Separated Interbeings is a film collage of our diverse and complex world caught on camera, creatively put together to open deeper perspectives and insights on the world we live in.
It is a 34-part series, separated into two volumes. Watch Volume 1 (parts 1-18) here.
Part titles: 1 Compost Capitalism 2 Creativity Is Just About Connecting Things 3 But in a sick organism, even a healthy cell is doomed 4 All Cats Are Beautiful 5 The more beautiful world our hearths know is possible 6 Worthy of love 7 Brotherhood begins in shared pain 8 To free ourself we have to feed ourself 9 Non Violent Direct Action 10 Make soil not oil 11 History of anarchism 12 Nobody is free until everyone is free 13 Brave new world 14 Schooling the world 15 Civilization Colonization Extermination 16 The economics of happiness
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