541-600 of 1,193 results
'This spill shows why there is a new and vibrant movement in the Gulf of Mexico for no new drilling'
Nika Knight
The film Richard is a portrait of wandering piano tuner Richard Roberts while he explores the adventures of living without a fixed address. He classes himself as working homeless – a growing group who sleep rough by night, but then get up in the morning to go to work. Richard...
5 min
The year 2015 has proven to be another year of temperature records. Data released by NASA and NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) show that in 2015, the global mean surface temperature – the yardstick scientists use to measure air
Kevin Trenberth
The towering canopies and dense understories of old-growth forests might be able to help protect biodiversity as global temperatures continue to rise, according to new research
Mike Gaworecki
We are the disgruntled royalty, ungrateful, because we're ignorant of our grand status.
14 min
We are celebrating the 90th birthday of David Attenborough! Here at BBC Earth Unplugged we've teamed up with the legendary Aardman Animations, creators of Wallace & Gromit and Creature Comforts, to bring you two very special animations featuring iconic moments from Sir...
2 min
In order to respond adequately, first we may need to mourn
Per Espen Stoknes
With the largest evacuation in the history of the province of Alberta displacing nearly 100 000 people as large sections of Fort McMurray burn to the ground in the middle of a spring heat wave, it’s only natural for people affected to ask “why?” Why is this happening? What...
Nicholas Ellan
What are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton going to do about Climate Change? We are under attack, and the attack is coming from climate change. Al Gore warns Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton of the the danger of burning fossil fuels at Senate Environmental Committee...
4 min
Off the Cut provides unique insight into a community of boaters living on the Kennet and Avon canal. The film follows a family on their pedal powered boat as they embark on a journey in which their way of life, and that of the whole community, comes under threat.
22 min
If you haven’t been paying attention, I don’t blame you for at first not believing this. After all, companies go to great lengths to greenwash their image and present themselves as progressive and environmentally responsible, even while they turn your land to deserts and your...
Exposing The Truth
British MPs launch landmark report on impending environmental ‘limits’ to economic growth
Nafeez Ahmed
In Defence of Life follows the struggles and triumphs of four communities resisting large-scale mining projects in Colombia, the Philippines, South Africa and Romania. Courageous environmental and human rights defenders from these communities describe how they have suffered...
33 min
Ladakh is that one place, which is by default on everyone's Bucket List. But what happens, when a pristine land becomes a tourist hotspot? Last year I went on a trip to Ladakh that changed my paradigm towards a lot of things. Like so many of you, I have a million memories...
12 min
Andrew Martin once worked in the finance industry, but after leaving that life, he and his wife Beth moved to New Zealand and developed an amazing permaculture property in just 3 years!
15 min
Of all the impacts of climate change, one stands out for its inexorable menace, writes Pete Dolack: rising oceans. And it's not just for distant future generations to deal with: new scientific studies show that people alive today may face 6-9 metres of sea level rise flooding...
Pete Dolack
BP - one of the world's most destructive corporations - sponsors the British Museum. So we set up our own "rebel exhibition" - without permission - inside the museum, with powerful objects sent by communities affected by BP all over the world.
3 min
How you can help in under 30 seconds. Share The Film & Speak Up Sign the Declaration Sign the SumofUs Petition Learn More or Donate Produced by...
8 min
Who are we? We are the people who are ready to fight back. The people who no longer live in hope that the Earth will be saved, but in the certainty that we will save her. We are activists, survivors, lovers and fighters. And we say: the destruction will stop.
Derrick Jensen
Did the brainiac space man played by Matthew Mcconaughey ever stop to consider the possibility that continuing to rely on massive homogeneous corn fields was driving the death of the planet? No, no he did not.
This parody video isn't directly related to the m
Eating more fruit and vegetables and cutting back on red and processed meat will make you healthier. That’s obvious enough. But as chickens and cows themselves eat food and burn off their own energy, meat is a also major driver of climate change. Going veggie can...
Marco Springmann
New studies show being in nature may increase your willingness to be generous, trusting, and helpful toward others.
Jill Suttie
Can a forest heal people? Explore the magic of nature. Come home. Be Healed.
2 min
The village of Tamaquito lies in the forests of Colombia. Here, nature provides the people with everything they need. But the Wayúu community’s way of life is being destroyed by the vast and rapidly growing El Cerrejón coal mine. Determined to save his community from forced...
2 min
The living earth is slowly being consumed by the human animals living on its surface. There are many drivers of the destruction being wrought, and many solutions we can pursue. One of the clearest drivers of deforestation, habitat loss and extinction is our insatable and...
4 min
‘Unhappily Ever After’ uses beloved Disney characters to expose the unfortunate effect pollution, war, and modern society has on the world.
Amanda Froelich
Miami Beach could be underwater this century. The sea level around the tourist paradise has risen steadily in recent decades and flooding in the streets has become more frequent and severe. Most of the city sits just four to five feet above sea level, and on a foundation of...
8 min
I'd like to share an excerpt of the book I'm working on. It is from the beginning... (It is a first draft so be gentle!)
Charles Eisenstein
In November 2015, 50 million cubic metres of waste was unleashed after a tailings dam collapsed in the Gualaxo River Valley. This report investigates what is being named the biggest disaster in Brazil's mining history.
A horror mudslide swept through the towns and villages...
43 min
Could you feel empathy for someone who has committed an act of terrorism?
Chris Agnos
Nature is the great teacher. The more you embrace nature, the more you feel free.
13 min
This amazing couple take the best underwater photography we’ve ever seen, and they do it all without scuba gear
Matt Ayres
In a country with growing socioeconomic inequality and human rights violations, Berta Cáceres rallied the indigenous Lenca people and waged a grassroots campaign that successfully pressured the world's largest dam builder to pull out of a major project.
8 min
Right now, millions of people are being thrown off their land because large corporations are being given special rights. The World Bank is driving this trend with its Doing Business rankings.
Get involved, take action:
2 min
Goood morning slaves! This week we bring you, "White Canada has a Black History" In this sedition of ITEOTWAWKIAIFF we look at the growing class unrest in Hong Kong that kicked off a massive rebellion in the lunar new year. Also street battles in Athens, where anarchists and...
20 min
SEASPIRACY: What You Should Know About Fish, The Ocean, and More! By Friendly Activist The Friendly Activist YouTube EDUCATIONAL VEGAN CONTENT The Friendly Activist Website...
15 min
The Flint water crisis exposes like nothing else the toxic cynicism of America's ruling class, writes Jesse Jackson. In their privileged view, the victims of the lead poisoning are disposable 'unpersons' that matter less than General Motors' auto parts. But now they, and...
Jesse Jackson
"The next few decades offer a brief window of opportunity to minimize large-scale and potentially catastrophic climate change that will extend longer than the entire history of human civilization thus far."
Lauren McCauley
'War Horse' author Michael Morpurgo and actors Jeremy Irons and Maxine Peake have joined forces to make a powerful new 5 minute film especially for you. Please watch and share.
5 min
"From conflict to collaboration, we now celebrate the protection of areas of cultural and ecological importance while ensuring economic opportunities for the communities exist long into the future."
Nadia Prupis
Watch how harnessing human potential along with the sun is improving millions of impoverished lives.
11 min
Racism isn't just about police brutality or the criminal justice system. It's in the air and water. The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is a textbook case of environmental racism. We explain how it's playing out across the country.
3 min
Kerstin woke up every day before the sun came up.
Waiting for the dawn near some rocks, she puts gloves
and walked the same stretch of beach picking up garbage.
After an hour, she cleaned the 200 meters of beach.
He ended sad and frustrated to see such indifference of human...
3 min
In a post-apocalyptic future, what might happen to life if humans left the scene? After all, humans are very likely to disappear long before the sun expands into a red giant and exterminates all living things from the Earth.
Luc Bussiere
Forty years ago, the legendary actor Robert Redford starred in one of the most celebrated journalism films of all time: "All The President's Men." Redford and Dustin Hoffman portrayed Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein investigating the Watergate...
8 min
Harvesting palm oil is destructive to the environment, resulting in the destruction of thousands of miles of rainforest and destroying crucial orangutan habitat. But some engineers and scientists are coming up with an alternative and some hope.
2 min
Originally published at Garden Buildings Direct.
Kayla Williams
The cosmos is One interconnected and indivisible Whole. You Are the Cosmos, and All That Is. Therefore, You Are Me!
4 min
In the 1970's, a small group of residents in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas organized and successfully halted the U.S. Forest Service’s planned aerial applications of herbicides. Now the group battles their rural electric cooperative to protect the region’s organic farms...
75 min
On December 4th 2015, Enbridge's began pumping tar sands crude on its 40 year old line 9 pipeline. On the same day, 22 year old Rachel Thevenard, began an 800 km run, through the route of the pipeline, to bring awareness, about the dangers of Line 9.
1 min
In January 1996 an army of eco warriors became national news when they took to the trees in Newbury to try and prevent the construction of a bypass.
12 min
There are many different ways of living on this planet, who's to say their way is best?
1 min
In Racing Extinction, a team of artists and activists exposes the hidden world of extinction with never-before-seen images that will change the way we see the planet. Two worlds drive extinction across the globe, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all species. The...
3 min
The hidden and remarkable story of why devastating floods keep happening.
George Monbiot
After more than a decade of discussion and planning, Peru on Sunday (November 8) will officially designate Sierra del Divisor National Park, a 1.3 million hectare (3.3 million acre) reserve that is home to uncontacted indigenous tribes, endangered wildlife, and one of South...
Rhett A. Butler
The greatest challenges of our time is to end unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change.
What is stopping us? And what can YOU do to make a difference?
7 min
I'm in Paris now, preparing to speak tonight about climate change. It is a parallel venue, not mainstream, called Place 2 B, but even here I am afraid my message is going to be controversial. You see, I think there are deep problems with the standard climate change narrative...
Charles Eisenstein
Large hydropower projects are often propagated as a "clean and green" source of electricity by international financial institutions, national governments and other actors. They greatly benefit from instruments meant to address climate change, including carbon credits under...
7 min
The Kichwa tribe in the Sarayaku region of the Amazon in Ecuador believe in the 'living forest', where humans, animals and plants live in harmony. They are fighting oil companies who want to exploit their ancestral land. A delegation of indigenous people are at the Paris...
9 min