1,141-1,200 of 10,717 results
Fly By Light is an intimate exploration of young people seeking to overcome the violence in their lives and create a new path for their future by connecting to a world outside their neighborhoods.
In Washington, DC, where high school dropout rates average 40%, a group of...
83 min
Have you ever wanted to start a regenerative farm from scratch? In this video, the Heifer USA team traveled to North Carolina to visit Grass Grazed Farm, a regenerative farm where founders Derrick and Paige Jackson have established and grown a successful business in just two...
21 min
In 2007, Ole and Maitri Ersson bought the rundown Cabana apartment complex in the city and immediately began to de-pave parking spaces to make space for what today is a huge permaculture coliving space and urban food forest. Today, the Kailash Ecovillage has 55 residents who...
55 min
Why Solarpunk gives me hope for the future.
12 min
Solarpunk is a vision of the future that we can implement today. Here are just a few ways to get started!
23 min
It's somehow fitting irony as Indigenous Day approaches on Oct. 11 — once known by another name — that a new Columbus is about to pump oil through Line 3, the last tar sands pipeline. That is the colonial-like corporation Enbridge.
Maybe President Joe Biden will think about...
Winona Laduke
Universal healthcare has been a fundamental human right in many developed countries for decades. Britain led the way in establishing the National Health Service in 1948 from the wreckage of World War II, but unbeknown to the public UK governments have secretly been removing...
96 min
This 20 minute interview with Joanna Macy will help answer an essential question: How are we going to live our lives fully, with inner peace and courage (and even joy) as we confront a world that is destroying itself?
20 min
OYLER profiles how an innovative "community school" helped fuel a dramatic turnaround in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, part of a growing national movement to help poor children succeed by transforming schools to meet basic health, social, and nutritional needs.
56 min
The Media Education Foundation presents Stuart Hall: Through the Prism of an Intellectual Life A Lecture by Stuart Hall In this recently discovered, newly restored video of one of Stuart Hall's most famous lectures, Hall speaks with dazzling precision about the...
2 min
If you've been keeping up with online news, you may have seen coverage of a Navy anti-terrorism training document that equated socialists and anarchists with neo-nazis. Even if you don't consider yourself a member of the political left, it should be obvious that this is an...
19 min
A documentary film about Colin Wallace an intelligence officer who blew the whistle on fake news and was framed for a murder.
69 min
Climate disruption is human-caused and, while that's hard to acknowledge for some, we take a hopeful approach: if we caused it, we can do something about it.
4 min
These disclosures about how the world's wealthy and powerful hide their vast fortunes will hopefully turn up the heat on the politicians that maintain the wealth-hiding status quo.
Chuck Collins
Companies and rich nations are creating a deadly Covid-19 vaccine "protection racket."
Fatima Hassan, Gavin Yamey, Kamran Abbasi
The resulting credibility vacuum has enabled unscrupulous politicians, agents of chaos, and other charlatans to position themselves as experts.
Steven Singer
Those who are enduring injustice, exploitation, and oppression—whether people, animals, or ecosystems—need us to believe that wrongs can be righted and to take action accordingly.
Zoe Weil
If you live in the United States, odds are you've encountered the distinctly American "conservative christian." It seems that these people, despite their fierce devotion to their faith, have no idea what the Bible actually calls them to do. In this episode, we're taking a...
22 min
Today's school children are engulfed by corporate apps, software, and textbooks biased toward the corporate definitions of an economy and myths about "free markets."
Ralph Nader
Historian Rutger Bregman found a way to end poverty, obviously we had to ask him how!
6 min
And what we can do about it...
5 min
Industrial seed oils are in almost all processed foods.
29 min
We hear a lot about the Democrats being "the radical left." Most of us know this obviously isn't the case, but what many Americans don't realize is that the Democrats should not be considered left-wing at all. In this episode we're exploring the ratchet effect and the long...
14 min
It’s no secret that Americans love to hear about billionaires. You’ll find them everywhere. They’re on the news [Bezos space launch], have their own TV shows, movies, and even make their way to elected office. Specifically, we consistently give massive audiences to...
13 min
We should act as if this is an emergency, because it is. But part of that is understanding the tools and strategies countries are using to decarbonize and stabilize the climate. This is work that's already being done. We have already decoupled economic growth from the...
17 min
In this video, Krishnamurti critiques our work culture and urges us to find out if we can free ourselves from the imprisonment that is a 9 to 5 job. Jiddu Krishnamurti, (born 1895, Madanapalle, India—died 1986, Ojai, Calif., U.S.), Indian spiritual leader.
11 min
Conventional psychiatric practices tell us that if we feel bad, take this drug and it will go away. But after years of research with some of the top psychiatric practitioners in the world, we’ve found that drugs simply don’t work that well for many, and our conventional ways...
9 min
It could be argued that humans have never been so destructive, so violent against a living earth. How did we arrive here? We forgot the wellness-informed pathway to human wellbeing, a holistic wellbeing that leads to peacefulness. We describe the wellness-informed pathway and...
85 min
Iraq War veteran and Empire Files producer Mike Prysner disrupted a speech by George W. Bush in Beverly Hills on Sept. 19, 2021.
3 min
From the closure of markets to the interruption of agricultural supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt food systems around the world. Many families, especially those in already fragile contexts, may soon struggle to access healthy, nutritious diets. Meeting...
67 min
Former CIA analyst and case officer, who blew the whistle on its torture program, breaks down the newly declassified FBI document on the Saudi connection to 9/11 so that people who haven't been in the CIA or FBI can understand what the hell it says. The report was...
123 min
Where are all the top US commanders of the Afghanistan War who lied to keep it going for 20 years? Turns out they're doing pretty well!
5 min
As the US Empire tries to leave its 9/11 warpath on Afghanistan & Iraq in the past, Abby Martin reviews the core lessons.
13 min
Support DDN on Patreon.
9 min
Kindred World is proud to launch The Evolved Nest’s educational short film, Breaking the Cycle. The moving and inspirational six-minute film illustrates our capacity for breaking our current Cycle of Competitive Detachment and returning to the pattern of 95% of our human...
6 min
Let's talk about radical Islam... and who's funded it.
13 min
"We live in the time of the ballyhooed Great Reset, a time following when great destruction has cleared the way to build something different – or to lock in the gains of big corporations, central governments, and the super-wealthy. What vision of human development might we...
Charles Eisenstein
Second Thought explains the IPCC's new climate report.
17 min
Ady Barkan’s life is upended when he is diagnosed with ALS, but a confrontation with a powerful Senator catapults him to national fame and ignites a once-in-a-generation political movement.
3 min
Featuring interviews with Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cornel West, and Naomi Klein, THE BIG SCARY “S” WORD explores the rich history of the American socialist movement.
2 min
An intimate portrait of Congresswoman Barbara Lee, a pioneer on behalf of racial and economic justice and the lone voice in opposition to the authorization of military force after the September 11th attacks.
3 min
“They are entirely complicit”
10 min
Second Thought explains how Finland ended homelessness.
14 min
The Australien Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and Storage, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
5 min
Do we all breathe the same air? Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah was a nine-year-old girl who lived in south-east London and died in 2013. The cause of death was listed as air pollution, now her mother is fighting to make clean air a human right. This Novara Doc was made by black &...
10 min
“They allowed this entire shitfest to happen"
10 min
The film about Afghanistan that corporate media, war profiteers, conservatives, centrists, and establishment liberals do not want you to see.
10 min
Jenn Budd is a former senior U.S. Border Patrol agent turned migrant rights activist. She spoke to Dena Takruri about what she calls a racist, sexist and corrupt culture inside the agency.
11 min
If you think police budgets are out of hand, wait until you hear about the military. A Gravel Institute documentary on the links between the pandemic, power, and capitalism.
8 min
There's a big problem on the internet: right-wing groups like PragerU pour lies and disinformation into the feeds of every American. H Jon Benjamin (of Bob's Burgers and Archer) explains how The Gravel Institute is fighting back.
2 min
A challenge instigated by a group of friends with different diets and eating habits takes the viewers of Sustenance on a global journey in search of the dimensions of sustainability. Sustenance is a feature-length documentary about food's journey around the world and its...
88 min
Exterminate All the Brutes is an eye-opening journey through time, offering an incisive look at the history of European colonialism in Africa and the Americas. The groundbreaking series explores the lasting impact of exploitation and genocide on society today, pushing the...
3 min
Los Angeles, America’s second largest city, has a horrible secret. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – the fourth largest police department in the country – harbors dozens of criminal gangs within its ranks. These LASD gangs have been involved in assaults, the...
19 min
Everybody keeps telling us to cut our carbon footprints. So how guilty should I feel about my personal emissions? And what's Big Oil got to do with it? We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way.
13 min
Why United States imperialism is causing climate change, explained.
13 min
Why your carbon footprint is a scam, explained.
11 min
If you’ve turned on the news in the last few weeks, you’ve probably seen plenty of coverage of the disastrous situation in Afghanistan. Two decades and over two trillion dollars later, what does the US - or Afghanistan - have to show for our brutal and prolonged occupation?...
18 min
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
Rebecca Solnit
A story about Johnny Harris, propaganda and misinformation on YouTube. We also very briefly touch upon the notions of "shareholder capitalism" and "stakeholder capitalism" which Harris discusses in his "How China Became So Powerful" before considering what Harris'...
34 min
An animated story in rhyme, about these very strange times.
8 min