of Project Drawdown, founded by Paul Hawken, is to actually reverse global warming by drawing carbon out of the atmosphere back down to pre-industrial levels. All the practices and technologies documented in Paul’s best-selling "Drawdown" book are already...
Here's Exactly How to Respond When Someone You Love Says Climate Change Isn't Real
There's overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change; 97 percent of scientists agree that humans have created conditions that are drastically reshaping the planet's climate, with disastrous results, and one scientist noted in September 2018 that the scientific...
The Living Planet View
"The overarching theme of Climate: A New Story, the book that I wrote, is really the living planet view of the world." - Charles Eisenstein
Hope Is an Imperative: Sparking an Ecological Design Revolution
While society prepares for the future of a world ravaged by climate change, environmental educator David Orr has spent years writing about how to reverse it. Orr advocates for an ecological design revolution to change how we build homes, grow food and model society, so that...
The Realism of Bernie Sanders' Climate Policy
Sanders believes that as our economy rapidly shifts to renewable energy, power companies should be publicly owned and controlled, and the biggest polluters should help underwrite the costs.
The Ending Of 'Parasite' Explained: An Exploration of Class & Climate Change
Watch the film before watching this. It's a spoiler-heavy review and breakdown of the ending to ‘Parasite,’ the Korean thriller that everyone’s talking about. 
I Study Collapsed Civilizations. Here’s My Advice for a Climate Change Apocalypse.
I am an archaeologist and a wilderness survival instructor. Because I study societies that have collapsed, and since I teach basic outdoor skills, people ask me about what to do in a natural disaster, social upheaval, or some apocalyptic event. Right now, much of that concern...
The Promise of Biomimicry
The Biomimicry Institute presents a new 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that introduces biomimicry as a way of living for everyday people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.
Action in the Anthropocene: The Inevitable Transition Requires We Go Beyond Activism
In the face of economic, social, and ecological breakdown, the inevitable transition is comming. And what it requires from us is beyond the realms of 'activism'.
Can Beauty Save Our Planet? | Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan is all in on beauty. After photographing sea birds dying by the dozens from consuming bits of plastic, Chris had a revelation: It was time to refocus in his lens on the awesome beauty of the planet.
The Limits of Capitalism
At this point in human history, the limits of capitalism and the limits of our species’ life on Earth have converged. We have never been here before, and we cannot go back.
The Truth Has Changed
THE TRUTH HAS CHANGED traces the arc of misinformation and propaganda in America from 9/11 to Trump. As a reporter and eyewitness on the frontlines of so many of the key moments that have changed this country and changed the world, Josh Fox has many stories to tell. From 9/11...
The Sky's Limit: We Need to Stop All New Fossil Fuel Development
The science is settled. No new pipelines, no new permits, no new exploration, no more excuses. We call on world leaders to end all new fossil fuel development and immediately begin to support the managed decline of the fossil fuel industry. #KeepItInTheGround