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Permaculture: A Quiet Revolution
As corporate media fails to provide accurate news of the world's dire environmental predicament, the Earth sends a clear message in the form of record-breaking natural disasters, famine and epidemics. People are mobilizing for what lies ahead.
Power Shift 2011 - Bill McKibben Speaks
Is it too much to dream of an America where polluters are held accountable for their disasters? Is it too much to dream of an America where people aren’t burdened with the cost of pollution? Is it too much to dream of an America where citizens are in charge of our energy...
Claiming the Commons: Food for All on Haultain Boulevard
Rainey Hopewell's crazy idea has ended up feeding a neighborhood and creating community. She and Margot Johnston planted vegetables in the parking strip in front of their house. They offer them free for the taking ? to anyone, anytime ? with messages chalked on the sidewalk...
Intro to Permaculture
This is an 18 part 90 minute intro to permaculture webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture in Illinois. Bill has been teaching permaculture for 6 years. He holds 2 PDC Certificates and has Advanced Training in Permaculture Design and in teaching Permaculture.
Dealing With Uncertainty: Why Reaching Out to Young People Is so Important
Reaching out to young people is especially critical at this time. With mounting psycho-social stress attributed to an increasingly uncertain future, young people are going to need support grappling with the social effects of so many convergent crises.
Getting Free: Creating an Association of Democratic Autonomous Neighborhoods
The main purpose of this book is to try to persuade revolutionaries to shift the sites of the anticapitalist struggle and to select new battlefields. I identify three strategic sites for fighting - neighborhoods, workplaces, and households - that I believe will not only...
Five Friends (trailer)
This is a film about MEN's Work, about REAL, INTEGRAL, VULNERABLE, GENUINE, men....
Urban Farming Guys: Farmin' In the Hood!
This is a story of about 20 families who have purposefully uprooted from out of their comfortable suburban homes and moved into one of the worst neighborhoods in Kansas City.  They bought homes within a 5 block radius of each other and put down a stake for the sake of the...
Raising Awareness: Why We Shouldn't Take It for Granted
A dangerous thing can occur when you start learning about what's really going on in the world. The problems start to seem so complex, and you're just one person, doubts begin to creep in. You sincerely want to help change the world, but from all this knowledge you start to...
Creating Conscious Communities - Our Modest Efforts are Really the Only Hope
Each day there are opportunities for resistance, liberation, freedom, creativity, engagement, and meaning.
The End of Suburbia
"We're literally stuck up a cul-de-sac in a cement SUV without a fill-up" - James Howard Kunstler Global oil peak and the inevitable decline of fossil fuels are upon us now, Are today's suburbs destined to become the slums of the future? This is a short version of "The End...
Harlan County, USA
Barbara Kopple's Oscar-winning documentary depicted a group of coal miners' prolonged and frequently dangerous strike against the Brookside Mine in Harlan County, Kentucky in June, 1973.
What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire
A middle class white guy comes to grips with peak oil, climate change, mass extinction, population overshoot and the demise of the American lifestyle.
Other Economies are Possible! Organizing Toward an Economy of Cooperation and Solidarity
Consider this: thousands of diverse, locally-rooted, grassroots economic projects are in the process of creating the basis for a viable democratic alternative to capitalism.   It might seem unlikely that a motley array of initiatives such as worker, consumer, and housing...
The Girl Effect: The Clock is Ticking
The clock is ticking... See how a 12-year-old girl could be the solution the world needs right now.
Become a Farmer
The last 30 years have seen a protracted crisis in American agriculture. We have fewer farmers, less land, a degraded soil base and intensifying corporate control over production, processing and technology. With 58 being the average age of farmers in America, there is a...
Us Now: The Power of Open Collaboration & the Internet
In his student flat in Colchester, Jack Howe is staring intently into his computer screen. He is picking the team for Ebbsfleet United's FA Trophy Semi-Final match against Aldershot . Around the world 35,000 other fans are doing the same thing, because together, they own and...
Filmmakers Propose Online "Swarm Offensive" Against Climate Change
This beautifully animated short video argues that grassroots efforts to deal with climate change can be more effective if they adopt the tactics of open source technology, using databases and social networks to "tap into our collective genius" to tackle the toughest of global...
Free to Learn: A Radical Experiment in Education
Free to Learn is a 70 minute documentary that offers a “fly on the wall” perspective of the daily happenings at The Free School in Albany, New York. Like many of today’s radical and democratic schools, The Free School expects children to decide for themselves how to spend...
Broadcast Blues (trailer)
Clear Channel neglects its emergency system, disaster strikes, and people die. Pentagon pundits profit from the same war they promote. Fox News gets a court ruling that news does not have to be true. And Radio Talkers rule. Media Policy is killing people in this country...
The Economics of Happiness
Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and ethnic conflict; climate chaos and species extinction; financial instability and unemployment. There...
The People's Supermarket: Communal, Cheap and Democratic
Would you be willing to spend four hours stacking shelves in a supermarket? Regularly? For nothing? And do a spot on the tills, and quite a lot of floor-mopping? Well, it certainly makes a change from hanging out at Starbucks, I suppose.
Changing the World One Bike Rider at a Time
A weekly free bike coop where you can use mechanics’ tools and expertise to fix your bike? Free clinics where schoolkids or neighbors learn to maintain or build their own bikes from used parts? Chauncey and Dash Tudhope-Locklear make a living repairing bicycles, but...
Eat Locally!
Supporting local farms is one of the best and easiest ways to eat healthy, reduce your carbon footprint, and strengthen your community. 
The Earth Charter: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Preamble We stand at a critical moment in Earth's history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst...
Little Mountain: A Fight for Social Housing
Little Mountain is the oldest public housing site in Vancouver, home to families and a rich community for over 60 years. What was once public land has been sold to private developers who plan to evict all of the tenats and demolish the site. The Steenhuisen family have lived...
Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas
From Venezuela's Communal Councils, to Brazil's Participatory Budgeting; from Constitutional Assemblies to grassroots movements, recuperated factories to cooperatives across the hemisphere -- this documentary is a journey, which takes us across the Americas, to attempt to...
Eat the Suburbs: Gardening for the End of the Oil Age
EAT THE SUBURBS takes the oil debate from the browser to the backyard and follows Melbourne's "permablitzers" as they prepare for the end of the oil age... one garden at a time. A film by Tanya Curnow.
Energy Co-op Brings Power to the People
What if a community owned its electric utility cooperatively, rather than paying a for-profit company? Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative could be a model. Energy Services manager Jessica Nelson describes how this locally owned, democratically governed non-profit serves...
The Transition Movement Comes to America
One response to the global crisis that is gaining enthusiastic momentum is the Transition Towns movement. Jennifer Gray, a pioneer in the Transition Initiative in the UK and cofounder of Transition US, describes it as “a community-led response to the twin crises of peak oil...
Bailout Protest - Lawrence, KS
Bailout protest on October 10th, the first of many. The people are waking up. Unlikely individuals are teaming up. We've had enough and the message is spreading in the streets. Dennis Moore, local to Lawrence's 3rd District in the House of Representatives voted twice to...
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (trailer)
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people...
Community Responses to Peak Oil
Peak oil educator and author Richard Heinberg discusses what communities can do to prepare for peak oil. He covers transportation, including a novel ride-sharing scheme, assessing municipal vulnerabilities, local food and energy production, as well as the Hirsch report's...
How Much Food Can I Grow Around My House?
In summer 2006 Judy Alexander embarked on an experiment to see how much food she could grow, and how many neighbors could benefit, from the garden around her house. Check out her homegrown rainwater collection and irrigation system - watering her 60+ edible crops. Meet the...
City Repair - Permaculture for Urban Spaces
What happens when citizens apply permaculture principles to a city grid? They create friendly places within the grid that invite people to come together. Mark Lakeman, co-founder of Portland, Oregon's City Repair Project describes these "creative intervention" projects as...
The Take: Occupy, Resist, Produce
In the wake of Argentina's dramatic economic collapse in 2001, Latin America's most prosperous middle class finds itself in a ghost town of abandoned factories and mass unemployment. The Forja auto plant lies dormant until its former employees take action. They're part of a...
Practical Tools to Grow an Intentional Community
Peak Moment TV: Communities Magazine editor Diana Leafe Christian concisely spells out what the successful 10% of intentional communities do: common vision and purpose, fair participatory decision-making, clear agreements in writing, good balance of right and left-brain...
Turning Defense into Offense: Challenging Corporations & Creating Self-Governance | Thomas Linzey
Thomas Linzey provides some excellent ideas for activists looking for strategies that will cut right to the root of so many problems local communities are dealing with.