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Or Else Everybody Dies
An animated story of love, tragedy and the environment.
There IS a Way Through This Crisis
How we build a better world in the face of climate catastrophe and social collapse.
Will We Have to "Make-Do with Less" to Sustain Life?
When we talk about sustainability, there's an implication there, that is present in the question "what is it that we want to sustain?" Read "Climate: A New Story" for free at
We Can’t Do It Ourselves: How Individual Change Has Limits That Can Only be Solved Collectively
How to live a more sustainable life? This question generates a lot of debate that is focused on what individuals can do in order to address problems like climate change. For example, people are encouraged to shop locally, to buy organic food, to install home insulation, or to...
Dammed Good Questions about the Green New Deal
Hydroelectric power from dams might be the thorniest issue that proponents of the Green New Deal (GND) have to grapple with. Providing more energy than solar and wind combined, dams could well become the key backup “renewable” if it otherwise proves impossible to get off of...
The Heart of the World (CORAZÓN DEL MUNDO)
WATCH OUR MESSAGE! ACT NOW! SHARE IT! We are dedicated to planting trees that tell stories, and we are really happy to share this special work with you! The Short Film is an important message of the Indigenous Elder Mamo Rumaldo Lozano Gil guardian of the sacred site TEYUNA...
How to Save the Planet and Ourselves
We must reduce carbon emissions by 40% in the next 12 years to have a 50% chance of avoiding catastrophe.
What We've Learned About Climate Change in the Last 30 Years | Bill McKibben
What lessons can we draw from three decades of struggles to address the existential threat of climate disruption? What do our failures reveal about the flaws of our political system and the economic nihilism of the fossil fuel industry? What strategies are most likely to lead...
Thinking Outside the Grid
Thirty years ago, a friend of mine published a book called 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save The Earth. It described the huge environmental benefits that would result if everyone made some simple adjustments to their way of life. Six hundred thousand gallons of gas could be...
Making Sanctuary: Is There a Solution for Climate Change?: Bayo Akomolafe
In this talk connecting Yoruba indigenous philosophies, historical accounts of transatlantic slave crossings, new materialist/feminist insights, Bohr’s scientific theory of quantum indeterminacy, Deleuze’s musings about ‘assemblages’ and ‘rhizomes’, and contemporary concerns...
Internal Fossil Fuel Industry Memos Reveal Decades of Corporate Disinformation
Fossil fuel companies have spent millions of dollars to convince the public that they aren't responsible for climate breakdown. Is it a coincidence that climate skeptics believe and share the exact same talking points?
A Few Thoughts on Practical Activism
This speech by Kira McPherson was delivered during the #ClimateStrike protest on September 20th, 2019 in Lawrence, Kansas.
35 Year Industry Veteran Takes on Climate Change Denial and Inaction With the Climate Trail
The Climate Trail is a "good, realistic, and sobering" free game about the post-apocalyptic world we face if we continue on our current path.
What is ‘Energy Denial’?
The fiftieth anniversary of the first Earth Day of 1970 will be in 2020. As environmentalism has gone mainstream during that half-century, it has forgotten its early focus and shifted toward green capitalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than abandonment of the slogan...
Climate Change in the Age of the Resistance
It should be no secret that I love The Dark Crystal, and have since I was a small child in the '80's. I've always found the journey to discover a path to heal what is broken, without destroying "evil," but by unifying the dark and the light within us. It's just art though...
This Is Not the Sixth Extinction. It's the First Extermination Event.
What we are witnessing is not a passive geological event but extermination by capitalism.
Amazon Rainforest Fires - Avoid This Trap | Charles Eisenstein
The grief is so strong. What do I do with that energy? I've noticed kind of a trap, a diversion, that says "take that energy and hate somebody with it. Blame somebody with it."
How to Live With the Climate Crisis Without Becoming a Nihilist
'Today, despite all the grim climate news, I actually feel more optimistic than ever.'
Land Without Bread: the Green New Deal Forsakes America's Countryside
Days after the heart-stopping Notre-Dame Cathedral fire in April, Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg trained her eyes on the United Kingdom’s parliament and chastised its meager response to climate change. “I want you to panic,” the baby-faced sixteen-year-old quietly...
Fools & Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest
Fools & Dreamers: Regenerating a Native Forest is a 30-minute documentary about Hinewai Nature Reserve, on New Zealand’s Banks Peninsula, and its kaitiaki/manager of 30 years, botanist Hugh Wilson. When, in 1987, Hugh let the local community know of his plans to allow the...
The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change
The Climate Emergency is finally getting the attention of the media and the U.S. (and world) body politic, as well as a growing number of politicians, activists and even U.S. farmers.
The Meek Be Damned on Global Warming
In May, an international group of scientists warned that over a million of the Earth’s species are being driven to extinction; before that, researchers reported the climate was warming faster than even the most pessimistic projections. Worse yet, another report gave humanity...
They say it's the end of the world. We say it's the beginning of the next.
Connecting the Dots: Insane Trade and Climate Chaos
Imagine a world where food routinely gets shipped thousands of miles away to be processed, then shipped back to be sold right where it started. Imagine cows from Mexico being fed corn imported from the United States, then being exported to the United States for butchering...
Economics 101 and Ecological Collapse
“The collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” – David Attenborough
The Military is Afraid of Climate Change
President Trump is skeptical of climate change and its link to extreme weather events, but the U.S. Department of Defense takes the threat deadly serious. The Pentagon is fortifying military bases to withstand things like flooding and wildfire. Military leaders are also...
Feeling Guilty About Climate Change feat. Hank Green
Do you have complicated feelings about fossil fuels? 
Names and Locations of the Top 100 People Killing the Planet
Just 100 companies are responsible for more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. The guys who run those companies – and they are mostly guys – have gotten rich on the backs of literally all life on Earth. Their business model relies on the destruction...
The Farms of the Future
Hou Xueying, a mother from Shanghai, was tired of food safety scares and of a city life disconnected from the land. So she moved her family to the country to learn about sustainable farming. Her parents disapproved; they had struggled to give her a comfortable life in the...
Five Myths in the Fight against Climate Change
With so much misinformation about climate change about, New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy debunks 5 myths about the climate crisis that are doing the rounds. These myths are a dangerous distraction from the task at hand.
Anthropocene: The Human Epoch
A stunning sensory experience and cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive reengineering of the planet, Anthropocene: The Human Epoch is a years-in-the-making feature documentary from the award-winning team behind Manufactured Landscapes (2006) and Watermark (2013) and...
How Corporations Shifted The Blame For Climate Change
How corporations convinced the public to blame themselves rather than the 100 companies most responsible. 
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh: Only Love Can Save Us From Climate Change
Leading spiritual teacher warns that if people cannot save themselves from their own suffering, how can they be expected to worry about the plight of Mother Earth
Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
With the Green New Deal sparking a national conversation about all the ways to combat climate change, John Oliver looks at a few potential solutions. 
Kingsnorth: Portrait of a Recovering Environmentalist
Humanity has lost the battle against climate change. That is what Paul Kingsnorth thinks. The former environmental activist believes that we can´t stop climate change anymore. How should we live on knowing that climate change is a fact that can´t be denied anymore? A...
The Sustainable City
Fully Charged spent an amazing day at the Sustainable City, a housing development in Dubai with 3,500 people already living there and it's still not quite finished. This truly is a remarkable achievement, a stark lesson to building contractors the world over. It's not more...
Socialists Win in Spain With Green New Deal
Spaniards threw their weight behind a Green New Deal programme by re-electing the pro-climate Spanish Socialist party (PSOE).
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change | Allan Savory
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to...
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
What if we actually pulled off a Green New Deal? What would the future look like? The Intercept presents a film narrated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and illustrated by Molly Crabapple. Set a couple of decades from now, the film is a flat-out rejection of the idea that a...
Climate Denial Isn’t Stopping Climate Action. Here’s What Is. | David Wallace-Wells
Climate change denial draws headlines. But is it actually an obstacle to climate action? 
Only Nature Can Save Us Now
Faced with climate change and mass extinction there is only one thing to do. Stop trying to save the world.
Brilliant Short Film Imagines Parallel Earth Saving Themselves From Fate of Earth
10 years after the premiere of THE AGE OF STUPID, here's Franny Armstrong's new short film, WHAT IF?  In a parallel universe, Fred Miliband, Carolyn Lukas, Zack Harries, Jon Snowflake, Kris Peckham, Jonathan Pie and the President of the Maldives battle to save the people of...
The Green New Deal Can Work – Here's How
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
The Swedish Schoolgirl That Took Davos To Task On Climate Change
Greta and the Snowman: From Greta Thunberg to the man who's measured the weather every day for nearly half a century, it is private citizens leading the charge on climate change prevention. This report profiles these two extraordinary characters.   
Why the “Anthropocene” is not “Climate Change”
“Anthropocene” is a widely proposed name for the geological epoch that covers human impact on our planet. But it is not synonymous with “climate change,” nor can it covered by “environmental problems.” Bigger and more shocking, the Anthropocene encapsulates the evidence that...
It's Climate Change That's Scary - Not Transforming the Economy
It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people.
Fact Sheet: Global Species Decline
The world is facing a mass extinction of species.  All species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods (insects and arachnids), fish, crustaceans, corals and other cnidarians, and plants have declined, in many cases, severely. Human civilization has had a negative...
My Message to Davos Elites: Act as If Our House Is on Fire. Because It Is.
"Either we choose to go on as a civilization or we don't. That is as black or white as it gets. There are no grey areas when it comes to survival."
Extinction Illness: Grave Affliction and Possibility
[Editor’s Note: We at Tikkun have been proud to have articles from Deena Metzger, whose novel A Rain of Night Birds was reviewed on our website by Cynthia Travis on October 11, 2018. In this piece, Metzger captures the grief and pain we all experience living at a time of...
Climate Action Must Now Focus on the Global Rich and Their Corporations
The latest UN climate talks, known as COP24, have just concluded. The supposed story this time was one of a grinding victory by the EU and developing nations over recalcitrant petro-states – Russia, the US, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. These four, condemned as “climate villains
Why the Climate Change Message Isn't Working
Threats of global catastrophe won’t move people to action. Only the heart can inspire zeal.
Here’s a Better Way to Argue about Climate Change
I recently got an email from a friend, asking me to take a look at an alternative way of thinking about greenhouse gases. He forwarded a link to a long scroll of a webpage dense with text. My friend said he hardly understood it “beyond the fact that it refutes the science of...
Confusing Them With Our Joy
2018-2019 fundraising trailer for the latest Cloudcatcher Media extravaganza! Support the Chuffed fundraiser at or get more info at
We Are The People of the Apocalypse
As growth-driven consumer culture spurs on planetary destruction, why don’t we spring into action? Psychologist John F Schumaker says a frightening erosion of human personality lies at the heart of the problem.
Fossil-Free Costa Rica: How One Country Is Pursuing Decarbonization Despite Global Inaction
As world leaders struggle to agree on a plan to curb global emissions at the U.N. climate talks in Katowice, Poland, Democracy Now! looks at Costa Rica’s plan to go fossil-free beginning next year. It will be the first country in the world to decarbonize its economy.
The Green New Deal Goes Viral: What's Next Is up to Us
Ted Franklin argues that climate activists must seize the time and get to work on the Green New Deal proposal.
An Ecosocialist Path to Limiting Global Temperature Rise to 1.5°C
An emergency plan to meet the climate emergency
No Effective Means of Stopping Climate Breakdown Is Deemed “Politically Realistic.” So We Must Change Political Realities.
It was a moment of the kind that changes lives. At a press conference held by Extinction Rebellion last week, two of us journalists pressed the activists on whether their aims were realistic. They have called, for example, for carbon emissions in the UK to be reduced to net...
Climate Change: What's The Whole Truth? - Russell Brand & Charles Eisenstein
A clip from the Under The Skin podcast with Charles Eisenstein - discussing what might be wrong with the current climate change narrative and why we should be wary of why the powerful are so accepting of it. What's driving this narrative over others? Listen to this entire...