301-360 of 1,194
Climate: A New Story - Charles Eisenstein
In this video from Spring 2018 in New Zealand, Charles advocates for expanding our exclusive focus on carbon emissions to see the broader picture beyond our short-sighted and incomplete approach to mitigating climate change. The natural and the material world--the rivers...
What Is The Cost For Those of Us Not Born into Community?
Imagine you are born into a small community in which everyone knows each other. Your parents are valued in the community and are well supported. As a baby and young child, you are often held, carried, or wrapped against your mother or father, and they are very responsive to...
Comic: Why You Should Turn Your Yard Into a Mini-Farm
Take that lawn by the grass and grow something!
Protecting Country
Protecting Country is an independently produced film bringing the voices of the contemporary Adnyamathanha, Gurindji, Tanganekald, Yankunytjatjara Anunga, Mirning, Narunnga Aboriginal Australian people forward who are united in their stand AGAINST the present and planned...
Eternal Forest
As part of Raizvanguarda art residency in Gois, Portugal, Evgenia Emets worked on a film interviewing people from the local villages. Inspired by their memories, stories and visions of the forest, she created a series of poems, visual works and an art documentary. This art...
Steven Pinker's Ideas Are Fatally Flawed. These Eight Graphs Show Why.
It’s time to reclaim the mantle of “Progress” for progressives. By falsely tethering the concept of progress to free market economics and centrist values, Steven Pinker has tried to appropriate a great idea for which he has no rightful claim.
Why we will not stop climate change.  Capitalism's inability to decarbonize.
The steps needed to rapidly decarbonize our economy (the only way to prevent catastrophic climate change) will never be taken in a capitalist system.
PowerTrip: Fracking in the UK
Watch the entire movie on #powertripfilm Power Trip: Fracking in the UK (63mins) takes you onto the frontlines of UK resistance in the battle to stop the controversial energy extraction process known as Fracking. We show what happens beyond the few seconds...
The Climate “Doomsday” Is Already Here
We have already altered the planet — and many have already been harmed by it.
A Future of Abundance
While the world is in crisis, there is a man who thinks the future is as bright as it can be. Peter Diamandis, author of the book Abundance and co-founder of Singularity University, sees how technology can soon provide all basic needs such as energy, clean drinking water and...
This Concrete Dome Holds A Leaking Toxic Timebomb
Thousands of cubic metres of radioactive waste lies buried under a concrete dome on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the legacy of over a decade of US nuclear tests in the Pacific. Now rising sea levels are threatening to spill its contents into the sea.
Into Unity: A Journey into Ecovillage Living
"Together with others, I know I can get much further."
Sacrifice Zone: The Story of a Real Australian Gas Crisis
The backyard of New South Wales is facing its biggest threat yet – invasive gasfields. Betrayal by governments has meant protectors are fighting to save the things they love. The Pilliga, Great Artesian Basin, Liverpool Plains – all are at risk.
3 Kids are on a Mission to Fix the Global Meat Crisis, Fast!
In order to shift the broken meat and dairy system, Greenpeace has one ambitious goal: the reduction of meat and dairy production and consumption by at least 50% by 2050. If left unchecked, agriculture is projected to produce 52% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the...
It Will Take a Political Revolution to Cure the Epidemic of Depression
What causes depression and anxiety? I have been a practicing psychologist and psychoanalyst for almost 40 years and have seen hundreds of patients suffering from both. In my experience, some factors are obvious. People who suffer from depression and anxiety have experienced...
What the Best Science Really Says about Depression
For almost the past 100 years, mental health professionals have told us that that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. However, there's a much more realistic theory that depression happens due to an imbalance happening outside of your cranium. New York...
Globalization's Deadly Footprint
"That pollution is bad for our health will come as a surprise to no one. That pollution kills at least 9 million people every year might."
They Call It Tawai
Tawai is a word in the language of the Penan people of Borneo. It has to do with the connection they feel to their landscape. “When you first go to the old forest during the fruit season, it’s like when I’m with my mother, I know I can rely on her to breastfeed me. That’s why...
There Is No Environment: The Earth Is Our Extended Body
We are living in a time of turmoil for the Earth. Species extinction, deforestation, climate change, rising sea levels, and many other problems face the planet we call home.
Nilüfer Uses Neighbourhood Committees to Increase Civic Action
Nilüfer (Turkey) is the winner of the 2017 Transformative Action Award.
Up To The Last Drop: The Secret Water War in Europe
As Europe is going through a crisis that is not solely economical but also a crisis of moral values, millions of European citizens demand a response to a crucial question: is water for the European Union a commercial product or a human right? Until today, the European...
Defend the Sacred
Capturing the heart of a movement that is constantly evolving is difficult. How do you capture Spirit?
Why Libertarians Must Deny Climate Change, in One Short Take
I must applaud Matt Bruenig's summing up of the inherent conflict between libertarianism and environmental issues
Greenland Melting from Below
Turns out, Greenland isn't just melting from above—it's also melting from below. Eventually, it could raise sea levels by 24 feet. How long until we're all underwater? NASA's OMG mission is trying to find out.
The Surprising Nobility of Shit: a Serious Response to President Donald Trump’s ‘Shithole’ Remarks About African Immigrants
[Warning: There are some big words here. Not the best words like yours, but big words nonetheless] Bayo Akomolafe   Dear President Trump, I am Nigerian, from Nigeria, a shithole non-Norwegian type country in West Africa – widely considered the largest black nation on...
Farming for a Small Planet
People yearn for alternatives to industrial agriculture, but they are worried. They see large-scale operations relying on corporate-supplied chemical inputs as the only high-productivity farming model. Another approach might be kinder to the environment and less risky for...
Energy Internet
Is this an answer to climate change that we're missing? This is a taster for a one-hour documentary coming soon that explores the work of Nick Dunlop and the Climate Parliament.
In Defense of Degrowth
Why infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible, and why the alternative can actually be beautiful.
Mother Canada
One man’s quest to have Canada’s largest war memorial erected in Green Cove, Cape Breton, is met with fervent responses from a community that’s divided on the issue. While some fight for the ecological integrity of the park, others are adamant that the project go forward in...
Black Snake Killaz: a #Nodapl Story
Black Snake Killaz chronicles the resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline from April 2016 through March 2017. The film highlights actions taken by water protectors to stop the construction of the oil pipeline and investigates actions taken by law enforcement, military, and...
'WASTELANDERS' - Eco-poem for kids (and bigger people!)
My name's Kevin Latham, and this poem belongs to my 'Developing Minds' range aimed at older kids (as well as really big ones, like myself!). It's my hope that these offerings will inspire creativity and constructive thought amongst young people, whilst encouraging them to...
'SLICK' - Eco-poem for kids (and bigger people!)
My name is Kevin Latham, and this poem belongs to my 'Developing Minds' range aimed at older kids (as well as really big ones, like myself!). It's my hope that these offerings will inspire creativity and constructive thought amongst young people, whilst encouraging them to...
What Happened When One Family Decided to Go Outdoors Three Hours a Day for a Year
It was the last day of a week-long holiday and although it was mid-morning we had already been to the beach. The beach had been beautiful.
Reflection: A California Fire Story
'Reflection: A California Fire Story' is a brief dive into the fires that just ripped through much of Northern California. It's an exploration of our relationship to forest and meadow management and how we might remember our role as stewards to prevent such catastrophic burns...
Adventurmentalism: Ecotherapy for Suicide Survivors
Adventurmentalism is a 35-minute interpersonal documentary which records a 400-mile kayak expedition from Haines, Alaska to Wrangell, Alaska. This is not a sports film, but rather a personal perspective on suffering from Post Traumatic Stress-Disorder (PTSD) and suicide in...
Joe Rogan Interviews Paul Stamets
Paul Stamets is a mycologist, author and advocate of bioremediation and medicinal fungi. Check out
We All Live off the Land
The other day I dreamed of a catfish being hooked in one of our lines during the 180 days I lived in the boreal forest. One of the reasons why I don't like living in civilization and eating food from the supermarket is that it is extremely easy to forget where food is coming...
How Consumerism is Ruining Our Lives and the World
Consumerism is ruining our lives and the world, and unless we change our way of living, we're soon going to face the tremendously negative impacts of our consumer behavior.
Meet the Pro Surfers Who Put Down Roots in Ireland to Grow Organic Food for the Community
The story of a group of pro surfers who have left the international surfing circuit in order to grow organic vegetables at Moy Hill CSA Farm on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way.
Why Natural Disasters Aren’t All That Natural
Disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes result from a combination of natural hazards and social and human vulnerability. Calling them 'natural disasters' artificially naturalises the harms they cause.
Tiny House Warriors: Building Tiny Homes To Defend Against Oil Pipeline
Ten tiny houses are about to go head-to-head with a giant proposed oil pipeline. In what some area already dubbing the next 'Standing Rock', Kanahus Manuel, an activist of the Secwepemc Nation is spearheading a team of builders and volunteers from all over North America to...
Show Up, Stand up and Step Up: Bold Action in the Wake of Storms
It is unusual for disasters to garner as much sustained coverage in the media as Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have. Authors have been able to explore complex aspects of disasters in more nuanced ways than fleeting public interest generally allows. 
Nature Isn't On a Rampage. That Would Be Us.
By putting the evil eye on nature, we take it off the humans who have science in their hands, but hold it behind their backs.
The Great Flood
How many times will we rebuild Florida’s cities, Houston, coastal New Jersey, New Orleans and other population centers ravaged by storms lethally intensified by global warming? At what point, surveying the devastation and knowing more is inevitable, will we walk away, leaving...
For More Resilient Cities, Stop Trying to Conquer Nature
Had we designed cities with nature in mind, we'd see fewer issues around flooding, pollution and excessive heat.
Violent American History You Didn't Learn in School
Chuck Keeney interview on the Battle of Blair Mountain, Mine Wars, "The Matewan Massacre," & the other origin of the term "Rednecks." Watch Plutocracy if you're interested to learn more. 
The British Museum - Where Colonialism and Corporatism Clash with Culture
The North America gallery at the British Museum – which is filled with Indigenous artefacts – is sponsored by JP Morgan, one of the main funders of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Yes, that’s the same pipeline that is being forced through Indigenous people’s lands in North...
Houston, Hurricane Harvey and Capitalism's 'Unnatural Disaster'
The Party for Socialism and Liberation expresses our condolences and solidarity to those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, been injured, or lost their homes and other vital possessions due to the ravages of Hurricane Harvey.
In Vietnam Poverty and Poor Development, Not Just Floods, Kill the Most Marginalised
Flooding and landslides in northwest Vietnam have caused widespread devastation since the start of August. The disaster crippled the provinces of Son La, Dien Bien, Yen Bai and Lai Chau, situated within one of the most disadvantaged regions of the country.
Top 5 Ways Man-Made Climate Change Made Hurricane Harvey Much Worse
The images from Houston and its environs are heart-breaking and we at Informed Comment wish all those affected a speedy and safe return to normality.
Beautiful Powerful Direct Action for a Clean Energy Future
Taking direct action against the dirty fossil fuel industry and for a clean energy future, Ende Gelände is a mass action movement focused around Germany's massive lignite mines and associated infrastructure. This video is from the second day of four days of direct action...
This Stunning Home, Built of Mud, Connects the Inside with the Outside
'Kids play with mud. They build sandcastles. It's like building your own little fortress. It's not rocket science.' Ross and Kathryn decided that they were not going to get into debt buying a big house. Instead, they spent a year building it themselves. They made use of...
Humans and The Land - A Celebration of Those Who Feed The World
Farming and farmers are the heart of Yann Arthus-Bertrand's work. In his latest film HUMAN, this theme takes a central space. In the continuity of this work, and in collaboration with France Agrimer, he goes beyond it with a sensitive film, dedicated to all those men and...
Stunning Garden Let's Nature Take the Lead
Director Toby Amies visits Pascal Brault's verdant South of France garden set amid a range of mountains.
Anti-Fracking Activists Celebrate Ruling Against Major Pipeline
Court ruling "gives hope across the country for people facing the onslaught of oil and gas infrastructure."
Our Addiction to Economic Growth Is Killing Us -  We Need Degrowth Now
In this Viewsnight, anthropologist Jason Hickel asks if economic growth really makes our lives better. He is the author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions.
The Tree Illusion
A film on the illusion of trees...and people. 
Globalization's Blowback
Before casting the blame for our environmental ills on countries like China, we would do well to reflect on who is truly responsible.
To Create Climate and Environmental Justice, We Need Your Solutions
It is increasingly clear that reverting this catastrophic climate crisis requires a deep systemic change to our economic, political and social structures along with the promotion of climate and environmental justice that places people and planet at the core. So what is the...