901-960 of 10,690 results
With breathtaking clarity, renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor Richard Wolff breaks down the root causes of today's economic crisis, showing how it was decades in the making and in fact reflects seismic failures within the structures of American-style...
57 min
Blood and Oil offers a riveting look at how U.S. efforts to control the global flow of fossil fuels has led to endless war, alliances with authoritarian regimes like Saudi Arabia, and the undermining of democratic movements around the world.
52 min
Advertising & the End of the World features an illustrated presentation by Sut Jhally of the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
47 min
A journey away from the rat race..
63 min
'Growing Pains' is the title for a short edit (47min) of the award-winning documentary 'System Error'. A look at the global and political obsession with economic growth and the ecological and humanitarian consequences.
47 min
The library has been a long-standing institution in our society, but what if we applied its philosophy more broadly? Let's imagine what it would mean to realize the possibilities of this proto-socialist concept and reintroduce free access to the commons through a library...
27 min
Help us to get our sixth site – Maesgwyn Isaf - up and running. With your support we can make this farm ready to welcome new entrant farmers to work this land in an agroecological way, building on the legacy of Jenn and Stuart Carter who gifted this farm to us.
2 min
This beautiful and timely animation speaks to the spiralling levels of anxiety and depression the UK and other rich nations are experiencing by revealing the often silenced links between these mental health crises and the current economic system, including not only the...
6 min
Welcome to Oligarch Island
11 min
Ever wonder how I make my videos? Here's a good starting point! – Second Thought
18 min
In this video essay, I look at why billionaires won't save us from climate change. Specifically, I look at how the elite philanthropy of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk function as more of a billionaire preservation of wealth and self than as an act of altruism.
15 min
Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou discuss the CIA, how it has evolved, how it sees its mission, what it does, how it works, and the effects of its clandestine operations around the globe.
34 min
”A refreshing perspective on what it means to be wealthy” – Don Smith, Kiss the Ground
32 min
Acclaimed journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation magazine tackles the politics of manhood, militarism, nationalism, and race in the NFL, America's most popular and influential sports league.
2 min
Abigail Disney looks at America's dysfunctional and unequal economy and asks why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy, yet is a nightmare for people born with less.
3 min
I have a very friendly relationship with Adam Bendell, who is very deeply involved in the world of impact investment and who has also been very interested in the work I am doing around gift economy. Over the years, he has come to events of mine and we have had some very...
Miki Kashtan
If you judge that the world is dominated by the American, Russian, Chinese or European empire, you are completely wrong. The real (silent and invisible) empire is that of the corporations (giant companies and banks) that today control practically all fields of human activity...
Victor M. Toledo
Nothing is more precious than life.
2 min
In this video essay, I look at why the suburbs are so terrible for people and the planet. Specifically, I look at the racist history of the suburbs in the United States in order to understand how the suburbs came about. The suburbs have a dark history of white supremacy and...
18 min
Welcome to the Mafia.
10 min
The Brazilian Government has made a tourism ad ahead of the coming election, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
4 min
In this video essay, I look at how the rich really cause climate change. Specifically, I look at how the focus on the richest people in the world's consumption habits (i.e. our obsession with Taylor Swift's jet emissions) distracts us from how they make their money in the...
21 min
Krystal and Saagar are joined by author and policy expert Richard Reeves to better understand the crisis facing boys and men he tackles in his new book. A refreshing interview with zero culture war BS.
20 min
In an extended interview, acclaimed physician and author Dr. Gabor Maté discusses his new book, just out, called "The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture."
42 min
AWAKE tells the dramatic story of the historic #NODAPL native-led peaceful resistance at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, which captured the world's attention as one of the biggest stories of 2016.
90 min
This month a paper came out that honestly chilled me. It was about tipping points in climate - a well-known concept that the climate can change abruptly if certain conditions are met in certain elements of the climate system, such as excess melting of the Greenland ice sheet...
12 min
Architects, engineers and developers are creating increasingly greener structures - and doing it in a more literal way than ever before.
12 min
Greg Thomas is a passionate cultural commentator on the topic of race, and the history of black America, particularly related to musical history. In this conversation with Rebel Wisdom's David Fuller they talk about the contribution of black American music, misconceptions...
34 min
Many people have observed that the conversation we have been curating on Rebel Wisdom has featured many more men than women. Of course we have regularly been asking ourselves why that is, and whether there is a more ‘feminine’ contribution to the dialogue that is not being...
70 min
We're often told just how productive a capitalist economy is. We produce far more than we why are there still so many hungry and malnourished people? In this episode we'll investigate the real cause of world hunger, and assess whether capitalism has the tools to...
19 min
Let's take a dive into the minds of the religious right and discover how their distinct and zealous approach to matters of faith has affected the current political landscape.- Andrewism
18 min
You've probably seen videos ask questions like "why is _____ so poor?" or "why are northern countries richer?" but most of them fail to grapple with the underlying causes of global inequality. In this week's video, we'll fix that. Come learn about what really causes so-called...
19 min
When Jennifer Abbott lost her sister to cancer, her sorrow opened her up to the profound gravity of climate breakdown. Abbott’s new documentary The Magnitude of All Things draws intimate parallels between the experiences of grief—both personal and planetary. Stories from the...
2 min
Britain's leading environmental thinker presents his most audacious idea yet, in this 6-minute short film from director Franny Armstrong (THE AGE OF STUPID, McLIBEL) and the animation team at Brewery VFX.
6 min
Murder, Torture & the Hustle that Pretends to be a Philosophy
26 min
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse than Boris Johnson... feat. Nabil Abdulrashid
10 min
Is it really “green” and “environmentally smart” to use clearcutting methods, like the forestry industry say? Or is it an outdated, inefficient and heavily carbon-emitting practice that does not belong in a world already struggling with forest fires and a climate crisis? How...
47 min
Cutting-edge science and captivating personal stories collide in this illuminating docuseries about the incredible workings of the human body.
2 min
In this program, the filmmakers share insights from some leading voices on our human predicament, that being the conflict between our current economic paradigm which demands infinite growth to avoid collapsing and the living biosphere, which is going to collapse if we don't...
88 min
From the award-winning director of Sea of Life, Bright Green Lies investigates the change in focus of the mainstream environmental movement, from its original concern with protecting nature, to its current obsession with powering an unsustainable way of life. The film exposes...
71 min
The UK Government has made an ad about the deepening cost of living crisis and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
4 min
In this documentary we revisit an incredible food forest growing on 2 acres of land in the very south of Aotearoa New Zealand. The forest, previously an abandoned section filled with rubbish and burnt house remains, was the subject of our 2016 film An Invitation for Wildness...
15 min
The conditions that make life possible are rapidly changing. Reckoning with this reality on the cusp of a record-setting dry season, filmmaker Emmett Brennan embarks on a powerful journey to find stories of hope and healing. Brennan sets out to walk 200 miles next to the...
80 min
Psychedelia takes viewers on a journey through the origins and resurgence of psychedelic research, exploring the profound, life-altering effects of these compounds in both the therapeutic setting and the world at large.
58 min
Since 2017, public lands throughout America have faced unprecedented threats. Bears Ears National Monument was shrunk by 85%, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was opened to oil exploration, and the Elliott State Forest in Oregon was nearly privatized.
62 min
No Small Matter is the first feature documentary to explore the most overlooked, underestimated, and powerful force for change in America today: early childhood education.
2 min
The Hyde Amendment denies low-income individuals abortion access. Following an abortion helpline in Philadelphia where every phone counselor goes by Lisa, the film gives voice to women and teens affected by the explicitly discriminatory legislation.
14 min
The US Supreme Court has made an ad, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
4 min
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature.
60 min
For thousands of years, we have misinterpreted the foundational story of the world's three most dominant religions. Where did we go wrong, and what does it really mean?
5 min
We’ve got a plan, it’s called Project 3.5 The idea is a simple one: To build a movement that’s too big for the government and the fossil fuel industry to ignore, and to do it one door at a time.
11 min
National treasure, actor and comedian Stephen Fry called on the British public to support Extinction Rebellion. Speaking to camera Fry, said: “Reasonable people, I think, understand that something has to be done about fossil fuels, most of all about our insatiable appetite...
8 min
Laura Pidcock EXPOSES the lie.
9 min
In the last 50 years, Robert Reich has moved further to the left of center without changing his political views at all. How? The right has moved dangerously close to fascism.
3 min
The underlying problem is not inflation. It’s corporate power. The entire American economy is concentrated into the hands of a few greedy, corporate giants with the power to raise prices.
5 min
In this video essay, Our Changing Climate looks at why disaster capitalism exists and how it works. Specifically, they dive into the core principles behind disaster capitalism-- how crises are exploited to pass neoliberal policies, turn a profit, and privatize land and...
18 min
The BedZED eco-village is a sustainable housing development based in London, UK. Going Green went to the eco-village to see both the green building design and the sustainable community.
4 min
Fun fact, the vast majority of people see themselves as "middle class." That includes everyone from those making $20k per year all the way to those making millions of dollars per year. Surely they can't all be part of the same group, right? What's going on here? What is the...
17 min
More guns, no abortion: Welcome to Joe Biden’s Liberal America
10 min
Before starting a family, Soozie Eastman, daughter of an industrial chemical distributor, embarks on a journey to find out the levels of toxins in her body and explores if there is anything she or anyone else can do to change them. Soozie has just learned that hundreds of...
71 min