361-420 of 716 results
The U.S. suffered its fair share of tumultuous weather conditions this year, as did many other parts of the world.
1 min
The greatest challenges of our time is to end unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change.
What is stopping us? And what can YOU do to make a difference?
7 min
I'm in Paris now, preparing to speak tonight about climate change. It is a parallel venue, not mainstream, called Place 2 B, but even here I am afraid my message is going to be controversial. You see, I think there are deep problems with the standard climate change narrative...
Charles Eisenstein
Large hydropower projects are often propagated as a "clean and green" source of electricity by international financial institutions, national governments and other actors. They greatly benefit from instruments meant to address climate change, including carbon credits under...
7 min
The Kichwa tribe in the Sarayaku region of the Amazon in Ecuador believe in the 'living forest', where humans, animals and plants live in harmony. They are fighting oil companies who want to exploit their ancestral land. A delegation of indigenous people are at the Paris...
9 min
We can make peace, with our energy sources, the planet and with each other if we end our addiction to oil
Rebecca Solnit
The charade of the 21st United Nations climate summit will end, as past climate summits have ended, with lofty rhetoric and ineffectual cosmetic reforms. Since the first summit more than 20 years ago, carbon dioxide emissions have soared. Placing faith in our political and...
Chris Hedges
Traditionally the climate talks have been a lot of talk and very little action... We sat down with world renowned environmentalist Dr. Vandana Shiva to discuss what she thinks, you'll be surprised what that is...
25 min
This week we bring you black and brown power worldwide as peeps from Manila to Chicago fight the powers that be. In the Philippines, anti-capitalist warriors told APEC leaders to pack up and get the fuck out of dodge, while comrades in Minneapolis took a page from the...
19 min
In the wake of Monday night’s direct attack on #BlackLivesMatter demonstrators in Minneapolis at a protest against the fatal police shooting of Jamar Clark, I feel compelled to share some thoughts.
Annie Leonard
"As the Paris climate talks take the global stage, it’s time to draw attention to the military elephant in our room and demand that adaptation to climate change is led by principles of human rights and solidarity, rather than militarism and corporate profits."
Nick Buxton
Climate change continues to have a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable communities around the globe, including migrants and communities of color -- people who are typically marginalized in our society. CultureStrike, in collaboration withJustseeds Artists’...
3 min
Massive forest fires have engulfed Indonesia for several months, and produce more daily CO2 emissions than
Jeff Conant
Day of the Dead sponsored by... BP and the Mexican Government. Did the British Museum have an irony bypass?
3 min
The UN climate talks in Paris (COP21) are right around the corner
Bolivia's national contribution to the COP 21 describes capitalism as "a system of death" that has to be destroyed to protect humanity and Mother Earth. EurActiv France reports.
Cécile Barbière translated by Samuel White
Fermi's Paradox, climate change, capitalism, and collapse are among the subjects discussed in this feature length documentary on the environmental crisis. Interviewees include Bill McKibben, Gary Snyder, Derrick Jensen, Peter D. Ward, Jill Stein, Bill Patzert, Guy McPherson...
84 min
American scholar and Theravada monk Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi might not receive the same high-profile press coverage as the Roman Catholic Church’s charismatic standard-bearer Pope Francis, but it is becoming evident to Buddhism watchers and commentators that his message is...
Raymond Lam
We are in the process of burning ourselves and many of the beings on Earth right out of existence. Overwhelming. Unbelievable. Wildly inconvenient. Weirdly difficult to take in. But true. We are.
David Goldstein
Director Ray Kocur leads you through a thorough (and accessible) study of current climate change research, speaking with a dozen of Canada's foremost climate scientists as well as historians and civil rights activists to gain perspectives on the past, present and future of...
71 min
'People are ready for a deeper, much more systemic critique and much more grassroots, radical solutions,' says film's director Avi Lewis
Jon Queally
The drastic consequences of climate change are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives. The face of the world is changing, because of us.
28 min
Let's just say, just purely hypothetically of course, I know it's completely ridiculous but what if we had, only ONE planet, just one. One planet to live on. One planet to breathe and eat from. One planet to make our day upon, make our way upon, make our cities upon, to sink...
5 min
Publication that gives grants to scientists goes from non-profit to for-profit under Fox umbrella.
Xeni Jardin
Climate Deadline is an ambitious documentary in the making, taking us from the UN climate talks in Durban in 2011 (COP17) to COP21 in Paris this December, where this project will be finalised and the nations will adopt the next universal climate treaty. That treaty is being...
69 min
Mark Kernan argues that the late comedian was a shaman of our times
This week we re-think our critique of the People's Climate March, then we go to Germany where trouble makers have been regularly shutting down Europe's largest source of CO2. Then on to Greece, to look at a growing resistance against a gold mine and finally to the longest...
7 min
The film inspired by Klein's book features the stories of everyday people standing up to climate change.
Araz Hachadourian
Was the catalyst for the current conflict in Syria a drought caused by anthropogenic climate change?
Written by Audrey Quinn, Illustrated by Jackie Roche
The Peruvian Amazon, which encompasses some 300,000 square miles, is an extremely biodiverse landscape larger than the state of Texas. For its size, it is very sparsely inhabited – it takes up 60% of Peru's landmass but is only home to about 5% of the country's 30 million...
7 min
On 15 August 1500 people took part in a daring act of civil disobedience to shut down Europe's biggest source of CO2 emissions. Around 1000 people successfully entered the coal mine and all of the diggers in the pit were brought to a standstill.
3 min
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing...
Rainforest Rescue
Oil! Our secret god, our secret sharer, our magic wand, fulfiller of our every desire, our co-conspirator, the sine qua non in all we do! Can’t live with it, can’t — right at this moment — live without it. But it’s on everyone’s mind.
Margaret E. Atwood
'With this decision, President Obama has given Shell an open invitation to turn the Chukchi Sea into an energy sacrifice zone,' said Marissa Knodel of Friends of the Earth
Sarah Lazare
Last week, Pope Francis and church officials encouraged everyone to consume less and think more about our impact on the environment.
Michael McCutcheon
This is a special edition of the Fishbones climate change animation, dedicated to the occassion of the International Climate Top in Paris 2015 -- otherwise known as COP21. Fishbones is an animated short explaining the most fundamental thing you need to know about what climate...
1 min
Over the years, Exxon spent more than $30m on think-tanks and researchers that promoted climate denial.
Suzanne Goldenberg
The recently published piece titled ‘The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think' gave me a lot of food for thought for how we relate to the phenomena of addiction, and how society goes about treating it.
As a budding cultural ecologist...
Sarah Levine
This knowledge isn't supposed to make us afraid - it's meant to stir our hearts into action - to give us the fire that we can use to save everything we love.
3 min
It's really not about polar bears any more...
We have a problem. We're flying too much, and it's changing the earth's climate. Aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change. But instead of doing anything about it, the Government is planning more flights and larger...
1 min
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
5 min
The latest evidence shows with a high degree of confidence that we are currently undergoing Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
Bob Novella
Coal pollution is the single biggest driver of climate change on the planet. It's causing more and more extreme weather and pushing the world's poorest people into poverty and hunger. If we keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we are now, climate change could push 50...
1 min
What makes Pope Francis and his 183-page encyclical so radical isn’t just his call to urgently tackle climate change. It’s the fact he openly and unashamedly goes against the grain of dominant social, economic and environment policies.
While the Argentina-born pope is a...
Steffen Böhm
An extract from Pope Francis’s 180 page encyclical on climate change, the environment and inequality
Pope Francis
In defending the natural world, we should be honest about our motivations – it’s love that drives us, not money.
George Monbiot
If you’re like me and eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change—due out Thursday, June 18—stop what you’re doing and watch this.
2 min
The most anticipated papal letter for decades will be published in five languages on Thursday. It will call for an end to the ‘tyrannical’ exploitation of nature by mankind. Could it lead to a step-change in the battle against global warming?
John Vidal
This week we take on the NGO led spectacle called the people's climate march plus a look at Peru's spectacular resistance against a copper mine, and the call from the east to disrupt oil extraction and infrastructure. On the music break, Ontario based hiphop group Flowtilla...
16 min
Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez has been campaigning since he was six. He explains why young people are not afraid to take on the fossil fuel industry
Lilah Raptopoulos
New Yorkers and tourists passing through Columbus Circle Thursday were treated to free shaved ice courtesy of Royal Dutch Shell, which was recently given preliminary approval by the Obama administration to drill for oil in the Arctic. The company hauled a chunk of the "last...
5 min
Corporate polluters are driving global warming and must not be allowed to steer—or even participate in—the ongoing processes of the United Nations whose stated aim is to develop global solutions to the climate crisis, a coalition of civil society organizations declared Wednesday.
Sarah Lazare
Here is a summary of global warming and climate change myths, sorted by recent popularity vs what science says. Click the response for a more detailed response. You can also view them sorted by taxonomy, by popularity, in a print-friendly version,
John Cook
"We [should] tell new stories of the dream, not the nightmares. We must describe where we want to go, such as happier lives, and better cities."
Bill Kilby
Climate change is, water, extractivism.
Climate change is about...women, in leadership, in unity.
Climate change is about...much more than climate change.
2 min
Given the realities of the climate crisis, can we continue to try to grow our way out of economic inequality?
2 min
What’s your vision for a just and equitable 2050? Add your voice:
4 min
Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women's hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis.
Vandana Shiva
From the tar sands of Alberta to the Port of Seattle to the communities in the blast zone of oil trains, organizers across North America are calling for a "wave of resistance" this fall to "shut down the economic and political systems threatening our survival."
Under the...
Sarah Lazare