The Munduruku Indians: Weaving Resistance (2014) (trailer)

The Brazilian government is planning to build a vast number of big dams on the rivers around the Amazon Rainforest, destroying biodiversity and disrupting the way of life of thousands of Amerindians and local populations. Now that the work is well under way on the huge Belo Monte dam, on the Xingu river, the government is pushing ahead with its next big project - a series of dams on the Tapajós river. But 12,000 Munduruku Indians, long feared as warriors, live here and are fighting back.

This documentary, filmed in late 2013 and early 2014, looks at life in a Munduruku village, where traditional skills are practised and children are brought up with remarkable freedom. It documents the growth of resistance, even among the women, not traditionally fighters, some of whom are emerging as guerreiras (woman warriors).

UK/Brazil, 25min
Dir.: Nayana Fernandez
Produced by Sue Branford, Mauricio Torres and Nayana Fernandez
Editing: Nayana Fernandez and Jason Brooks
Sound Editing: Aquiles Pantaleão
Sound Design: Michal Kuligowski
Graphics: Mariana Delellis
Music: "Whispers" - By Kushal Gaya and Jenny Sutton

The Munduruku Indians: Weaving Resistance by MiráPorã is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at

Activism   Environment   Indigenous Issues
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