The Monopoly On Violence (2020)

The Monopoly of Violence is a study of police brutality in France, specifically documenting the gilet jaunes protest movement of 2018 and 2019. But the footage could just as easily have been from the United States, or Hong Kong, or Britain. Citing the work of sociologist Max Weber as a starting point, which shows that the state has the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force, the film expands into the space of questioning a form of policing that descends into systematic brutality and violence. Using footage from demonstrators and independent journalists to ground the analysis, the images are discussed between lawyers, representatives of social movements, academics, police officers, and victims of police aggression. The result is a clarion call for the rights of the citizen, and the accountability and responsibility of the State.

Featuring interviews with: James C. Scott, David Friedman, Michael Huemer, Scott Horton, Stephan Kinsella, Max Borders, Thaddeus Russell, Tom Woods, Walter Block, Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Maj Toure, Andrew Napolitano, Bob Murphy, Mark Thornton, Ryan McMaken and many more. 

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