Articles by Jon Gold
Not All "Truthers" Are Equal
Jon Gold · Republished in light of the recent Naval Yard shooting. - Ed On December 14th, 2012, a horrible tragedy took place at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Adam Lanza walked into the school and fatally shot...
"Progressives" Need To Address The Lies And Cover-Ups Of 9/11
Jon Gold · Recently, I have started to talk to the "progressives" in this country about addressing the lies and cover-ups of 9/11. In a talk I gave in Fresno recently, I said that "progressives" were afraid of losing their "pulpits" if they...
The Facts Speak For Themselves
Jon Gold · Before I begin, I would like to say that theorizing about what happened on 9/11, when you’re not being given answers to your questions about that day by the people who SHOULD be able to do so, is PERFECTLY normal. As is suspecting that...