Ingreedients (2009) (trailer)

In the documentary film "Ingreedients", registered nurse and filmmaker, David Burton, discovers an alarming connection between diet and illness while investigating trans fats and hydrogenated oils in America's food supply. Do you know what a partially hydrogenated oil is? What does zero grams of trans fat per serving really mean? Find out in this compelling documentary that takes the audience on a time-line journey through the history of human food consumption from prehistoric times to the present, when heart disease is the number one killer of humans and despite recent changes in food labeling laws, pounds of trans fats are consumed everyday. Part 2 is the trailer.

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The documentary features interviews with medical doctors, natural health doctors, scientists and researchers, politicians, and the lawyer that successfully stood up against two corporate food giants whose products are household names across America. David Burton, writer/director. 

DVD Cover

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Thanks again for your support. They are a grass roots organization that is dependent on the support of people just like yourself.  Please "like" the film-makers on facebook and follow their organic conversations on many health and food topics @
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