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12 Fast Facts About Thursday's Fast-Food Strike
This Thursday, December 5, workers at fast-food restaurants around the country will be striking for higher pay and better working conditions. Their primary demand is an increase in their base hourly wages to $15 an hour.
#WeUnite | Accompany farmers Carlo  and Hanna  as they drive their tractors to Berlin to protest for a better food and farming system.
#WeUnite - The 12-minute film ‘We Unite’ is a window into the lives of two organic farmers and the reasons they join the yearly ‘We are Fed-Up’ demonstration in Germany .Along with hundreds of other farmers, they drive their tractors into the heart of Berlin where they unite...
Our Food is Killing Us
In this video essay, I examine the causes and destruction of our current industrialized food system. Specifically, I dive into the capitalist commodification of food, and how most of the industrialized farming that takes place in the imperial core doesn't produce crops for...
The Road to Food, Earth, and Happiness
The way we grow food has become one of the largest threats to our survival as a species, yet we’ve had a simple answer for millennia…
The Amazing Community Making Beautiful Compost from City Food Waste | Ben & bEartha
'Ben & bEartha: A Community's Compost Love Story' is a free 40-minute sustainability documentary following the highs and lows of a passionate community as they attempt to tackle the issue of food waste going to landfill. Their solution? A composting machine called bEartha and...
Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness
A deeply moving journey through Japan, Korea, and the United States that turns our perceptions of food and life upside down in an amazingly simple and poetic way.
Urban Food Forest in a Public Park! – The City Food Commons
The City Food Commons shares the story of Roimata Food Commons, an urban food forest initiative driven by Ōtautahi Christchurch local Michael Reynolds. The aim of the project is to empower the community to co-create space in a public park, reviving the notion of the Commons...
The New Sustainable Fishing Model That Could Disrupt the Global Seafood Industry
Documentaries like Netflix's Seaspiracy highlight many of the destructive practices of the global fishing industry, but are there sustainable alternatives to the industrial model? In this film, Fishing for the Future, we explore an inspiring new model created by Gravity...
Thriving 23-Year-Old Permaculture Food Forest - An Invitation for Wildness
In the small town of Riverton at the bottom of New Zealand's South Island is Robert and Robyn Guyton's amazing 23-year-old food forest. The two-acre property has been transformed from a neglected piece of land into a thriving ecosystem.
In the documentary film "Ingreedients", registered nurse and filmmaker, David Burton, discovers an alarming connection between diet and illness while investigating trans fats and hydrogenated oils in America's food supply. Do you know what a partially hydrogenated oil is?...
Land Rush
In 2008, the world’s food system began to fall apart. However, threatened with hunger, rich countries have started buying up and leasing fertile tracts of the developing world.
Chipotle in hot salsa over tomato pickers' rights
It’s a long drive from Florida to Denver, but Leonel Perez and his colleagues at theCoalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) don’t mind. In fact, they arrived in the Mile High City three weeks early for Cultivate, a food, beer, and music festival sponsored by Chipotle Mexican Grill.
The Next American Revolution Has Begun And This Is What It Looks Like
This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards...
The Worm Is Turning
THE WORM IS TURNING tells the story of how corporate agribusiness is taking over the world's food production in the name of 'efficiency' and 'feeding a starving world' - while actually destroying economies, people's health, and the ecology of the world.
Your Half-Eaten Sandwich's Dirty Secret
Food waste is killing the planet. Here's how.
The Singapore Vertical-Farms That Herald An Agricultural Revolution
In Singapore, the challenge of feeding a growing population is pushing the concept of urban farming to new heights. A super-efficient vertical farming system is producing greens for 5 million residents. "Can we supply enoug
This Amazing Music Video Wants Us to Kick Our Plastic Bag Addiction
Not only have these two artists solved the greatest existential question facing modern society (paper or plastic?), they did it while singing a mind-blowing parody of Jay Z's "Empire State of Mind." My hat is off to them. - Tim Hjersted
The GMO Film Project
THE GMO FILM PROJECT tells the story of a father's discovery of GMOs through the symbolic act of poor Haitian farmers burning seeds in defiance of Monsanto's gift of 475 tons of hybrid corn and vegetable seeds to Haiti shortly after the devastating earthquake of January 2010...
Meet The Woman Rescuing Fruit and Feeding Her Community
Meet Nita Kurmins GilsoMeet Nita Kurmins Gilson, the woman bringing fresh fruit to thousands of San Diegans in need. In 2009, Nita learned that 1 in 6 people in her county were going to bed hungry. She also saw an abundance of fresh produce going to waste all over the city...
How to Build a Place-Based Economy Where You Live
How can communities rethink ownership to remedy poverty? In this powerful talk, Eric Kornacki shares the story of his journey carrying lessons learned from Central American sweatshops to empower the transformation of a now-gentrifying neighborhood gripped in poverty in his...
Sustainable Living Series with Rob Greenfield
The series documents Rob Greenfield's off the grid bike ride across America on a bamboo bicycle where he practiced sustainable living to the extreme. In 4,700 miles of cycling he used just 160 gallons of water, burned less than one gallon of gas, never turned on a light...
Small Scale Agroecological Approaches for the COVID 19 Response and Beyond
From the closure of markets to the interruption of agricultural supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt food systems around the world. Many families, especially those in already fragile contexts, may soon struggle to access healthy, nutritious diets. Meeting...
Unbroken Ground: Revolutions Start from the Bottom
Unbroken Grounds explains the critical role food will play in the next frontier of our efforts to solve the environmental crisis. It explores four areas of agriculture that aim to change our relationship to the land and oceans. Most of our food is produced using methods that...
How the Soil Healed Wounded Soldiers | George Monbiot
Learn how this mysterious "Angel's Glow" helped to heal the wounded soldiers, as described by George Monbiot in his new book Regenesis.
Four Things You Can Do to Defend Organic Against the GMO Alfalfa Threat
Members of the sustainable food movement are furious and, frankly, we have a right to be. Last month's decision by the USDA to fully deregulate GE alfalfa isn't just a minor skirmish in a long and exhausting battle. It threatens the existence of organic farming and...
Farmher in the Dell: Women in Agriculture
Itʼs a cool spring day in Merville, BC as Moss Dance, sole proprietor of Ripple Farm, unfurls irrigation lines along tightly spaced rows of lettuces. Itʼs early in the season, but there are already fresh greens, radishes and onions ready to harvest for the weekly farmersʼ market.
7 Billion for Dinner? Here's How to Feed Them
Most people – even many of those who support small farms and eat organic food – believe that there’s no way to feed the global population without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, fossil fuels, biotechnology, heavy equipment, and the rest of the agribusiness ars
Davos and the Dangers to Democracy
It’s an all-too-easy event to mock. It’s hard to keep a straight face when the world’s rich arrive annually in their private jets to the luxury ski-resort of Davos to express their deep concern about growing poverty,  inequality and climate change. US comedian Jon Stewart has...
'Worse Than We Thought': TPP a Total Corporate Power Grab Nightmare
'President Obama has sold the American people a false bill of goods,' says Friends of the Earth
How Permaculture Can Build Resilience and Meet Basic Needs During a Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, people are showing a growing interest in permaculture principles and techniques to heal their lives, communities and the planet.
Awakening of the Soil (Toprağın Uyanışı)
"Awakening of the Soil" is a compelling 42-minute documentary that follows the transformative journey of Barbaros, a skeptical farmer from Edirne, Turkey as he discovers the world of regenerative agriculture with the guidance of his friend, Begonia. Together, they embark on a...
That Sugar Film
THAT SUGAR FILM is one man’s journey to discover the bitter truth about sugar. Damon Gameau embarks on a unique experiment to document the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body, consuming only foods that are commonly perceived as ‘healthy’. Through this entertaining...
Family Flourishing on an Urban 1/4 acre Permaculture Plot - Creatures of Place
Creatures of Place is an insight into the wonderful world of Artist as Family: Meg Ulman, Patrick Jones, and their youngest son, Woody. Living on an urban 1/4 acre section in a small Australian town, Meg and Patrick have designed their property using permaculture principals...
From Gangs to Gardens
Organic gardener and vegan chef DJ CAVEM is an award-winning international recording artist and activist who uses Hip-Hop culture to inspire young people to connect to the earth by teaching them how to grow food, and cultivate healthy eating habits. Through his lyrics and...
Losing Ground
Bad federal policy and intensifying storms are washing away the rich dark soils in the Midwest that made this country an agricultural powerhouse and that remain the essential foundation of a healthy and sustainable food system in the future. The Environmental Working Group...
Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided...
Boulder County Going Local!
Michael Brownlee didn't stop after creating the Boulder Valley Relocalization group. He's catalyzing Boulder County's Going Local! campaign, encouraging residents to buy local first, eat and grow local food, create local energy and local currency. The community will celebrate...
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
Excellent documentary showing how dangerous Aspartame - an artificial sweetener in most diet products - is to human health. From its history, to its effects this video is enough to shock anyone into really looking at their food labels next time they shop. Aspartame is a toxic...
Is Junk Media Making You Sick???
Media junk food is mind pollution. As waves of erratic, mindless info-toxins increasingly lay siege to a battered mental landscape, our mental pores become clogged, cluttering our capacity to think and to feel empathy. And so we find today that Junk Media is to our mental...
Backwards Hamburger
Our FAST FOOD NATION exposed. Before you take another bite, you must see this movie. Take action at then get the full story on the big screen with Fast Food Nation, the movie. Of course, for the fullest, "completest" story on the subject, see the...
The Mouth Revolution
We are fed up with the garbage we eat! The mouths are angry. The mouths are demanding real food - organic food - NOW! The Mouth revolution Begins! Viva la mouthalucion!
FRESH celebrates the farmers, thinkers and business people across America who are re-inventing our food system. Each has witnessed the rapid transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model, and confronted the consequences: food contamination, environmental...
DIVE! Living Off America's Waste
Inspired by a curiosity about our country's careless habit of sending food straight to landfills, the multi award-winning documentary DIVE! follows filmmaker Jeremy Seifert and friends as they dumpster dive in the back alleys and gated garbage receptacles of Los Angeles'...
King Corn
KING CORN is a fun and crusading journey into the digestive tract of our fast food nation where one ultra-industrial, pesticide-laden, heavily-subsidized commodity dominates the food pyramid from top to bottom -- corn. Fueled by curiosity and a dash of naivete, two college...
Perma Kultcha
This 30-minute documentary focuses on Permaculture and Organic Farming in South Africa and what it can do to transform society at a grass roots level, to create sustainable lives for individuals, communities and South Africa as a whole.
From Executive Producers Jason Momoa and Brian Mendoza comes this new film, which follows the stories of Native Americans on the frontlines of a growing movement to reconnect with spiritual and cultural identities that were devastated by genocide. An Indigenous chef embarks...
5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects!
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison reveals his picks for the 5 most epic Earth healing projects in the world.
The Anarchist Urban Ecosystem: A Rethinking of the Urban Environment
This series will attempt to roughly give some examples as to how the urban environment can be altered so that cities can not only sustain themselves but also become ecologically rich environs benefiting mankind and servicing nature. In order for us to do so, we must create...
The Silent Summer: Why Are Insects Dying?
For well over 400 million years, insects have played an essential role in the evolution of our ecosystem. While many may take them for granted, their extinction could spell catastrophe for the planet at large. Sadly, this scenario is currently playing out across the...
The Big FAT Lie
"In what is becoming a field of near-identical documentaries featuring similar experts, research, and opinion, Grant Dixon’s film stands apart with its unique, homegrown feel. His in-depth exploration of the whys and wherefores behind his own health scare introduces us to the...
Making the Connection: How a Vegan Diet Can Benefit Us and The World
Food, fitness, nutrition, global food security, farming, the environment, animals, ethics - have you made the connection?
Hey Corporate America, THIS Is What Happens When You Piss Off a Rapper And His Friends
Food Fight is the story of a kid who lives in a world where the food at the local corner store is killing his neighborhood -- literally.
Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 7: A Little More Inspiration
As we’ve seen, the food system is broken.
The Soil Solution To Climate Change
What If A Solution To Climate Change Was Beneath Your Feet?  Soil is a living universe beneath our feet. As important to our lives as clean air and water, soil also holds a potential solution to the global climate crisis. Increasing numbers of scientists, farmers and...
Just Eat It: Big Money Spends Millions to Convince Washington It's None of Our Business What We Put In Our Mouths
9 November 2013: A disheartening but predictable loss for GMO labelling in Washington, where Monsanto, DuPont and other big corporate interests jumped in and spent millions, sometimes evidently illegally, to defeat Initiative 522 to label groceries containing genetically...
Workers Demand Livable Wage in Hundred-City Strike
Low wage fast food employees across the country are joining forces Thursday, taking to the streets to say: "Low pay is not okay."
In Organic We Trust (2013) (trailer)
We can no longer stomach our food system. It's killing more and more Americans and costing billions in healthcare. 78% of Americans eat organic food, because they think it's healthier. But is organic really better for us or just a marketing scam? 
Beautiful No Dig Permaculture Kitchen Garden
This video is of Tim and Maddy Harland's beautiful no-dig permaculture kitchen garden in Hapmshire UK. Tim and Maddy are the founders of the fantastic @PermacultureMagazine and have a tranquil vegetable garden, meadow and food forest at their home that has been maturing for...
Localization: a Strategic Alternative to Globalized Authoritarianism
For those who care about peace, equality and the future of the planet, the global political swing to the right over the past few years is deeply worrying. It has us asking ourselves, how did this happen? How did populism turn into such a divisive and destructive force? How...
Pilgrimage Open to All: Bring Your Own Beliefs
The Sustainable Food Trust’s Future of UK Farming conference at Fir Farm this April will feature a pilgrimage from the source of the River Dickler to Hill Barn, hosted by Guy Hayward and Will Parsons of the British Pilgrimage Trust (BPT). Ahead of the conference I decided to