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The Fight for Clean Water (#NoDAPL)
Clean water or Corporate profits? What’s more important? #NoDAPL
A Message of Solidarity from Tamera Peace Research Center to Standing Rock
In the name of humaneness, we express our gratitude to the courageous water and land protectors at Standing Rock. This camp of Sioux and many other First Nation people, accompanied by activists from across all camps is a true light of hope in a world that has lost any...
#NODAPL: Battle at the End of the World
Watching the footage of the police attack against water protectors from last Sunday, conjured images of the apocalypse. Yet, despite this brutal assault, the people at Standing Rock keep on fighting. This video is dedicated to Sophia Wilansky, who was critically injured...
Under the Surface - Naomi Klein and the Great Barrier Reef
In Under the Surface, a special Guardian film, the award-winning writer and environmental campaigner Naomi Klein travels to the Great Barrier Reef with her son, Toma, to see the impact of coral bleaching caused by climate change. In a personal but also universal story, Klein...
Before the Flood
Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
Climate Change in the Arctic
This year could well become the warmest on record. And nowhere has felt the effects more than the Arctic. Science Editor Tom Clarke has been to Norway's Svalbard islands in the high Arctic to see the changes firsthand. 
Lawns Are for Suckers. Plant a Garden - for the Climate!
Ripping out your lawn and planting kale and peppers won’t just lead to great stir-fry — a new study finds it could make major contributions to fighting climate change, too.
Clean Energy Won't Save Us - Only a New Economic System Can
It’s time to pour our creative energies into imagining a new global economy. Infinite growth is a dangerous illusion
22,000 Years of Climate Change - The last 200 Are Shocking
A timeline of the earth's average temperature since the last ice age glaciation
10 Ways You Can Help the Standing Rock Sioux Fight the Dakota Access Pipeline
Cannon Ball, ND – While many Americans passively support the Standing Rock Sioux’s fight to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, aside from showing up in Cannon Ball, North Dakota (which many simply can’t do) – to actively participate in the protests – most...
Banking Nature
Protecting our planet has become big business with companies promoting new environmental markets. This involves species banking, where investors buy up vast swathes of land, full of endangered species, to enable them to sell “nature credits.” Companies whose actions destroy...
North Dakota Gov Cuts Water Supply to Native Americans as DAPL Protest Swells in Number and Spirit
Thousands join protest camp as supporters are holding a rally in Washington D.C. on Wednesday outside of Army Corps hearing
The Climate Crisis Is Here But Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Know
What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.
Scorching Global Temps Astound Climate Scientists
As wildfire rages in California, flooding affects millions in India and China, and eggs are fried on sidewalks in Iraq, scientists say global climate catastrophe is surpassing predictions
Demonstrators Demand 'Clean Energy Revolution' on Eve of Dem Convention
'When it comes to climate change, there’s precious little time for lesser evils; the physics—as scientists are quick to tell us—has put humanity on a deadline.' - Kate Aronoff
The 5 Stages of Climate Change Grief w/ Bill Nye and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Nye is feeling down. He's visiting his therapist – Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger – wondering why he doesn't feel like himself lately. He feels as if a horrible weight is on his shoulders. The therapist listens sympathetically, and diagnoses the cause. Bill is suffering from...
Artists of Color at Heart of Environmental Movement
Artist Favianna Rodriguez and political commentator Van Jones have a lot in common. They both came up through the grassroots activism scene of the Bay Area in the late 1990s. They both run non-profit organizations/initiatives — respectively, CultureStrikeand 
7 Things You Should Do After Watching 'How to Let Go of the World'
My new film How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change debuted on HBO June 27th.
Enter the Film4climate Global Video Competition
Animated Trailer inspiring submissions to the #Film4Climate Global Video Competition:
As Britain Exits, the Need for a Strong Climate Movement Remains
Britain’s vote last night to leave the European Union will be a disaster for the climate — both physical and political — on both sides of the Atlantic.
Thoughts on the Revolution, June 16, 2016
Time to dig deep, dig in, and double down
World's Banks Driving Climate Chaos With Hundreds of Billions in Extreme Energy Financing
Wall Street continues to back the most polluting fossil fuel industries "at the expense of some of the most vulnerable communities on the planet," states new report
Watch People Listening to an Audio Recording of Noam Chomsky's Warning to the World
A video of people listening to an interview with political activist and intellectual, Noam Chomsky, somehow manages to transform the abstract into the actual. It is unclear who the people in the video are, but what does becomes clear is that these people are able to convey...
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change
Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. 
Planetary Crisis: We Are Not All in This Together
“Climate change and extreme weather events are not devastating a random selection of human beings from all walks of life. There are no billionaires among the dead, no corporate executives living in shelters, no stockbrokers watching their children die of malnutrition.”
Down With Guilt! There Are Much Better Ways to Get People to Act on Climate Change.
How do you get people to do something about climate change? For years, the answer has been to prod people into thinking about their role in causing it, to guilt trip them into action. Because any human who happens to live in North America has taken advantage of central...
Meet The People Taking Direct Action, Saying No to Coal
Huck's Michael Segalov headed down to the Ende Gelände camp in Germany to meet the activists putting their bodies on the line to take the fight against climate change to its very heart.
The Climate Changers
The Climate Changers is a short documentary about civil society engagement during the historic climate conference (COP 21) in Paris in December 2015. Journalist Samuel Schlaefli and filmmaker Esther Petsche joined activists and visited them in their ateliers, in cultural...
The Boiling Pot of 2016
On the surface, things appear normal. The status quo of life in America circa 2016 isn’t to everyone’s liking, but at least the system is still working after a fashion. The price of oil is going up a bit: that means the cost of driving is also creeping higher, but steeper...
The Faux Insurgency of the Climate Change Deniers and the Need for Closure
Climate change deniers like to style themselves as latter-day Copernicuses and Galileos, lone visionaries bucking the established wisdom of the ages embodied back then in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Scientists Puzzled by Slowing of Atlantic Conveyor Belt, Warn of Abrupt Climate Change
Scientists are increasingly warning of the potential that a shutdown, or even significant slowdown, of the Atlantic conveyor belt could lead to abrupt climate change, a shift in Earth’s climate that can occur within as short a timeframe as a decade but persist for decades or...
Hope and Burnout in the Anthropocene
To build a lasting movement for climate justice, activists must decouple hope from victory and confront their fatigue head-on
Changing Everything Except What Needs Changing: What's Missing From The Renewable Energy Debate
Among climate change activists, solutions usually center on a transition to renewable energy. There may be differences over whether this would be best accomplished by a carbon tax, bigger subsidies for wind and solar power, divestment from fossil fuel companies, massive...
The Most Eco-Friendly Nation on the Planet Is Now Carbon Negative
Lodged between two of the most populated countries on earth — India and China — Bhutan may be small at 700,000 souls, but it has a mighty role to play in showing the world how to preserve the environment, while also cultivating happiness in its human population. In fact, the...
Millions of Americans Now Claim Donald Trump Does Not Exist
On May 13 the American news media reported that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had recruited U.S. Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer of North Dakota—a major oil drilling state—to help him draft his energy policy. Cramer has said he does not believe...
'Not a Symbol, a Signal': Wave of Direct Actions Points to Fossil-Free Future
On final day of two-week Break Free mobilization, demonstrations take place in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Turkey, and beyond
Days of Revolt: Coping With Reality
In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges interviews climate change activist Tim DeChristopher about the deadly failure of industrial world to confront the effects of climate change. The two discuss how climate change has, and continues to trigger social tension and...
The Hottest Year on Record Signals That Global Warming Is Alive and Well
The year 2015 has proven to be another year of temperature records. Data released by NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) show that in 2015, the global mean surface temperature – the yardstick scientists use to measure air
Old-Growth Forests Can Help Preserve Biodiversity in a Warming World
The towering canopies and dense understories of old-growth forests might be able to help protect biodiversity as global temperatures continue to rise, according to new research
Disgruntled Royalty
We are the disgruntled royalty, ungrateful, because we're ignorant of our grand status.
Yes, It's Okay to Talk About Climate Change Right Now
With the largest evacuation in the history of the province of Alberta displacing nearly 100 000 people as large sections of Fort McMurray burn to the ground in the middle of a spring heat wave, it’s only natural for people affected to ask “why?” Why is this happening? What...
Disobedience: The Courage To Break Free
Disobedience is a film about a new phase of the climate movement: courageous action that is being taken on the front lines of the climate crisis on every continent, led by regular people fed up with the power and pollution of the fossil fuel industry.
Climate Change Crisis (Bernie Sanders Vs Hillary Clinton)
What are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton going to do about Climate Change? We are under attack, and the attack is coming from climate change. Al Gore warns Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton of the the danger of burning fossil fuels at Senate Environmental Committee...
Pushing Through the Pavement: A Permaculture Action Story
It’s true; musicians can be a catalyst for social change!  Watch the inspiring story about the first Permaculture Action Tour, with music producer The Polish Ambassador, that covered over 9,000 miles though 33 cities and 19 states, from San Francisco to New York City...
Days of Revolt: Letting Go of the World
In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges interviews documentary filmmaker Josh Fox, who directed the new film "How to Let Go of the World". The two discuss the catastrophe of climate change, and the role of art and culture in helping us embrace what climate can't change.
Carbon Omissions: 3 Lies The UK Government Has Been Telling about Its Response to Climate Change
A new animation about consumption, climate change and wellbeing by PIRC, George Monbiot and Leo Murray. For more info, see:
No Planet for Optimists: Coastal Flooding May Come Sooner and Bigger Than We Think
Of all the impacts of climate change, one stands out for its inexorable menace, writes Pete Dolack: rising oceans. And it's not just for distant future generations to deal with: new scientific studies show that people alive today may face 6-9 metres of sea level rise flooding...
The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn't Just Her Corporate Cash. It's Her Corporate Worldview.
Clinton is uniquely unsuited to the epic task of confronting the fossil-fuel companies that profit from climate change.
Attention Must Be Paid (Except to Climate Change)
A bombshell dropped the other day. But if nobody heard it explode, did that make it a dud?
Is Miami Beach Doomed?
Miami Beach could be underwater this century. The sea level around the tourist paradise has risen steadily in recent decades and flooding in the streets has become more frequent and severe. Most of the city sits just four to five feet above sea level, and on a foundation of...
White Canada Has a Black History
Goood morning slaves! This week we bring you, "White Canada has a Black History" In this sedition of ITEOTWAWKIAIFF we look at the growing class unrest in Hong Kong that kicked off a massive rebellion in the lunar new year. Also street battles in Athens, where anarchists and...
Act Now, Urges Study, or Planet Faces 10,000+ Years of Adverse Climate Change
"The next few decades offer a brief window of opportunity to minimize large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that will extend longer than the entire history of human civilization thus far."
Paris State of Emergency (2016) Medialien
Activists in custody, protests shut down, warrantless house arrests, and the COP21 strangled by anti-terrorist measures, a look back on the first months of the state of emergency in Paris.
I Wish for You... Jeremy Irons is a Grandfather With A Beautiful Message for His Granddaughter
'War Horse' author Michael Morpurgo and actors Jeremy Irons and Maxine Peake have joined forces to make a powerful new 5 minute film especially for you. Please watch and share.
Hey, Now Would Be a Great Time for a Carbon Tax
Wow, the price of oil is still low as hell. Oil company earnings are terrible. Consumer prices at the pump are super cheap. Oh, that remind me, you know what we could use right now?
Pick It Up
Kerstin woke up every day before the sun came up. Waiting for the dawn near some rocks, she puts gloves and walked the same stretch of beach picking up garbage. After an hour, she cleaned the 200 meters of beach. He ended sad and frustrated to see such indifference of human...
Open Up Your Eyes
This 11 minute video manages to be informative, satirical, and poetic as it covers serious issues that affect all of humanity. It offers simple solutions to government and corporate involvement in unconstitutionally drugging the American people via the air we breathe and the...
Decade Zero #1
Decade Zero #1 is the first of a series of short fictional documentary films that blend utopia and apocalypse, the present and the future, the real and the imagined. 
The Empire Files: The Tyranny of Big Oil
The oil industry is a powerhouse with control over land, resources, politics and more. In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin uncovers big oil's strong-arm reach--its growth, its crimes, its power and its impunity.
On December 4th 2015, Enbridge's began pumping tar sands crude on its 40 year old line 9 pipeline. On the same day, 22 year old Rachel Thevenard, began an 800 km run, through the route of the pipeline, to bring awareness, about the dangers of Line 9.