Can We Use the Opportunity of the Economic Crisis to Heal Our Relationship with Money?

Can we use the opportunity of the economic crisis to heal our relationship with money and re-discover true wealth?

MONEY and LIFE is a passionate and inspirational essay-style documentary that makes a provocative proposition: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity? This cinematic odyssey takes us on a journey, from the original purpose of money to connecting the systemic dots on the current global financial crisis and how we got here. Most importantly, MONEY and LIFE says that we owe it to ourselves to understand the fundamentals of this technology called money and tells the story of an emerging new economy, born from the technological and social innovations of the 21st Century.  MONEY and LIFE paints a broad portrait, revealing the reality that our highly interconnected and vastly changing world is initiating an economic shift as profound as the Industrial Revolution.

The film is a tapestry of beautifully shot expert interviews woven with compelling vignettes of individuals and businesses consciously transforming their relationship with money.  Together with dynamic animation, an original music score and an elegant voice of narration, the film tells a new story of money, but more broadly it tells a new story of humanity.  MONEY and LIFE aspires to be a part of bringing a new consciousness to our understanding and practices in the world of money, bringing a touch of humor and a lot of heart to a matter that concerns us all.

An optimistic film steeped in appreciation for human ingenuity, MONEY and LIFE does not dictate answers. It is a respectful invitation to consider questions critical to all our well-being: How can we move beyond being merely consumers, debtors and creditors, and put money in service to what we really care about as citizens, as human beings? Can we design a monetary circulation system that fosters democratic equality? What responsibilities should a corporate charter convey? What does it really mean to make a living? The film itself demonstrates how to approach these questions with both clarity and compassion.  MONEY and LIFE empowers each of us to respond to the fundamental issues of our time and participate in the emerging new economy.
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