781-840 of 1,193
The Worst Trade Deal You've Never Heard Of
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, now headed to Congress, is a product of big corporations and Wall Street, seeking to circumvent regulations protecting workers, consumers, and the environment. Watch this video, and say "no" to fast-tracking this bad deal for the vast majority...
Forget Shorter Showers
Why Personal Change Does Not Equal Political Change
The Mock Ad That Doritos Doesn't Want You to See
You wouldn’t love it if you knew what it was made from. Tell Doritos and PepsiCo to adopt a responsible palm oil policy, and save our rainforests: Some Doritos flavours contain palm oil. Doritos' parent company, PepsiCo, buys 427,500 tonnes of palm...
Great Canadian Migrations: The Tar Sands Pipeline
Join the intrepid naturalist as he follows the greatest of all Canadian migrations: the journey of the tar sands. Say no to the Energy East pipeline proposal here.
Defenders of the Spirit Forest
Defenders of the Spirit Forest is a film set in the rainforests of Cambodia. The Cardamom mountains are a remaining jewel of biodiversity in a country where forests are dwindling fast. Still home to rare species like the Siamese crocodile and Asian elephant, the forest is...
A Sustainable Death
What do you want to happen to your body after you die?
Argentina: The Country That Monsanto Poisoned
American biotechnology has turned Argentina into the world’s third-largest soybean producer, but the chemicals powering the boom aren’t confined to soy and cotton and corn fields. They routinely contaminate homes and classrooms and drinking water. A growing chorus of doctors...
The Terrifying True Story of the Garbage That Could Kill the Whole Human race
The ship plows on with groaning sails, with a heave and a shove, like a fat man shouldering through a crowd. The motion is surprisingly stop-and-go, without ever really stopping, or quite going. In the open cockpit we’ve just been holding on and talking about flots
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
The World's largest environmental organizations are failing to address the single most destructive force facing the planet today. Follow the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing...
Saving My Tomorrow - Inspiring Youth into Action
A lyrical mix of science, animation and music, SAVING MY TOMORROW celebrates the wonders of the natural world and is a call from kids to kids to help take care of the planet.
Geoff Lawton: From Prairie to Monoculture
Whilst filming in the prairies of Minnesota recently, Geoff Lawton was struck by the contrasting field of industrial corn. In 3 minutes he gave you an interesting account of the contrast and despair of industrial agriculture. Its Geoff Lawton at his unplugged best. 
Indigenous Voices: A Call To Keep The Oil In The Ground
I walk a small path, surrounded by an infinite number of trees, plants and the scent of flowers. My lungs fill with pure, fresh air when I take a deep breath. My bare feet touch the ground, damp from yesterday's rain. This is my home. This is where I grew up. This is what I...
Vandana Shiva : Why We Must Respect & Support Our Organic Farmers
”An organic farmer is the best scientist of today, because they actually have to understand how nature works in order to produce.They are the best health specialist of today, because they are giving us the food that gives us health. An organic farmer is the best steward of...
Unacceptable Levels
Unacceptable Levels examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of affable filmmaker Ed Brown, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children. To create this debut documentary, one man and his...
These Wonderful Murals of Weeds Are A Tribute to Resilience and Resistance
Alternatives germinate at the margins, sending cracks into the hardest things to change. Paved-over utopias, rise up like Weeds!
Everything Is Connected
The interactions between wildlife and the physical planet are more complex and fascinating than we could ever have imagined.
What Greenpeace's Insensitive Action Means for Climate Justice
If you haven’t been living in a cave, you have heard that Greenpeace stenciled a message at the Nazca Lines, one of the world’s most historic cultural sites, last week.
These 3 Colleges Stopped Investing in Fossil Fuels-One Year Later, Their Endowments Are Doing Just Fine
You can hear the sounds of new construction from just about any point on Sterling College’s bucolic Vermont campus. The whir of saws and plink of hammers ricochet off the nearby Lowell Mountains as students—26 percent more than were enrolled just two years ago—shuffle to...
In Solidarity - En Solidaridad
In her theory of change known as 'emergence', the academic scholar Margaret Wheatley reminds us that: "The world doesn't change one person at a time. It changes as networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what's possible."
Stunning Photorealistic Pastel Drawings Bring Awareness To Climate Crisis
At first glance, these images look like like photos of glaciers and icebergs afloat on tranquil and frigid seas. The truth is somewhat more interesting, however – they’re enormous soft pastel finger drawings by U.S. artist Zaria Forman. Forman’s works (which we wrote about...
'The Alarm Bells Are Ringing': From Athletes to Environmentalists, a Universal Call for Racial Justice Emerges
With the nation's streets still filled with protesters and a plan for thousands to march on Washington brewing, the call for justice for Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and other black victims of police violence has only grown stronger. In the days and weeks since two grand...
Heal The Land, Heal The Spirit : Wanda Stewart
Wanda Stewart is an urban farmer and homesteader, educator, mother of twins and comrade to many in the movement to educate and inspire others to grow their own food and communities. She is committed especially to working with other African Americans to reframe our shared...
Rules of the Game: A Guide To The UN Climate Talks
Climate change negotiations have been going on longer than the world wide web has existed. But while the internet has progressed from a dozen or so green and black html pages to the lifeblood of modern civilization, the 
Waking Up to the Water: An Ecocentric Vision of Human Identity in the 21st Century
It’s been said that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than it is the end of capitalism, so ubiquitous is the ideological project of neoliberalism in the modern world – like goldfish in a bowl that are totally ignorant of ‘water’, we often fail to notice how...
The Oldest Living Things in the World: A Decade-Long Photographic Masterpiece at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Philosophy
What a 13,000-year-old eucalyptus tree reveals about the meaning of human life.
The Munduruku Indians: Weaving Resistance
The Brazilian government is planning to build a vast number of big dams on the rivers around the Amazon Rainforest, destroying biodiversity and disrupting the way of life of thousands of Amerindians and local populations. Now that the work is well under way on the huge Belo...
Blind Spot
What if all of the expectations you have about the future are wrong?
This is a movie about how we have left the natural connection to the planet. The movie investigates how this has happened, the incredible amounts of pollutants that we are exposed to, even as a fetus, and the technology that can help resolve these challenges over time. In...
Wild Horses Of Newbury
In 1996, at the hight of the protests against the building of the Newbury bypass road, this short film captures the magical moment when wild horses arrive on the site during the felling of ancient oak trees.
The Messenger: Stories From The Fight Against Big Oil In Ecuador
In 2011, Tony Cruz, Co-Founder of Do-Gooder and Amnesty International Shareholder Activist traveled to Ecuador to view the devastation left behind by oil companies.
How To Stop An Oil And Gas Pipeline: The Unist'ot'en Camp Resistance
Over the past four years, the Unist'ot'en clan of the Wet'suwet'en nation have literally built a strategy to keep three proposed oil and gas pipelines from crossing their land. Concerned about the environmental damage a leak could cause on land they've never given up, they've...
Detox: How People Power Is Cleaning Up Fashion
Around the world a growing movement of people are using their creativity, design skills and purchasing power to demand fashion without pollution. United by a shared belief that the clothes we wear should carry a story we can be proud of, activists, bloggers, designers...
Locomotive Time Bomb
This week, we look at the fierce militant protest against Columbus Day by the indigenous Mapuche nation in so called Chile. Also the uncompromising resistance of Normalista students who have nearly brought the Mexican government to its knees, as they demand the safe return of...
12 Views of a Warming World
Climate change is here, but from day to day, it may be hard to tell.
If We Cared About The Environment Like We Care About Sports
"All I've ever wanted is a son who joins Earth Club!"
Clean Up Or Cover Up - The Aftermath of the Worst Mining Disaster in Canadian History
When a tailings pond holding toxic waste from Imperial Metals Mount Polley mine breached on August 4th 2014 it released 10 million cubic metres of water and 4.5 million cubic metres of slurry into Polley Lake. This film documents how indigenous activists attempted to go into...
Ending The Oil Age
Big Oil’s days are numbered – but the industry could still take us all down with it. From divestment to disruption, Jess Worth explores how the transition to an oil-free future is being hastened.
PandaLeaks: Exposing WWF's Green Empire
This video for the release of the book Pandaleaks: The Dark Side of the WWF gives a taster of some of the abuses the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is complicit in, including supporting corporations like BP and Cargil, the destruction of rainforests for soya and palm oil and the...
Shades of Green: A Movement in Search of a Narrative
RETURN OF THE JEDI – This is the last of Generation Alpha's ‘Shades Of Green’ trilogy. Read part 1 here and Part 2 
The Globola Crisis
What Shade of Green Are You?
Part 1: The Spectrum of a Movement (Part 2) The environment movement has, of late, become all but subsumed by the climate movement. I point this out not because climate doesn’t matter, but because it’s not the only thing that does. I fear that many important challenges are...
Twenty Things YOU Can Do To Address the Climate Crisis!
Getting your mind around climate change is hard. Confronting it requires us to deal with the ways that coal, oil, and gas have shaped nearly every aspect of our world, from our built environments to our economic systems — even our ideologies and patterns of thought. But that...
Operation Great Bear - In Defence of the Sacred
Operation Great Bear: We have spent the last month in the field, defending wildlife from the annual, senseless slaughter known as the British Columbia trophy hunt. The Wildlife Defence League has blockaded the only road leading into the Sacred Headwaters from resident hunters...
Pinkwashing: Make Your Drilling Rig Less Carcinogenic, Paint It Pink!
Sometimes you just can't make this shit up. Fossil fuel frackers Baker Hughes have teamed up with breast cancer charity Susan G. Komen to "end breast cancer forever". How? By painting 1,000 of their drill heads pink and donating $100,000 to the charity. Strangely there is no...
DamNation: The Problem with Hydropower
This powerful film odyssey across America explores the sea change in our national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future is bound to the life and health of our rivers. Dam removal has moved beyond the fictional...
Saving Papua by Not Cycling There
Actually I wanted to cycle from Berlin to West Papua, Indonesia, in order to bring awareness to an ongoing environmental and geopolitical conflict - a fight for independence of the native peoples of Papua against their Indonesian occupation. This occupation is only taking...
WWF Complicit In Tribal People's Abuse
Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has uncovered serious abuses of Baka “Pygmies” in southeast Cameroon, at the hands of anti-poaching squads supported and funded by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
For Sharks' Sake, Take a Vacation!
It’s great when doing good and feeling good coincide so nicely.
Nature Is Speaking
Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Kevin Spacey, Edward Norton, Penélope Cruz, and Robert Redford all join forces to give nature a voice. Take action at Part 1: Julia Roberts is Mother Nature. Part 2: Harrison Ford is the Ocean. Part 3: Kevin Spacey...
The Premises of Endgame
These premises appear at the beginning of Endgame, Derrick Jensen's seminal critique of civilization. 
The Invisible Peak: Hidden in Plain Sight
Mt. Tamalpais, sentinel peak of the San Francisco Bay Area, is considered sacred by many... native and non-native alike. In 1950, the military bulldozed the highest peak of the mountain to build an Air Force Station tasked with directing jet interceptors and short range Nike...
Curacautin Bajo El agua
Curacautín Bajo el Agua (Curacautín Under Water) shows how Chile’s current energy policy is allowing for the construction of dam projects in areas with the highest potential for tourism. Local citizens are ra
Chiloé Saliendo a flote (Chiloé Coming Afloat)
The film Chiloé Saliendo A Flote (Chiloé Coming Afloat) shows how the rich
Little Blue - A Broken Promise
A small community was promised a recreational dream. Instead they got a toxic nightmare. Watch their battle against coal ash, a toxic waste that is polluting hundreds of similar communities across America. You can take action and tell the EPA to regulate this waste by...
Lessons Of Darkness
Straddling a line between documentary and science fiction, Werner Herzog's Lektionen in Finsternis is an epic visual poem set in the burning oil fields of Kuwait following the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War. Herzog, as much a daredevil as a documentarian, took his small crew in a...
Forest Man
Since the 1970's Majuli islander Jadav Payeng has been planting trees in order to save his island. To date he has single handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park NYC. His forest has transformed what was once a barren wasteland, into a lush oasis. Humble yet...
How Did Leaders Respond to the People's Climate March?
About 400,000 people went to the streets on September 21st to ask for real actions to address climate change. It was the greatest climate march in history. The UN Climate Summit organized by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon took place two days later with the participation of 100...
Pandaleaks: The Dark Side of the WWF
We are pleased and proud to announce the long-awaited publication of PandaLeaks – The Dark Side of the WWF: the controversial book by award-winning German journalist and filmmaker Wilfried Huismann, now finally available in an English language edition – unabridged and...