Public Trust: Fight for America’s Public Lands (2020)

A feature-length documentary about America’s system of public lands and the fight to protect them.

Despite support from voters across the political spectrum, our public lands face unprecedented threats from extractive industries and the politicians in their pockets. Part love letter, part political exposé, Public Trust investigates how we arrived at this precarious moment through three heated conflicts—a national monument in the Utah desert, a mine in the Boundary Waters and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge—and makes a case for their continued protection.

Take action to protect our public lands. Text DEFEND to 71333.

Directed by David Byars
Produced by Jeremy Rubingh
Executive Producers Yvon Chouinard & Robert Redford
Executive Producers Josh Nielsen, Alex Lowther & Monika McClure
Edited by Lyman Smith
Original Score by Stephanie Nicora & Bill Reynolds
Cast: Hal Herring, Angelo Baca, Spencer Shaver, Joel Clement, Bernadette Demientieff & Terry Tempest Williams

Learn more about 'Public Trust' here:
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