Who Cares In Sweden (2012) About the Risks of Antidepressants (trailer)

Who Cares in Sweden? ... is a Documentary Trilogy about the risks of SSRIs i.e., antidepressants.  If you would like to help, please send these teasers to journalists in countries outside of Sweden: https://vimeo.com/showcase/6859202

Millions of Swedes are suffering because of the effects from antidepressants, the SSRIs. The whole of society is affected by the antidepressant whose main effect is that you "care" less. No one speaks today of the effect which is in fact a reduction in conscience and empathy. A soldier with PTSD, nightmares and guilt feelings takes the same medication as does a Swedish mourning judge... NOTE: This documentary is intended only to highlight the risks of SSRI antidepressants. It is not intended to criticize the psychiatric profession or the use of drugs in general. A professional review of how medicines are marketed and how research is funded and conducted is urgently needed. Information about SSRI: https://ssristories.org/ssris/

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Millions of people throughout the world have a friend or a family member whom they no longer recognize. This also happens in Sweden. However the Swedes do not dare to admit to themselves that their health care system could be corrupted and that personality change could be caused by a prescription medicine, like the SSRIs (Selective Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors). You may have known a healthy person who became worried, started taking an SSRI, changed and was diagnosed bipolar or ... someone that was on SSRI and who committed suicide? Unfortunately you are not alone. Just about every tenth Swede takes an SSRI every morning, of which the positive effect is that one "cares" less. One is less concerned about family, increases in weight, an unpleasant boss, an untidy home, that one's children could harm themselves, gruesome memories of an accident or a loss of a friend. These drugs blunt conscience and those people who commit suicide seem to be "caring" less about their immediate surroundings". Children want their father and mother to be caring. However an entire generation has grown up with parents and teachers on SSRIs. It is of course important to discuss mental ill health but mental problems are not always a good reason for medication. In these days more and more young people are being persuaded to take SSRIs for a growing amount of diagnoses. Both doctors and medical salesmen refer to the same "Bible", DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) published by an association of American psychiatrists. Schools have become outright market places for treatments for insomnia, pre-menstrual problems, depression, angst, obsessions, eating disorders, gameaholics, etc. Hundreds of thousands of young Swedes takes SSRIs, a chemical that reduces ones sexuality and which is intended to affect brain cells that are effecting our whole body, our thoughts and our personality. Is not the capacity for empathy and clean conscience worth defending in a civilized society? The soldier, who in war has killed a child, feels horrible and has nightmares. This soldier is prescribed exactly the same SSRI-medicine that for example a judge who is grieving after the death of his mother. The soldier returns to the war front and the judge continues at his profession, as do the insurance doctor, the police and the preschool teacher. They take their medicine every morning under the impression that it corrects an imbalance in their brain. SSRIs increases the risk for: aggressiveness, suicide and birth defects. SSRIs are involved in many murder cases. They are prescribed to pregnant women.

In the films "Who Cares in Sweden?" scientists, doctors and journalists address themselves to the citizens of Sweden who are letting themselves be fooled by a handful of scientists in close association with the pharmaceutical companies. These companies in the USA include in their budget billions of dollars to cover fines that are taken for granted as a cost of doing business. The same companies are responsible to a large degree for most of the continuing medical education of Swedish doctors. In Sweden the Fox guards the chicken coop ... There exists neither a bad side nor a good side. The problem starts when greed and cowardice are accepted as normal when journalists and the state retreat to the sidelines. Mankind forgets what is necessary for a civilized society; the judiciary system but also our own evaluation of its importance. Unfortunately the Swedish government has not only lost control of the situation but is selling the country out and they who should be investigating what is happening seem not to care. We are hoping that these films will awaken the interest of serious journalists and politicians to revaluate the Swedish health care and media system, both of which have succumbed to the manipulations of clever pharmaceutical companies.


Jan Åkerblom, producer 

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