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Cage's "Grand Ol' Party Crash" (Truth Seeker's Remix) set to battle footage from Iraq and Afghanistan.

I wake up to a caffeine, cigarette vaccine
Then bathe in water I wouldn't drink before gasoline
Feel like a loser 'cause I'm not in Fallujah
Painting a land cruiser with an iraqi then taking his ruger
No M-16 to give me a callus
Inhuman super malice for GOB uber alles
Baby suicide bombers hurdle suitcases in a nursery
I'm in a deli eating tuna, tasting the mercury
Then try to wash it down with a two dollar bottle of water
Get on the train and think of terrorists with box cutters
Gun concealer 'cause I see a realer reality
And what I breathe through my nasal cavities, killing my batteries
Bombs in the metropolis, out all eye sockets
Esophagus melted out some shite group will get their props for this
Look, I need petro for my Mercedes
But I'm not trying to kneel or die for emperor Cheney
Maybe I'm crazy but I will not just follow the herd
Unless, of course, it's en route to lynch Mike Bloomberg
Being pimped by a gas pump and all its Saudi members
Are like "fuck you!" with New York's two middle fingers
If the opposite of pro is a con then look beyond this
The opposite of congress must be progress
What if the second coming's aborted and put in the dirt
I still don't know what to wear with this orange alert

(Run, coward)

American flags fly, moral's high
A unit of twenty or so repelling apaches in the sky
Into a village of killers, little Jimmy from Jackson
Mississippi, just graduated and seeing action
M-16 locked, loaded and spitting properly
Whoever's in that line of fire - chest full of democracy!
Turn the corner, team leader, neck up, the nose gone
Blown off, this is not PS2's Soccom
Jimmy stays so calm, shoots, count nothing
Riddled in his back answers come flying out his stomach
Face down, then it's face up in a bed, almost dead
Eyes slowly open, IV bags and no legs
A couple sandwiches and some bloody bandages
In a room full of amputee GI amateurs
He gets the word that his unit didn't make it
Got a free ticket home but flat lined before he got to take it

(I hunger)

Cops tape the scene up, gunner downs 9
They're chasing away kids playing hop-scotch in this chalk outline
Two F-16's, screeh an iridescent sky
Look down, we're not in Iraq, we're in N.Y.
Rats in the streets, we move underground like earthworms
Two coasts couldn't abort Satan in his first term
The army in the subway, walking with toolies
I'm on the train with the back of the dollar bill still talking to me
Drive with my left, I know what's right - my weapon hand
Like the map of DC streets still shows a pentagram
License on the car window when I pass through
You've seen the news, no joke, New York pig department will blast you
My Weathermen party is invite only, soldier
'Cause with one wave of King G. Dub's scepter it's over
The right to assemble puts the bearous team on you
Look into my file and nod to this while Jello screams on you.
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