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Brené Brown on How to Reckon with Emotion and Change Your Narrative
The most powerful stories may be the ones we tell ourselves, says Brené Brown. But beware—they're usually fiction.
Five Eco Villages Around The World
Communities in Senegal, Colombia, Jamaica, Palestine and Egypt are experimenting with more sustainable ways of living
Rising Rents are Destroying the Social Fabric of Our Cities
With this film, I'm trying to tell a wider story about what is happening to my city through the inspiring words and passion of Vanessa Garrett, owner of Food For Thought in Covent Garden, London. I first visited the restaurant with my mother in the 80's and it has remained...
How a Land High in the Western Himalayas Can Help Us Understand The Crisis of The Modern World
This is a clip from The Economics of Happiness. Watch it here (skip to the 10-minute mark to pick up where this clip ends)
The Anarchist Ideal Summed Up Beautifully in 7 Minutes
This 7-minute clip from Engines of Domination discusses the abolition of armed central authority and what kind of world that would make possible -- a world of peaceful voluntary communities thriving in harmony with their habitat.
Resilience Is Futile: How Well-Meaning Nonprofits Perpetuate Poverty
Two years ago, I was hired as a campaign coordinator for a community initiative in South L.A. I got the job because I’d been an organizer for labor unions, and I was eager and thrilled. I’d be coordinating The Belong Campaign, part
'Hobbit House' Family Succeed in Quest to save Home from Bulldozers
A young family has won its epic battle to live in a real-life “hobbit house” after defeating an attempt by planners to bulldoze it.
Building For Belonging: Why City Planning Must Focus on Ending Social Isolation
Previous generations of architects thought of how architecture could interpret the world, but I think now is the time to think of how architecture can change the world. We architects can assume that role and make a real difference in how people live and behave. – Giancarlo...
And Dreams Shall Take Revenge
In January 2015 Syriza became the first radical left government in modern Europe. In July its people rejected financial regime change with a resounding No! vote in the referendum. Our cameras were there, from the first election rally to the government HQ on referendum night...
What Is Community Wealth Building?
Traditional economic development wastes billions of dollars of taxpayer money to subsidize the profit of corporations with no loyalty to the communities who foot the bill. But there's an alternative: community wealth building, which focuses on building collaborative...
How a White Supremacist Became a Civil Rights Activist
The story of a KKK leader’s transformation shows us that we need not live forever with the kind of violence we saw in Charleston this month.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Transgender Rights
This week's gay rights victory was historic, but the transgender community still faces staggering challenges. John Oliver focuses on the "T" in "LGBT."
Fracking, Values and an Ethics for the 'Anthropocene'
Social movements should take heed of social psychology, argues Kelvin Mason
This Is What Happens When Our Politicians Say Yes to Dirty Energy
Between Tues 23rd and Fri 26th June Lancashire County Council is scheduled to be considering applications for 2 new fracking test sites on the Fylde Peninsular near Blackpool. We have been here before with the last attempt in January ending in far
Be Bored and See What's Inside
Comedian, Aaron Barschak, once said that all you need for creativity is a certain level of boredom, and some alcohol. The latter we have plenty of but with the technological advancements at our disposal, I wonder if we are no longer able to feel bored?
A Non-religious Man Virtually Eliminates Local Crime with Nothing More than a Buddha Statue
It is common knowledge that a person’s surroundings play a vital role in sculpting the mind, ideologies, and thought process of an individual. A stunning example of this is found in the case of the Buddha statue of Oakland, California.
7 Ways to Support Friends When They're Mentally Unwell
Most of us will experience a mental health difficulty like depression, anxiety or addiction during our lives. And at some point, most of us will have a friend or family member who is mentally unwell.
Voluntourist Trap: Volunteer Travel Programs Silence Critics while Luring in Record Numbers of Would-be Volunteers
On April 2, 2015, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) aired the documentary “Volunteers Unleashed” after a controversial reworking of the film in response to threats of litigation from Free the Children, the superpower Canadian non-profit run by the Kielburger family.
The Disease of Being Busy
I saw a dear friend a few days ago. I stopped by to ask her how she was doing, how her family was. She looked up, voice lowered, and just whimpered: “I’m so busy… I am so busy… have so much going on.”
Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms
Since 2012,  Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries has been secretly using spy drones to investigate and expose the environmental devastation caused by factory farms. In this video, the drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply...
Forget Facebook, Abandon Instagram, Move To A Village
People who live in a traditional village — that means a community of about 150 people — are far better off than the rest of us.
Marinaleda: A Socialist Utopia in Spain
Marinaleda is a small and remote village of Andalusia, one of the poorest regions in Spain. The town, with a population of 2,700 citizens, has a unique political and economic system of a strong socialist nature. As a result Marinaleda has virtually full employment in...
Welcome to Marinaleda: The Spanish Anti-Capitalist Town With Equal Wage Full Employment and $19 Housing
With virtually no police, crime or unemployment, meet the Spanish town described as a democratic, socialist utopia. Unemployment is non-existent in Marinaleda, an Andalusian village in southern Spain that is prosperous thanks to its farming cooperative.
Validation Is the Missing Ingredient to a More Sustainable World
I went through a recent awakening where I realized that something very important has been missing throughout my entire life.
Images of International Borders Speak Volumes
History shows us just how easily national borders can change, but we still like to think that they are permanent fixtures. These photos of different national borders around the world show you how nations like to fence - or not fence - off their turf. Borders will often say...
The Small Habit That Could Save the World
Most of us were taught as children never to talk to strangers. At face value this is bad life advice — we can never know people we never talk to. But we know it’s only meant to arm children with a basic skepticism about unknown people, so that they’re less likely to accept a...
Gazi to Gezi - A Stones Throw Away
Gazi to Gezi - a stone's throw away" explores the poetry of a nationwide revolt in Istanbul, Europe's largest city. An explosive mix of the city’s inhabitants come together to fight the police and barricade themselves into one of the metropolis' few remaining green spaces...
Why Schools Need to Teach and Practice Humanity
Schools need to play a major role in developing and creating better humans than merely producing students. We need to question the norm of “Getting excellent results Vs. Being an Excellent human being”. There needs to be a balance in terms of both gaining knowledge and being...
20 Principles for Successful Community Organizing
1. Most people are motivated primarily by self-interest. As a creative community organizer, you are always trying to figure out people’s common self-interest, the glue that binds political organizations and movements.
Key & Peele - Negrotown
What if there were a magical place where blacks could escape the indignities, dangers and inconveniences of racism?
The Unlikely Librarian
A story by Our Better World - telling stories of good to inspire action.
Open Sesame - The Story of Seeds
One of the world's most precious resources is at risk. This timely and emotionally moving film illuminates what is at stake and what can be done to protect the source of nearly all our food: SEEDS. Seeds provide the basis for everything from fabric, to food to fuels. Seeds...
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Standardized Testing
American students face a ridiculous amount of testing. John Oliver explains how standardized tests impact school funding, the achievement gap, how often kids are expected to throw up. 
A Social Cleansing - Gentrification and the Housing Crisis in London
We are in the middle of a growing housing crisis (the UK is in breach of its own United Nations human rights commitment to provide people with adequate homes) which is resulting in a social cleansing of London. This film looks at the West Hendon Estate, Barnet, where over 600...
The Bloom Episode 2: Practicing The New World
Part II of The Bloom explores how Transformational Festivals have become incubators and spaces for “Practicing The New World”, where the festivals are produced using a model of CO-CREATION, utilizing an ethos of PARTICIPATION to create these remarkable realities and MODELLING...
Films For Action & The Bloom: Transformational Festivals Panel - "Practicing The New World"
Transformational Festivals Panel for “Practicing The New World” LIVE at 7:00pm April 29th following the LIVE MASS VIEWING of THE BLOOM PART II 
The Problem With Society Isn't Greed. Greed Is a Symptom of a Deep Need Going Unfulfilled
A lot of people reacted to my comment on Facebook the other day that greed is more a symptom than a cause of our current system, with all its inequities. I’m asked, What is the cause of greed? First I’ll say what I think greed is: Greed is the insatiabl
Watch a Giant Suction Tube Gobble Up The Earth In This Brilliant Video about Our Economy
Modern production is based on extraction from the planet, and modern finance is based on extraction from the many for the benefit of the very few. What would a new economy look like and how can we rethink our relationship to resources, work and culture? Those are some of the...
The Bloom Episode 1: Fundamental Frequencies
The Bloom Part I looks at the “Fundamental Frequencies” of the Transformational Festival experience—how they immerse participants in a world of INSPIRATION, restoring a deeply felt sense of CONNECTION, and supporting processes of HEALING for those involved. 
Free Hugs on St. Patrick's Day (Inspirational Video)
What happens when you take some Free Hugs signs downtown on St. Patrick's Day? Watch to find out. We are changing the hug at a time.  Be a Part of the Shift.
Bristol Rising Up
Rising Up are a collective of individuals and organisations working together in response to the threat faced by MetroBus road development at Stapleton Allotments and small holdings, including Feed Bristol. This prime agricultural land is under imminent threat of being...
Teenager Takes on Cops Arresting 'Homeless' Man in McDonald's
Teenager and local community activist Luke Holland takes on an officer from West Midlands Police after over five officers are sent to McDonald's in Birmingham's Cherry Street to remove an allgedly homeless man who was reportedly sleeping in the restaurant. The 17-year-old...
These Neighbors Got Together to Buy Vacant Buildings. Now They're Renting to Bakers and Brewers
The intersection of Central and Lowry Avenues in northeast Minneapolis is bustling. On the northwest corner is a trifecta of local businesses: A bike shop, a cooperative brewery, and a bakery, in buildings with eye-catching exteriors of rough-hewn wood and silvery porcelain...
What Makes Call-Out Culture So Toxic
Call-out culture refers to the tendency among progressives, radicals, activists, and community organizers to publicly name instances or patterns of oppressive behaviour and language use by others. People can be called out for statements and actions that are sexist, racist...
Wanted: Men Who Love
Every female wants to be loved by a male. Every woman wants to love and be loved by the males in her life. Whether gay or straight, bisexual or celibate, she wants to feel the love of father, grandfather, uncle, brother, or male friend. If she is heterosexual she wants the...
How Class Works
Economist Richard Wolff explains our class society.
What Does It Take to Start a Worker Co-Op? A Practical Video Guide to Democratizing Our Economy
Would it be easier to practice workplace democracy if our media gave us as many visions of collaboration as they do of competition?
Recovering Our Sense of Place, Reconnecting with Pachamama
The popular expression, “there is no place like home” can echo deep within the fiber of our beings. Remembering our homes intuitively invokes a sense of place for many of us. A sense of place or rootedness can awaken feelings of comfort, love, belonging, peace and security...
The Town Where Everyone Got Free Money
The motto of Dauphin, Manitoba, a small farming town in the middle of Canada, is “everything you deserve.” What a citizen deserves, and what effects those deserts have, was a question at the heart of a 40-year-old experiment that has lately become a focal point in a debate...
Why You'll Be Happier When You Give Up The Blame Game
You are probably a bit of a blamer - most of us are. But why should we give it up? In this witty RSA Short, inspirational thinker Brené Brown considers why we blame others, how it sabotages our relationships, and why we desperately need to move beyond this toxic...
Positive News speaks to People of London.
We went to see the team at Positive News, to find out more about the paper and their vision for the future of positive news. Positive News is the world's first positive newspaper. They report on positive developments from across the world and take a solution-focused...
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think
It is now one hundred years since drugs were first banned -- and all through this long century of waging war on drugs, we have been told a story about addiction by our teachers and by our governments. This story is so deeply ingrained in our minds that we take it for...
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere
To Change Everything, Start Everywhere! The case for complete self-determination—a guide for the furious, the curious, and the pure of heart.
Detroit Part I: Extinguishing the Homeless & Shutting Off Human Rights
On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin, features exclusive on-the-ground coverage from Detroit, Michigan, beginning with a look at a tent city outside of downtown, where the crew witnessed a cop putting out the only source of warmth for the homeless population there...
We Are Built To Be Kind
Greed is good. War is inevitable. Whether in political theory or popular culture, human nature is often portrayed as selfish and power hungry. UC Berkeley psychologist Dacher Keltner challenges this notion of human nature and seeks to better understand why we evolved...
A Circle of Gifts
Wherever I go and ask people what is missing from their lives, the most common answer (if they are not impoverished or seriously ill) is “community.” What happened to community, and why don’t we have it any more? There are many reasons – the layout of suburbia, the...
An Ideal Blueprint: The Original Black Panther Party Model and Why It Should Be Duplicated
The rise of the Black Panther Party (BPP) in the late 1960s signified a monumental step toward the development of self-determination in the United States. In a nation that has long suffered a schizophrenic existence, characterized by a grand facade of "freedom, liberty and...
This Community Is Transforming a Blighted Neighborhood Into a Vibrant Lab of Possibilities
The Urban Farming Guys have been busy the last several years, doing amazing work transforming one of the most blighted inner-city zip codes in Kansas City. They're not just growing food, but the hopes and dreams of a community, too.  
Devon's 'New Travellers' Don't Want to Leave Their Woodland Paradise
​Travellers on a site near Exeter are now officially squatting the land they've been living on for 13 years. The New Traveller site on Haldon Hill, dubbed "Middle Tree" by the people who live there, has been tolerated by authorities since its foundation. However, all that's...
In Solidarity - En Solidaridad
In her theory of change known as 'emergence', the academic scholar Margaret Wheatley reminds us that: "The world doesn't change one person at a time. It changes as networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what's possible."