This is a 'No Fresh Carbon Footprint' Docuseries.
The Story of Food - a documentary in nine parts, tracing the trail of devastations bringing us to the point where we are today.
The brink of a point.
The population explosion of the cultivated human; disasters – climatic for the planet-body, pandemic for the human; fast depleting resources; scoured oceans and hollowed out earth; thorough poisoning – inside out; the gaping holes in the web of life; the systemic decay - within and without...
A wrecked planet, the wretched life.
Food being the thread that connects us to life; and the way we obtain our food being the thread that connects us to a way of life, the movie begins by examining – the first milestone on the trail – our agri-culture, our very relationship with the land. And thus, consequently, bringing the focus of investigation to questioning – our very Way of Life.
This documentary is made available free, and is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) licence.