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Mindful Insight Across the Philippines
Bhante Rakkhita Samanera is an English Buddhist monk exploring the Philippines. Local villagers experience the opportunity to offer spiritual & material support during this residential stay at yoga-healing communities.
My Father's Gift
'Gift' is a must watch short film that has a profound, heart-touching message about the importance of giving, and the true value of wealth. It’s a beautiful depiction of how we deeply touch others when we selflessly give our time, love and kindness. “Gift” is about a boy who...
Brilliantly Articulated Animation About Mass Incarceration In The US
Thanks to Visually ( for facilitating the creation of this video, to for the animation, and to The Prison Policy Initiative for research help and fact checking. ( It wasn't easy to pick this topic...
Battle for Bentley - Will you show up?
Bentley is a beautiful valley community that has peacefully resided 12 kms north west of Lismore for many years. It is a primary produce area and sits within the Northern Rivers water catchment area. Right now it is the new frontline in the fight for fresh water, safe air and...
Recipe For Change | Building an Earthship in Ushuaia
Recipe For Change follows the story of Earthship Biotecture in Ushuaia, Argentina as they and a group of academy students build a two-room simple survival Earthship. Earthships are fully off the grid buildings which catch t
The Secret Reason Sustainable Living Is Now Illegal
Many states are cracking down on sustainable off-the-grid living. They generally come up with ridiculous laws to justify it. However, there is a much larger, deeper reason as to why these communities are being stopped.
5 Ways to Make Life More Like Burning Man
So you’ve been to the playa, and you’ve seen the promised land – the promise of freedom, of self-expression, of immediacy and creativity and community.  The playa fed you, and it changed you.  It provided you opportunities for growth, you took advantage of those...
Typhoon Haiyan Survivors Dance to Pharrell Williams-and They Are Incredible
Want to see a different side of Tacloban City's destruction? These survivors' moves will change how you think about resilience after chaos.   After four months of images of chaos, destruction, and grief-stricken families in the hardest-hit areas of the post-Haiyan...
Detention, Deportation or Death: The Stark Choice for Many Migrants to the UK Who Can be Detained Indefinitely Without Trial
The treatment of people that the British government wants to deport is among the harshest in the world. The UK is the only country in the European Union that detains people for years with no time limit. Detention Action believes that this is one of the most important civil...
Future Suspended
How does a global financial crisis permeate the spaces of everyday life in a city? From the streets of Athens, Greece, Future Suspended is divided in three sections. “Privatised” explores the legacy of mass privatisation projects that preceded the 2004 Olympics, placing them...
Yarl's Wood detention centre shames Britain - when did "refugee" become a dirty word?
They take everything from you when you go into Yarl’s Wood. Even on a visit to a friend or family member, you have to turn out your pockets and stand in line to have you
What Do These Scary-Looking People Have To Do With Child Abuse? The Answer Is Pleasantly Surprising.
This is the kind of good I like to see in the world. Not only are they breaking down stereotypes, but they're doing something really meaningful. I absolutely love what he says about empowering children when they need it the most.
Guide to Building Thriving, Resilient Communities
A Collection of Resources for You & Your Neighbors to Create a Saner, Healthier Future Together     Introduction This collection of books, online resources, trainings and courses was assembled by members and allies of the Thriving Resilient Communities Collaboratory...
Organizing Revolt
This Week: 1. Proto nazis in the Ukraine 2. the end of Bill McKibben's innocence 3. Enbridge blockers found guilty 4. Fracking pipeline must be stopped 5. No justice for Kelly Thomas 6. The silent anarchist is free 7. Bambu - Crosshairs 8. Peter Gelderloos on Barcelona assemblies
Workers of the World... Relax!
A philosophical treatise against the practice of forced labor for income. An abridged reading of 'The Abolition of Work' by Bob Black.
After Crisis, Greeks Work to Promote 'Social' Economy
ALONIA, Greece — The feisty owner of a small family business that makes detergents has never had time for anticapitalist firebrands. So he was suspicious and skeptical when he was approached by left-leaning activists campaigning to purge “profiteers” from the market.
Young Boxer Teaches Bully a Lesson
Kevin got bullied in school. But then he took up boxing. Check out what happened when he saw another student being bullied, and decided to act. Moral Courage TV tells the stories of people who are fighting corruption in their faith, culture, or workplace.
Bullied to Silence (trailer)
This is THE Film about Bullying you MUST SEE! Bullied to Silence provides hope and a path for change to anyone who has ever witnessed or experienced being bullied or a bully.
Enough Is Enough
Enough Is Enough lays out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth-an economy where the goal is enough, not more.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Planet
Do you agonize over the little venial eco-sins of everyday life? Every gallon of gas, every extra minute of a hot shower, each flush?
How to Create Abundant Cities
Is it enough for our lives, our economy, our cities to become “sustainable”? If being sustainable means no more than being able to maintain the status quo of strife and never having enough, of contests over who gets the most of the scarce resources available, then aiming for...
Upskilling for Post Growth Futures, Together
When I was seven, I was given an Apple Macintosh in the hope that Mavis Beacon would teach me how to touch type. It was an unreasonable expectation, for I was actually more interested in escaping to the fantasy lands of computer games such as Dungeons and Dragons, and Lode...
Here, Copy This Lady's Idea And Make Your Own Community A Little More Wonderful
Kids, try this one at home. Wish you could do more? You don't need a Kickstarter account, or even any Internet at all.
Occupied Pleasures
More than four million Palestinians live in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, where the political situation regularly intrudes upon the most mundane of moments. Movement is circumscribed and the threat of violence often hangs overhead. This creates the strongest of...
End Poverty and Create Wealth with Public Banks
How would you like to increase your spending power by 10 times (or more), relieve student debt by more than 90 percent, increase Social Security benefits, lower taxes, increase pay for teachers, and lower loan amounts for homes and small business to 1-2 percent?
Roses On My Table
An intimate and upbeat portrayal of anarchism in action and a creative critique of capitalism, the film begins by documenting the house, residents, projects and principles of the Richmond VA based Wingnut Anarchist Collective.
You've Been Sleeping, And It's Time To Wake Up! (Zen Hand Clap)
Awake from your slumber of cynicism! Awake from your slumber of despair!
A cinema verite masterpiece...brilliantly captured... about an inner city pawnshop and a banker of last resort. The documentary from Gemini-award-winning filmmaker Rosie Dransfeld is set in a pawnshop. Its owner, David Woolfson, a bone-hard Jewish merchant from South Africa...
Five Steps To Tyranny
This film analyzes the movement of a society from freedom to tyranny in five steps. It clearly shows how those in positions of power may cultivate the conditions of tyranny in any population by demonstrating how easily ordinary people may be manipulated into compliance with...
Freedom Culture
A movement about building the world we know is possible in our hearts today.
How 'Hygge' Can Help You Get Through Winter
The vague cultural concept doesn't translate easily into English, but it has helped Denmark become the 'happiest country on Earth' despite long, dark winters.
In Transition 2.0: A Story of Resilience & Hope in Extraordinary Times
This film is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. There are stories of communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up...
The Mask You Live In: An Exploration Of American Masculinity
The Mask You Live In follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity.
Within Reach: Journey to Find Sustainable Community
Within Reach explores one couple's pedal-powered search for a place to call home. Mandy and Ryan gave up their jobs, cars, and traditional houses to 'bike-pack' 6500 miles around the USA seeking sustainable community. Rather than looking in a traditional neighborhood, they...
Fractured Country - An Unconventional Invasion
'Fractured Country: an Unconventional Invasion' is a new film from Lock the Gate Alliance (Australia) about the risks to communities from invasive gasfields. This is the full version of the documentary.
Undermining Australia - Coal vs Communities
The full version of the recently released film from the Lock the Gate Alliance (Australia), 'Undermining Australia: Coal vs Communities' The documentary features the personal stories of Australians whose lives have been changed forever by coal mining. The film was directed by...
Utah Is on Track to End Homelessness by 2015 With This One Simple Idea
Give them an apartment first, ask questions later. Utah has reduced its rate of chronic homelessness by 78 percent over the past eight years, moving 2000 people off the street and putting the state on track to eradicate homelessness altogether by 2015. How’d they do it? The...
Peaceful Gathering of Hands : Cultivating Community
The Peaceful Gathering of Hands is a free and collaborative event to unify diverse groups and individuals working for a more healthy, sustainable, and peaceful city. Please share this video with friends and family!
Valhalla: Breaking Through To The New Sustainable Paradigm
Valhalla is a sustainable community hell-bent on inspiring people to be the change they wish to see. Together we can create the beautiful world our hearts tell us is possible.
Money & The Land Grab
For more information go to: Plans to re-regulate banks (like the Volker Rule in the US) will not prevent money-makers in the financial sector from fuelling the next land-led boom/bust. Professor Margrit Kennedy explains why a holistic...
Seeds of Sovereignty
As the world’s agriculture and food systems face a crisis of disappearing seed diversity, a new short film tells the story of how African farming communities and organisations are reviving traditional seed diversity across the continent, and resisting mounting corporate...
We Transformed a Car on the Streets of São Paulo to Promote Animal Rights
In an attempt to promote animal rights debate in the streets of São Paulo and to make this grey city a little more colored and humane, we occupied an abandoned car with plants and paint! The action took place in downtown and is a partnership of Movimento NÃO MATE and Ocupe...
Art Activism: Check Out The Beehive Collective's Latest Extraordinary Illustration
The Beehive Design Collective's most ambitious storytelling illustration to date, Mesoamerica Resiste, is complete after nine years of production!
Emergency Day of Action Called – Solidarity With Fracking Resisters
In Canada the HWY 11 Land Defenders are are fighting against fracking on land in Mi'kmaq Territory. An encampment successfully blockaded SWN seismic trucks and the police moved in to evict them. With arrests and an injunction in place resistance is becoming more...
South African Students Grow Veggies to Feed the Local Children
It all started, in part, with Thomas Chevallier growing his own organic veggies and realizing the benefits of following a system that reflects the natural world, not only in the healthy food that was being produced, but the lesson of everything's inter connectivity.
A Citizen Go-Getter on Civic Participation and Democracy
We all know people who are hard-core doers, and Rosemary Ryan, life-long Highlands, New Jersey resident delivers in spades. She's been elected Board of Education President, is an Environmental Commission member, and also sits on the Hope for Highlands Commission, a group of...
Bloom: An Exploration of Visionary Art
What role does art play in the transition to a new kind of world? This video explores this question with beautiful sounds, images and ideas that will likely leave your imagination stimulated with evocative dreams and visions of your own.
Solutions After Disaster: How Worker-Owned Cooperatives are Generating Real Wealth and Community
One year ago, when Hurricane Sandy pummeled the East Coast of the United States with its high tides and winds stretching a 900-mile span, it hit communities in 24 states. Damage estimates range from $50 billion to $68 billion. In New York, loss estimates exceed $19 billion...
Health Care: An Anarchist Approach
The current US debate about health-care funding can be understood as concerned with meeting the challenge of doing three things at once:
LILAC: A Model for Truly Affordable Green Cohousing
The triple bottom line for business is people, planet, profit. What is it for housing? A group of people in Leeds, England have built a cohousing project that sets a triple-benefit bar for housing projects by prioritizing three core tenets: the environment, affordability, and...
Ihtiyaciniz Olan Her Sey (Everything We Need)
Zumbara is a time-banking community that facilitates thousands of exchanges between people in Istanbul and in other cities in Turkey. Zumbara recognizes the opportunity to use the tool of time-banking to create a better connected community and an accessible way to start to...
There is a Beautiful Movement Growing in Australia
Right now, all around this mighty continent, the people are rising. We have united together in the greatest social movement this country has ever seen, and we are ready to stand up and fight for the future of this great big backyard of ours. For too long our Federal...
The Society of the Spectacle: Guy Debord's Classic Work Remade into a Mind-Bending Short Film
Guy Debord's classic 1967 text, remade into a contemporary context, with all sorts of visual remixing in the grand spirit of 'the spectacle.' Also includes Marshall McLuhan and John Berger.
How Cops Are Vetted For Aggression & Insensitivity: An Interview with Capt. Ray Lewis
Abby Martin remarks on the second anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, highlighting a recent Reuters poll showing that only 15% of Americans are satisfied with the government's effort to prosecute Wall Street bankers, and speaks with former Philadelphia police captain Ray Lewis...
American Autumn - an Occudoc
Shot on the front lines and meeting spaces of the Occupy movement in NYC, Boston, and Washington, DC from the earliest days through the end of January 2012, American Autumn: an Occudoc is an inside looking out view of the occupy movement.
Woman Uses Local Nuisance to Rebuild Town's Economy
This is a great example of a local business interacting with their local ecology to create something that improves the lives of everyone it touches. I hope it inspires others to use their gifts in ways to uplift society.
Photographer Proves Strangers are Friends You Haven't Met Yet
What a beautiful, inspiring story. Photographer Richard Renaldi takes two random strangers on the street and has them pose together in a photograph as if they were intimate family members. Almost
Another Life Is Possible: A Homage to Catalonia II
A documentary, a research project, a story of stories about the construction of a sustainable, solidary and decentralized economy. Weaving nets that overcome the individualization and the hierarchical division of work. Thousands of people every day all over the world. Here...
How to Design Our Neighborhoods for Happiness
Neighbors in Conover Commons in Redmond, Washington, share an open field as their community gathering spot. This photo originally appeared in Jay Walljasper's book, How to Design Our World for Happiness.