Nature (Symbols of the Spiritual Teaching by Billy Eduard Albert Meier,
Human beings throughout the Universe must live in harmony with nature. That is to say that a given human race anywhere in the Universe must live in the correct balance with their home planet. They must live in such a way as to care for their home planet by not destroying it, by looking after all lifeforms that also live there, & by respecting the seasons & cycles of the natural world.
The first obvious rule of thumb, which should be crystal clear to anybody with half a brain, is that every life-harbouring planet of every size and kind has its natural limits. Every plant & animal community evolves over countless eons, developing ever more complex forms & relationships, all within the natural limits of the planet itself. That is to say, that no individual species over-exploits its surroundings, & lives in balance with all other species. If this weren't true then there wouldn't be such dazzlingly complex & diverse communities of lifeforms all living in harmony in a given area or region like for example in the great rainforests of the tropics or the coral reefs of the oceans and so on.
Why then, I hear you ask, do we human beings totally ignore this law? The truth is that the human lifeform (OMEDAM = human genus throughout the Universe; see the book Genesis by Billy Eduard Albert Meier, is equipped with a conscious consciousness; a thinking consciousness with which we can align ourselves with the natural order, or not.
If we choose to align ourselves with the creational-natural order then generally our lives will go well; we will live in peace with nature & each other & all life, & we will develop higher on the path of our consciousness evolution.
If on the other hand we do not live in harmony with nature & its order, our lives will be full of misery, suffering, & privation; we will destroy our fellow lifeforms & our home planet, there will be war, conflict & strife and we won't last long as a species.
This is the law of cause & effect and it is universally valid for all-great-times.
Animals & plants though, are unable to deviate from the balance of nature on account of their consciousness forms. Plants have an impulse consciousness & animals an instinct consciousness.
In other words, the world of Flora and Fauna lives in perfect creational balance, order & harmony & evolves into evermore complex & diverse ecosystems.
Human beings must relearn this natural way of life & evolution. We must realize the natural balance of life & restore peace & harmony on Earth. Then we will flourish & soar to truly unimaginable heights in our spiritual-consciousness-evolution.