661-720 of 1,193
Blasting The Arctic
This summer, seismic blasting in Arctic waters is being conducted on behalf of companies like Shell, looking for oil beneath the seabed. Blasts from 16 massive airguns are emitted every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these blasts are 8 times louder than a jumbo...
Beneath the Canopy: Achuar Fight Against Big Oil and Climate Change
The Peruvian Amazon, which encompasses some 300,000 square miles, is an extremely biodiverse landscape larger than the state of Texas. For its size, it is very sparsely inhabited – it takes up 60% of Peru's landmass but is only home to about 5% of the country's 30 million...
Cure Your Ailments and Be in a Good Mood for No Reason with Nature Rx
Set in the world of a spoofed prescription drug commercial, Nature Rx offers a hearty dose of laughs and the outdoors - two timeless prescriptions for whatever ails you. Side effects may include confidence, authenticity, remembering you have a body, and being in a good mood...
Fungus: The Plastic of the Future
Motherboard dives head first into the R+D world surrounding the development of fungi as a viable replacement for plastic, and the people who hope it can lead to a better and more sustainable future.
Turkey's Insurrection
This week we bring you nihilistic news from the climate front plus an update on the revolt in Turkey following the suicide bombing of Rojava supporters. Watch the rest of this show on the SubMedia site.
When The Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts
This intimate, heart-rending portrait of New Orleans in the wake of the destruction tells the heartbreaking personal stories of those who endured this harrowing ordeal and survived to tell the tale of misery, despair and triumph.
Climate Activists Shut Down Open Cast Coal Mine: Here And No Further
On 15 August 1500 people took part in a daring act of civil disobedience to shut down Europe's biggest source of CO2 emissions. Around 1000 people successfully entered the coal mine and all of the diggers in the pit were brought to a standstill.
Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness
A deeply moving journey through Japan, Korea, and the United States that turns our perceptions of food and life upside down in an amazingly simple and poetic way.
These 10 Award Winning Photos Provide a Wonderful Window to Our World
The 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest judges reviewed nearly 18,000 photographs. These ten pictures won the top prizes.
Momenta is a film and movement founded to educate, raise awareness, and activate communities to stop all proposed coal exports in the Pacific Northwest. We are dedicated to rethinking fossil fuels, their impact on climate and environment, and accelerating the clean energy...
Tell the United Nations: Plantations Are Not Forests
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing...
Why Is the Ocean Salty?
How is it that we didn't know why the ocean was salty until 1979? National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Bob Ballard explains why such a basic question remained a mystery for so long-and where his team finally found the answer.
Blood Lions
The Official trailer for Blood Lions, a documentary that exposes the terrible truth behind the predator breeding and canned lion hunting industries in South Africa. 
Beyond Extinction - Transition to Post-Capitalism is Inevitable
In Margaret Atwood’s powerful essay [It’s Not Climate Change — It’s Everything Change] on the reality of climate change — and its implications for the future of oil-dependent industrial civilization — she tells two vastly distinct stories of our future.
Diversity and Inclusion In Our Wild Spaces
In May I was lucky enough to be invited to document an amazing event in Yosemite National Park. It was a campfire discussion on improving the diversity of both the visitation and the employment within our parks and wild spaces. It was a gathering of extraordinary people from...
Jimmy Kimmel's Emotional Response to the Killing of Cecil The Lion
Late night funnyman Jimmy Kimmel got choked up Tuesday night as he summed up all the things wrong with Cecil the lion's murder in Zimbabwe earlier this month.
From Under Our Feet- Spanish sub-titled
This documentary identifies and explains this impending Ecocide. Jaki and Jose and the 15 people still living in Los Perales are facing displacement and loss of their livelihoods. The reason - industrial agriculture. Oldest inhabitant 93 years old - youngest 4 years old...
What Is Wilderness?
The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘wilderness’ as; an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region. Whilst travelling around Scotland, I encountered both city and country folk who labelled the NW coast as a wilderness. This film and question was born out of a...
It's Not Climate Change  -  It's Everything Change
Oil! Our secret god, our secret sharer, our magic wand, fulfiller of our every desire, our co-conspirator, the sine qua non in all we do! Can’t live with it, can’t — right at this moment — live without it. But it’s on everyone’s mind.
ʻĀINA: That Which Feeds Us
ʻĀINA (pronounced "eye-nah") means "That Which Feeds Us" in the Hawaiian language. The film highlights a way to address some of the most pressing environmental and health crises facing the island of Kauai - and of island Earth. That may sound like an outstanding claim, but...
Cries of Betrayal, Calls to Organize as Obama Approves Arctic Drilling
'With this decision, President Obama has given Shell an open invitation to turn the Chukchi Sea into an energy sacrifice zone,' said Marissa Knodel of Friends of the Earth
Nature Needs You
People across Australia are standing their ground for nature. There's a lot at stake, but we're ready to face the challenge together. It's not just our iconic landscapes and spectacular natural places that need protecting, Australians must work together to minimise the...
A Tribute to Jane Goodall
This is a video produced by National Geographic Television and the Jane Goodall Institute to honor Dr. Goodall.
Alihuen: An Agrarian Conservation Story
Alihuen means Big Tree in the language of the indigenous Mapuche peoples of Chile. When Jeroen decided to settle in the rural Chepu province of Chiloe with his wife Grecia, this name was not taken lightly, for the farmland which it would represent has undertaken massive...
What Our Food Is Really Doing to the Planet, in 15 Jaw-Dropping Images
When current science news is filled with pictures — incredible, beautiful, literally awesome pictures — of planetary bodies 3 billion miles away, it's easy to forget what's happening on the soil beneath our own feet. 
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Food Waste
Producers, sellers, and consumers waste tons of food. John Oliver discusses the shocking amount of food we don't eat. Connect with Last Week Tonight online...
The Yes Men's Solution to California's Drought: If You Eat Beef, Don't Wash
Would you stop showering if it meant that was the only way you could keep eating beef? California's ongoing drought needs radical action. But in a state dependent on water-hungry meat production, it would be politically dangerous to suggest eating less beef. Activists the Yes...
What Humans Are Really Doing to Our Planet, in 19 Jaw-Dropping Images
Last week, Pope Francis and church officials encouraged everyone to consume less and think more about our impact on the environment.
Overfishing- The Consequences
How does overfishing affect you and the planet you live in?  This short film quickly explains the food chain of the sea and how overfishing affects more than just our ability to eat certain kinds of fish.
Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance
A feature-length, multi-award winning documentary by Alanis Obomsawin set in the thick of the armed confrontation between Mohawks and Canadian government forces during the 1990 standoff in the Mohawk village of Kanehsatake near the village of Oka in Quebec. The two-and-a-half...
The Oka Crisis in 5 minutes
An extract of an interview with indigenous militant Gord Hill, who breaks down just what the fuck happened during the so called "Oka Crisis"
All You Need To Understand About Climate Change In Under A Minute
This is a special edition of the Fishbones climate change animation, dedicated to the occassion of the International Climate Top in Paris 2015 -- otherwise known as COP21. Fishbones is an animated short explaining the most fundamental thing you need to know about what climate...
The Death Of Bees Explained - Parasites, Poison and Humans
In 2015 the bees are still dying in masses. Which at first seems not very important until you realize that one third of all food humans consume would disappear with them. Millions could starve. The foes bees face are truly horrifying – some are a direct consequence of human...
The Fight For Bala
This documentary by award-winning film directors Rob Stewart and Jonah Bryson examines this community’s determination to stand together and fight against a development they say will irreparably ruin the natural landscape, destroy the tourism industry forever and wreck...
Bringing Back the Light - Restoring the Life to Canada's Temperate Rainforests
This film explores the practice, the methods and the need for habitat restoration in British Columbia's temperate rainforests. At Central Westcoast Forest Society, we see a clear connection between healthy landscapes and healthy communities. Our coast is one of the most...
Give Up Hope: It's The Best Chance We Have to Save Everything We Love
The most common words I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked. Most of these environmentalists are fighting desperately, using whatever tools they have — or rather whatever legal tools they have, which means whatever tools those in power grant them...
Shocking Short Film Highlights the Environmental Cost of the Aviation Industry
It's really not about polar bears any more... We have a problem. We're flying too much, and it's changing the earth's climate. Aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change. But instead of doing anything about it, the Government is planning more flights and larger...
Redesigning Cities Could Solve Our Biggest Problems. But We're Hardly Talking About Them.
Cities are the biggest thing we create. But when we talk about sustainability, there is still surprisingly little discussion about how our cities are designed as a whole.
The Enormous Impacts Of Animal Agriculture on Our Planet
This short clip come from the excellent documentary Cowspiracy, wich follows the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing environmental issues and a true path to sustainability.
Fracking, Values and an Ethics for the 'Anthropocene'
Social movements should take heed of social psychology, argues Kelvin Mason
On Brink of 'Sixth Great Extinction,' Humanity Must Conserve or Die
It's official: the planet is entering a "sixth great extinction" that even the most conservative estimates show is killing off species at rates far higher than the previous five mass die-offs—and humanity is both at fault...and at risk. A joint study by scientists from...
People and Trees: Intimately Connected Through the Ages
Trees are considered sacred in many cultures. Tree worship, in one form or another, has been practiced almost universally by ancient peoples in every corner of the globe.
If Everyone Lived in an 'Ecovillage', the Earth Would Still Be in Trouble
We are used to hearing that if everyone lived in the same way as North Americans or Australians, we would need four or five planet Earths to sustain us.
Rap News 33: Pope Francis Vs Climate Change
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
This Is What Happens When Our Politicians Say Yes to Dirty Energy
Between Tues 23rd and Fri 26th June Lancashire County Council is scheduled to be considering applications for 2 new fracking test sites on the Fylde Peninsular near Blackpool. We have been here before with the last attempt in January ending in far
Best Evidence Yet Supports We Are Undergoing a Mass Extinction
The latest evidence shows with a high degree of confidence that we are currently undergoing Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction Event.
Thirsty planet
Remember, it’s not the planet that needs saving, it’s us. #savethehumans
We Need a Revolution; It Starts with Falling in Love with Earth
This beautiful, bounteous, life-giving planet we call Earth has given birth to each one of us, and each one of us carries the Earth within every cell of our body.
Pope Francis: The Earth, Our Home, Is Beginning To Look Like An Immense Pile of Filth
An extract from Pope Francis’s 180 page encyclical on climate change, the environment and inequality
The Afectados - Oil Spill in the Amazon
Short artist-documentary narrated by Hollywood icon Julie Christie exploring the devastating oil pollution committed by Chevron-Texaco in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and the 22 year quest for justice of the indigenous people impacted by it.
Why We Fight for the Living World: It's About Love
In defending the natural world, we should be honest about our motivations – it’s love that drives us, not money.
Pope Francis: The Encyclical
If you’re like me and eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change—due out Thursday, June 18—stop what you’re doing and watch this. 
Garden of Weedin’
Triball here, with FrogTV. This week Diego and I discovered a new menace lurking in our garden. Looks like it could be right off the set of “Little Shop of Horrors.” Coming soon…to a field near you. Maybe your backyard. Introducing the “Mutant Superweed,&
This Changes Fuck All
This week we take on the NGO led spectacle called the people's climate march plus a look at Peru's spectacular resistance against a copper mine, and the call from the east to disrupt oil extraction and infrastructure. On the music break, Ontario based hiphop group Flowtilla...
If You Learn Anything From This Street Artist Works It's The Vital Importance Of Bees
When street artist Louis Masai Michel went on a trip to South Africa to paint endangered animals, he came back a man on a mission.
Watch the Yes Men Impersonate Shell, Make 'Last Iceberg' Snow Cones
New Yorkers and tourists passing through Columbus Circle Thursday were treated to free shaved ice courtesy of Royal Dutch Shell, which was recently given preliminary approval by the Obama administration to drill for oil in the Arctic. The company hauled a chunk of the "last...
No More False Solutions: Rising Call to Ban Corporate Polluters From UN Talks
Corporate polluters are driving global warming and must not be allowed to steer—or even participate in—the ongoing processes of the United Nations whose stated aim is to develop global solutions to the climate crisis, a coalition of civil society organizations declared Wednesday.
Nature Therapy: Forestry with Natural Sounds
Nature Therapy is a video project to bring the serenity of the natural world into the home or healing environment to provide a more tranquil experience.
Let's Make Earth Day about Earth, Not us
Earth Day is one of the most confused and misguided celebratory days of the year. The UN refers to this day as the ”International Mother Earth Day,” but what is it we’re supposed to celebrate?