In the 1970's, a small group of residents in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas organized and successfully halted the U.S. Forest Service’s planned aerial applications of herbicides. Now the group battles their rural electric cooperative to protect the region’s organic farms, wells, springs, and the Buffalo River, the first National River in the United States, from being contaminated by herbicides once again.
Mountain Sprout graciously donated their music as the soundtrack for the film. The film is co-produced by Ozarkadia Films and The Newton County Wildlife Association. 2007 Productions edited and directed the film.
This film screened at the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival, Little Rock Film Festival, Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, Offspring Film Festival, and won the 2011 Society for Applied Anthropology Video Award. Dan Anderson, then Director of the Hot Springs Film Festival, described it as "one of my all-time top Arkansas films."