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10 Ways Permaculture Principles Can Help Your Relationships
Do you mulch your relationships? Kim Millar explains how Permaculture principles work just as much in the home, as they do in the garden
7 Ways You Can Help Clean Energy Eat Big Oil’s Lunch
Bill McKibben and the folks have decided to target the pernicious financial influence of the fossil fuel industry and its front groups. On the day following the election, they kicked off a 21-city “Do the Math” tourto “mount an unprecedented campaign to cut off the...
The Radical Resistance Tour
The Radical Resistance Tour is an autonomous project by a group of Occupy Wall Street organizers. We're touring the United States and interviewing activists, people participating in direct actions, and people working create a dual power model. We want to show people who...
Status Anxiety
Why doesn’t money (usually) buy happiness? Alain de Botton breaks new ground for most of us, offering reasons for something our grandparents may well have told us, as children.
This is my protest
Edgars protest is probably the most pacific protest in the world. As long as you see sustainable living in an ecovillage as a revolt. The former permaculture teacher from Peru has been living in nature for over 20 years and now he has it all; a warm shower, a washing machine...
How to Occupy: Grassroots Practices for Global Change
HowToOccupy is conceived to promote and spread the methods, techniques and knowledge about peaceful occupation of public spaces while developing sustainable ways of living based on participatory democracy.
Ancient Futures:  Learning From Ladakh
Ladakh, or 'Little Tibet', is a wildly beautiful desert land high in the Western Himalayas. It is a place of few resources and an extreme climate. Yet for more than 1,000 years, it has been home to a thriving culture. Traditions of frugality and cooperation, with an intimate...
Real Estate 4 Ransom: Why Does Land Cost the Earth?
REAL ESTATE 4 RAN$OM outlines a genuine alternative to the global property speculation that forced so many into debt. Doubling the pressure, the tax game has become just that, with tax havens a favoured option for the wealthy. The result - we are taxing the wrong things...
ShareCraft | Gamers Saving The Real World
Short documentary film commenting on the success and ramifications of Sharecraft 2012 which was started by the crew of In this video we look at the reasons sharecraft was started, the political implications, and how it's success has effected the way the world...
Daily Acts
Thirty community volunteers come together to transform their neighbor's front yard into a lush, edible garden. Daily Acts Founder Trathen Heckman shares his thoughts on how small actions can help address big problems like climate change, water scarcity and suburban sprawl. 
Karma Kitchen
What is the value of something that doesn't have a price? That is the fundamental question raised every week at Karma Kitchen, a volunteer-run restaurant in Berkeley. Based on an experiment in generosity, guests are presented with a $0 bill at the end of each meal. Found and...
Hello, I Am Awake (The 5th Element)
"The 5th Element" project is a visual reflection of a human shift in consciousness taking place on our planet right now. More and more people are starting to see beyond the mainstream illusions of separateness, endless fear mongering, socially constructed ideas of who we...
Host a Film Screening of What A Way To Go: Life At the End of Empire
Hosting film screenings can be used as a powerful method to accomplish many goals. They can be used to launch solutions-oriented campaigns (either designed by your group or to assist already on-going campaigns). They can create a common foundation of understanding among a...
2012: The Mayan Word
Everyone is talking about the Mayan Prophecies of 2012. But who is listening to the Maya?
I Love You and There's Nothing You Can Do About It
i love you and there's nothing you can do about it. occupy your life like an art bomb that spreads in the distance these are the sounds of resistance.  holding hands we witness  the unraveling threads of the system a synapse ecstatic relapse begin.  start with your...
Seattle's First Urban Food Forest Will Be Open To Foragers
If you're a regular reader of The Salt, you've probably noticed our interest in foraging. From San Francisco to Maryland, we've met wild food experts, nature guides and chefs passionate about picking fo
Cooperating to Replace Capitalism
SolidarityNYC is a New York City-based group which works to create links between social movements and the "solidarity economy." The latter consists of cooperatives, small businesses, non-profits and other economic activities which "reinforce values of justice, ecological...
Awakening the Village Heart and Mind
From their “Zero Mile Meal Eatery” to zoning and financing innovations, O.U.R. Ecovillage in BC, Canada has paved the way for many communities worldwide. For Brandy Gallagher, the story on the planet right now could be a shared ethos of caring: “Everyone is fed. Everyone is...
Grow Heathrow: "Everythings Changing"
On March 1st 2010 Transition Heathrow members swooped on an abandoned market garden site in Sipson; one of the villages to be completely tarmacked to make way for a third runway at Heathrow Airport, London.
How Do We, As a Society, Want to Be Remembered?
How do we, as a society, want to be remembered? I would rather it not be this way.
PBS FRONTLINE: The Interrupters
The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising stories of three Violence Interrupters who try to protect their Chicago communities from the violence they once employed. From acclaimed director Steve James and bestselling author Alex Kotlowitz, this film is an unusually...
A Panther in Africa
On October 30, 1969, Pete O'Neal, a young Black Panther in Kansas City, Missouri, was arrested for transporting a gun across state lines. One year later, O'Neal fled the charge, and for over 30 years, he has lived in Tanzania, one of the last American exiles from an era when...
A New We: Ecovillages and Eco-Communities in Europe
Experience 10 ecovillages and ecological communities in 8 European countries. Presented communities: Sieben Linden, Damanhur, Tamera, Valle de Sensaciones, Matavenero, Schloss Glarisegg, Schloss Tonndorf, Krishna Valley, La Borie Noble, Finca Tierra.
Occupy Your Mind: On Power, Knowledge, and the Re-Occupation of Common Sense
One of the most profound changes that occurs when modern schooling is introduced into traditional societies around the world is a radical shift in the locus of power and control over learning from children, families, and communities to ever more centralized systems of authority. 
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Cuba's economy went into a tailspin. With imports of oil cut by more than half – and food by 80 percent – people were desperate. This film tells of the hardships and struggles as well as the community and creativity of the Cuban people...
Have you ever faked a restroom trip to check your email? Slept with your laptop? Or become so overwhelmed that you just unplugged from it all? In this funny, eye-opening, and inspiring film, director Tiffany Shlain takes audiences on an exhilarating rollercoaster ride to...
After the Encampments: #OCCUPYMIGRATION and #OCCUPYHOMES
The history of activism is a cat-and-mouse game of surprising tactical innovations that spark an insurrectionary situation and the counterstrategies developed to put down the revolt. In 1848, the invention of the barricade toppled the King of France and sparked a Europe-wide...
Films for Action Is Ready to Hit the Tipping Point in 2012
It's been five years since the Films For Action project began in Lawrence, Kansas. It started with one simple idea: we can't depend on the mainstream media to inform us, so let's become the media ourselves by hosting documentaries on issues that the corporate media ignores.
Bring "Democracy Now!" to a Station Near You
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is
Are We Doomed? YERT Feature Film (trailer)
Get ready for YERT: The Film. We've finished our feature film based on our eco-adventures to every state of the USA! Please spread the word to all of your friends and family - we want this film to travel around the world. Find or arrange a screening near you by clicking on...
Tactical Briefing: Occupy the High Ground!
Hey you creatives, artists, environmentalists, workers, moms, dads, students, malcontents, do-gooders and aspiring martyrs in the snow:
Wall Street Revolt
Dateline gets to the heart of the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York and questions whether the financial world can ignore such a huge demonstration in its midst. "This isn't just a game, this is the future of this country. It's actually the future of the world", insists...
Guide to Building a Solidarity Network
A guide to building a successful solidarity network along the lines of the Seattle Solidarity Network, written by two SeaSol organisers, in text and PDF pamphlet format. The Seattle Solidarity Network (or “SeaSol” for short) is a small but growing workers’ and tenants’...
Occupy to Self Manage
I have yet to see my nearest large occupation, Boston, or the precursor of all U.S. occupations, Wall Street. Instead, I have been on the road for the past six weeks in Thesselonika and Athens Greece; Istanbul and Diyarbikar Turkey; Lexington, Kentucky; London, England...
Occupy Squads: How to respond everywhere
The occupy movement continues to grow city-by-city, town by town right across Turtle Island (North America) and right across the planet. People are occupying parks and squares, banks, and businesses, now we must truly embrace the slogan ‘occupy everywhere.’
After Peaceful Oakland General Strike, Occupation of Building Leads to Police Confrontation
Last night, after one of the most remarkable days of resistance in recent history, some of us within Occupy Oakland took an important next step: we extended the occupation to an unused building near Oscar Grant Plaza. We did this, first off, in order to secure the shelter and...
Permaculture in Costa Rica
Permaculture course in Costa Rica that explores the core principles of Permaculture Design and applications with the intention of meeting human needs as individuals, within society and community, as well as creating harmony with ecological systems.
How Liberty Park’s Ragged Utopia Is Changing the World
CREATING COMMUNITY: (Above) Chris O’Donnell, 24, of Bushwick, Brooklyn, takes a break at the Occupy Wall Street encampment. The kitchen has been serving free meals to as many as 1,000 people a day. (Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales)   “Who is ready to defend our park?” the...
Open to the Public?
This documentary takes a critical look at the history and future of public space–from the Agora to shopping malls to NYC’s community gardens. The film unrolls the complicated relationship between public and private control over space. Featuring scholars, activists and...
Where Do We Go From Here?  (Occupy Wall St)
On October 17th, Occupy Wall Street hit its one-month anniversary. To commemorate the event, filmmaker Ed David filmed a number of protesters in Zuccotti Park to ask a basic question: “Where do we go from here?”
Keep Going and Do Not Stop (A Communiqué in Solidarity with the Occupy Movement from Cairo)
To all those in the United States currently occupying parks, squares and other spaces, your comrades in Cairo are watching you in solidarity. Having received so much advice from you about transitioning to democracy, we thought it’s our turn to pass on some advice.
Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists
Starting with the occupation of a park next to Wall Street on September 17, a new movement is spreading across the country in which people gather in public spaces in protest against social inequalities. We’ll present
Right Here All Over  (Occupy Wall St.)
A new angle on Occupy Wall Street reveals the strong micro community that has formed there.
We - Arundhati Roy
We is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. It visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror...
Understanding The Riots – Where Next?
Since last Saturday, a situation has escalated around the UK, with eruptions of long-repressed anger in most major cities. Whilst this anger may have certainly, at times, taken on forms that we disapprove of, we all know where this anger comes from. We are all suffering at...
Haiti Earthship Project: Overview
After the devastating earthquake in Haiti, members of the Earthship Biotecture crew visit Haiti to build an off-grid, sustainable housing unit and teach Haitians how to build the structures themselves.  By giving power back to the people, HOPE is renewed and a real solution...
Arrival of the Post-Petroleum Human
“Petroleum Man is dead. Infinite Growth Man is dead. Post Petroleum Human is alive,” announced Michael C. Ruppert on May 22, 2011. Members of this emerging “species” know they must live in balance with the Earth, while remembering the lessons of industrial civilization.
“I used to be an activist.”
“Back in the 60’s I was an activist too, but you’ve just got to learn how to be realistic.” These words seem to form a brick wall that many of us have run up against. The good-hearted person that just can’t help out anymore because they’ve gotten cynical or exhausted...
Eugene City of Peace Introduction
Describes the goals, process, and philosophy of an experiment in community-building. A movement of people interested in defining, nurturing, and celebrating Eugene as City of Peace are building a new common story, definition and understanding of who is valued: each and every...
The Elephant on Campus | Dennis Littky
a snippet of michael's interview with radical educator dennis littky.
First Earth: Uncompromising Ecological Architecture
FIRST EARTH is a documentary about the movement towards a massive paradigm shift for shelter -- building healthy houses in the old ways, out of the very earth itself, and living together like in the old days, by recreating villages. It is a sprawling film, shot on location...
Sweat The Small Stuff
From eating local food to taking shared showers, here are eight ways to reduce your impact on the planet that will make your life better too. 
The Kingdom of Survival
The Kingdom of Survival is an interdisciplanary documentary combining speculative travelogue and investigative journalism in order to trace possible links between survivalism, spirituality, art, radical politics, outlaw culture, alternative media and fringe philosophy...
Malayasia: Bidayuh villagers set fire to logging camps, 13 heavy machines
Residents from 10 Bidayuh villagers this week set fire to five logging camps and thirteen heavy machines in a stark protest against logging activities on their land, in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.
Libcom's Guide to Organising
The problem: We wake up every day to go to work, taking orders from a manager. We sit at work counting down the minutes until we go home, counting down the days until the weekend, counting down the weeks until our next holiday, wishing our lives away. Or worse, we can't find...
Stop Spending Money: How Consumerism Takes Its Toll on Our Happiness
There’s no doubt that the U.S. culture is famous for its promises of happiness. As age-old as the idea of the “American dream” is the idea that working hard and making money to create the life you want will lead you to happiness and bliss. It’s made painfully obvious in...
FRACK! New documentary puts controversial gas "fracking" technology  under the spotlight
Frack! tells the story of the unconventional gas-drilling ("fracking") frenzy sweeping the Marcellus region, including the Catskills and Upper Delaware River watershed, threatening pristine areas which provide clean drinking water for over 15 million people.  Without a...
Relocalize the Economy: Generate Alternatives from the Ground Up
Across the world millions of people are actively resisting the process of corporate globalization while simultaneously creating viable local alternatives in the here and now. This powerful emerging movement represents a radical departure from ‘business as usual’. In place of...
Link Up, Get Organized! Join the Movement for Economic Change
Across the world millions of people are actively resisting the process of corporate globalization while simultaneously building viable local alternatives. Effective (and enjoyable!) change, in both cases, requires collective action – linking hands with like-minded people –...