The End of the Game (2017) (trailer)

A bizarre journey to Africa with a vegan filmmaker and a big game hunter.

The End of the Game is a POV director led narrative questioning the ethics of game hunting and built around the oddball coupling of a vegan and hunter.

Committed vegan, David Graham Scott, follows old colonial relic Guy Wallace as he prepares to go on his last big game hunt and fulfil his ambition to bag the fearsome cape buffalo.

It's Guy's last chance to relive his glory days in the African bush and finally lay down his guns. The oddball relationship of Scott and Wallace is the central drive of the film as the director explores the ethics of big game hunting and even questions his own animal rights stance when lured in by the thrill of the hunt.

The End of the Game has at its core a great character in a great location going on an epic journey to an equally marvellous setting. Guy Wallace lives in a ramshackle caravan on a barren moor in the northern highlands of Scotland. He sits surrounded by memories of the past: a past that includes going patrols with the King's African Rifles, periods as a mercenary in the turbulent post-colonial phase and as a tracker for big game hunters in Kenya and Tanzania.

Filmmaker David Graham Scott lives near the old eccentric in the Caithness moors. He's built a solid relationship with the man he often refers to as 'Sir' Guy and that is fully explored within both the badlands of Caithness and the South African bush. The belligerent old colonial is cut from the same mould as Molly Dineen's central character in Home from the Hill: a man out of time and out of place.

Animal Rights   Empire   Environment
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