
Katalyst follows Katya, an amateur artist and survivor of sexual assault, as she goes on a journey of healing. She comes into contact with other survivors and takes steps with them to overcome the trauma caused by her sexual assault years earlier.

Did you know?

1 in 5 college women will be sexually assaulted or raped while they are in college. This is unacceptable. The Pact5 movement is a grassroots campaign by students and faculty to create awareness of this problem through short documentaries. Student filmmakers from 5 Universities: CalState Northridge, Western State Colorado, Northern Illinois, Framingham State (MA), and Rowan (NJ) made 10 documentaries in 2013. They are diverse and creative. It is time for the world to hear this message: the way to end sexual assaults is to educate males and females on why it happens so it won't happen ever again. Enjoy the docs, hear the message, spread the word.

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