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Ferguson Redux
In this sedition a special report on the rebellions that have been rocking Turtle Island in the wake of the "no indictment" of racist cop Darren Wilson for his murder of black teen Mike Brown in Ferguson Missouri.
Time As Money: A Documentary Film About Time Banking
From small town neighborhoods to cities, the shift in the economy and continued financial struggles is having an adverse effect on communities and creating devastating isolation for its inhabitants. As a result, time banks begin to form encouraging members to repair and...
The Power of Asset-based Approaches
From the moment you were born, you have been accumulating an incredible array of assets. No matter who you are – your passions, knowledge, skills and access to resources are truly vast.
Why We Should Give Everyone a Basic Income
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Rutger Bregman (1988) studied at Utrecht University and the University of California in Los Angeles, majoring in History. In September 2013 Bregman joined the online journalism platform...
Shapes of Exchange in the Solidarity Economy
SolidarityNYC's animated short explains what the solidarity economy framework is and how housing co-ops and community land trusts, worker co-ops, community supported agriculture, and credit unions help to meet everyone's needs within it.
How to Fire Your Boss: A Worker's Guide to Direct action
The indignity of working-for-a-living is well-known to anyone who ever has. Democracy, the great principle on which our society is supposedly founded, is thrown out the window as soon as we punch the time clock at work. With no say over what we produce, or how that production...
Reconciling Differences & Building Solidarity
This is Part 2 of 3 articles in Generation Alpha's ‘Shades Of Green’ series. Read part 1 here. 
An Earthship in 10 Minutes
This is a ten minute recap of our earthship greenhouse we built at Valhalla. If you'd like to watch the entire playlists; Subscribe to our Channel and watch all 10 parts. :)
Syrena Fights Back!
Syrena is a squatted house in Warsaw that is home to 65 people, including a number of families. It also provides space for the Warsaw Tenants Association, Workers Initiative, Anarchist Black Cross, Warsaw Revolutionary Theatre, Amature Opera Front, Punk Yoga, No One Is...
Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?
Why I Refuse to Let Technology Control Me. By Prince Ea
Uniting the People of the world
The time has come when we must demonstrate in our millions not against this or that, but rather for who we are * * * At this time of economic turmoil it can be difficult to perceive for oneself how the principle of sharing is a solution to world problems, and this is...
Andrea Gibson: Poetry To Make Your Heart Sing
Andrea Gibson performing "Birthday" at Keuka College NY on September 30 2009. 
Sea Change: We All Live Downstream
SeaChange Flotilla is a participatory voyage down the Hudson River in a fleet of full-scale paper boats, charting a course from upstate New York to New York City in a convergence of art and activism to coincide with the meeting of world leaders at the United Nations Climate...
This Is The "Living on Earth 101" Primer Every Human Needs To See. And It's Only 52 Seconds.
This Wombat has some simple instructions for living on Earth. A great reminder for sure!
Casa De Paz: House of Peace
In the Fruitvale area of Oakland, California, residents are opening their doors and their hearts, fostering peace in their neighborhood—one block at a time. Casa de Paz is one of several houses joined by a common backyard/ farm, where friends and neighbors are encouraged to...
As I Am
Chris Dean’s heart stopped when he was two. He died but he came back. When Chris was five, his father was murdered, riddled by more than 20 bullets in a gang shootout. At age 18, Chris gained national attention when he introduced President Barack Obama at his high school...
Gabor Mate: Toxic Culture - How Materialistic Society Makes Us Ill
The Canadian physician and best-selling author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts is a brilliantly original thinker on addiction, trauma, parenting and the social context of human diseases and imbalances. Contrary to the assumptions of mainstream medicine, he asserts that most...
Grow Heathrow: Residents Resisting Eviction Over 3rd Runway
On March 1st 2010 Transition Heathrow members swooped on an abandoned market garden site in Sipson; one of the villages to be completely tarmacked to make way for a third runway at Heathrow.
The Occupy Wall Street movement made headlines around the world and spawned hundreds of similar occupation protests internationally. This short multimedia piece reflects on what happened through the voices of some of those who took part and archival footage.
What Is Addiction? - Gabor Maté
Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the root causes of addiction and how to deal with them.
It's The Greatest Love Story of Our Time - A Love Story for the Whole Planet
"The force of love, the force of reunion is unstoppable." - Charles Eisenstein
Police Brutality Action Kit
Showing up for Racial Justice (SURJ) was formed in 2009 by white people from across the US to respond to the significant increase of targeting and violence against people of color in the aftermath of the election of  Barack Obama.  The killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson...
The Most Important Question Of Our Time
What can we do that honors and respects every human being on the planet?
It Takes More Than One Person to Change The World
Want to change the world? Show people that it is already happening. (An inspirational primer on how to get started.)
How Transformational Festival Culture Is Modelling Sustainability
Transformational festival culture strives to create and become the more beautiful world it imagines. Traveling to several of these festivals across the world, this short film looks at the ways these festival communities are putting sustainability into practice. Certainly...
When We Judge a Person Harshly With a Label or Dismissal, We Kill the Human Being Inside of Them
No person or group of people is ever one thing. Inside each of us are a thousand diverse aspects - evolving dimensions.
A Letter to My Community: How I'm Pro-Israel
I don’t cry. It didn’t used to be this way – I was a somewhat sensitive kid growing up, and often wore my emotions openly, crying naturally when the world demanded tears. I’m now 40, and haven’t cried in 12 years. Maybe more. I admit
The Neurochemistry Of Empathy, Explained With Claymation
Want to understand the science behind empathy? This quick video explains why and when we care.
Gangster, Addict, Dancing queen
See how a former gangster and drug addict changed her life, her children's, and the lives of young "up-coming gangsters." Her secret weapon to reach the troubled youth? Dance. That's our kind of Singapore success story.
The Problem With Living Your Life on Facebook
Facebook can be depressing because everyone else's lives are better than yours... But are they really? Interestingly, a scientific study recently backed up excactly what this video illustrates. Not that we really needed any proof. I think just about everyone that spends time...
60 Positive Things You Can Do in 60 Seconds
It doesn't take much to create a brighter day. In fact, it takes only sixty seconds!
The One Simple Truth about Our Existence That Everyone Needs to Know
If humanity came to understand this - everything would change.
Street Life: Faces Uncovered (2016) (trailer)
Our journey began in 2012...
Palestinian Performance Poet Speaks Powerful Truth to Power: 'We Teach Life, Sir'
Rafeef Ziadah, a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist, performs a poem in response to a journalists who asks "don't you think it would all be better if you just stop teaching your children to hate".
The Struggle for Survival of the Roma People
Roma people, also known as gypsies, are Europe's largest ethnic minority and have long endured bigotry and abuse. This year, after EU travel and work restrictions for people from Romania and Bulgaria were lifted, rightwing politicians used the fear of "floods of migrants"...
Hidden Treasures You Didn't Know You Owned
Self-organized commons are undergoing a renaissance today as one of the most robust alternatives to modern-day capitalism. Mention the commons and most people conjure up the image of a bucolic English pasture. The commons were the fields and forests where medieval commoners...
Transition Towns and Beyond: The Ecological Land Co-operative
The Transition movement is a loose network of thousands of communities (ranging from favelas in Brazil to Japanese towns; from rural villages in England to Transition Los Angeles) unified in their drive to devise and implement positive solutions that build local resilience...
Where Sewing Machines Are Status symbols
In Atauro Island, Timor Leste, the 8,000-9,000 locals mainly work as subsistence farmers or fishermen, often struggling to make ends meet. When the women of the UK-based social enterprise Swags World (Simply Women and Girls in a Sustainable World) first visited, they found...
The Call of the Hummingbird
In the gorgeous setting of central Brazil, a rag tag group of 10000 mayan calendar followers, bioregionalists, permaculture experts, Rastafarians, alternative health practitioners, and NGO executives come together to imagine another way of being.
Dryden - The Small Town that Changed the Fracking Game
Watch the true story of a town who discovered strength in unity and turned the tables on the powerful oil & gas industry. Help us share this inspiring video with everyone you know! Visit to learn more.
Another World
"Another World" is a film about the grassroots initiatives in Greece that form another world right here and now, away from the crisis and beyond capitalism (Greek narration, English subtitles in captions).
15 Ways To Create A Summer Of Sharing
With Summer Solstice right around the corner for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the peak time to be outside, among friends, enjoying all that the season has to offer. And what better way to celebrate than by doing a whole lot of sharing?
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (By Charles Eisenstein): A Review
The reader should be aware that this is not your typical review. As a world-weary academic, disillusioned by the failed promises of the ivory tower and its pretensions to inevitability, I think I know full well how reviews ought to proceed. Little wonder Steve Wasserman wrote...
Grasp The Nettle
Grasp The Nettle follows the exploits of a ragtag band of land rights activists in London as they struggle against corporations, government, police - and themselves - in their efforts to create alternative communities outside the framework of consumer society.
The Life of a Plastic Bag
Boomerang Bags presents the Bag Monster in an initative to promote the use of reusable bags, reducing plastics and fostering sustainable behaviour among local communities. For more information about the initiative, and to get involved visit or find us at...
The Starfish Throwers (trailer)
Worlds apart, a five-star chef, a twelve year-old girl, and a retired school teacher discover how their individual efforts to feed the poor ignite a movement in the fight against hunger. Award-winning chef Narayanan Krishnan, fighting against the caste system in India, quits...
Christie Walk: A Piece Of Ecocity
A Piece of Ecocity is an inspiring 2-part film about one of the only inner-city eco-housing projects in the world. It is a great example of what could be possible everywhere. 
Doing Good Feels Good
Action for Happiness is a movement for positive social change. We're bringing together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. For fifty years we've aimed relentlessly at higher incomes. But despite being much...
Mr. Happy Man
Meet Mr. Happy Man: 88-year-old Bermudian Johnny Barnes devotes six hours every day to an endearing traffic ritual that has made him one of the island’s most cherished citizens. Come rain or shine, he’s there. He stands and blows kisses. This story will make you smile. Every...
Why a Growing Number of Brazilians Won't Be Celebrating The World Cup
A collection of short films from filmmaker Carla Dauden explain why many Brazilians are unhappy that the World Cup (and Olympic Games) are being hosted in their country. Issues range from the enormous cost (estimated at more than the last 3 World Cup's combined) when...
Anyone Can Change the World
What if you really could change the world? Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner, firmly believes that each and every one of us can and should contribute to creating a better world. In this empowering RSA Short Jody explains why it is so important that we strive to make a...
Noise Complaint Make Cops Tase Grandma | Police Beat
Abby Martin goes over a round-up of some of the most outrageous recent police stories, including a noise complaint that turned into a SWAT team style raid and the sentencing of Occupy protestor, Cecily McMillan for assaulting a cop after having her breast grabbed.
A World Beyond Markets: How Will The 'Collaborative Commons' Transform Our Lives?
Jeremy Rifkin, one of the world's most popular public thinkers and political advisors, argues that capitalism will no longer be the dominant paradigm in the second half of the 21st century.
Look Up: A Video With One Powerful Message For Us All
Everyone should watch this at least once. This short video by Gary Turk is a reminder of the effects of social media on our society. By connecting online, we are disconnecting offline. What are we missing from life as a result? What critical moments do we miss that we didn't...
10 Ways To Love Where You Live
Community is not just for extroverts. For thousands of years, our ancestors lived in barrios, hamlets, neighborhoods, and villages. Yet in the time since our parents and grandparents were young, privacy has become so valued that many neighborhoods are not much more than...
The Next American Revolution Has Begun And This Is What It Looks Like
This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards...
The Top 3 Most Epic Twitter Campaign Fails | Police Beat
Abby Martin calls out an NYPD Twitter campaign that massively backfired when twitter users got police brutality pictures trending instead of the nice police photos the department was hoping for. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @...
17 Days In Community: A Manifestation of Love
O.U.R. Ecovillage is a sustainable educational center and a presentation ground situated in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Their activities are rooted in Permaculture standards and give educational opportunities for natural architecture...
Pieces of Madrid
This short documentary from the excellent Global Uprisings crew explores ongoing resistance and self-organization in the midst of the economic and social crisis in Madrid, Spain. As social conditions continue to deteriorate across the country, people have been turning to the...
The Narcicyst Breaks the Stage on Conscious Hip Hop, 'Sumeria' & 'Leap of Faith'
Breaking the Set features an exclusive interview and musical performance by politically conscious Iraqi-Canadian Hip Hop artist, Yassim 'The Narcicyst' Alsalman, who performs the songs 'Leap of Faith' and 'Sumeria'. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW...