Planet Local Short Film Series - Part 4: Local Food Processors AKA Making Delicious Food

These days, it can be difficult to find processed foods that aren’t made by mega-corporations; foods that aren’t full of added sugars, genetically modified corn, and chemicals we would rather not put in our bodies; foods that weren’t made in factories that harm the environment and take advantage of workers.

This week, we’re going to share a few films that introduce us to people who have made it their livelihood to process and sell food on a sustainable, human scale. - Local Futures



Part 1 Alp Cheese Making at Eigeralp

A look into the lives of two Alpine farmers and cheesemakers, still making cheese as they have for generations, in the high meadows above Grindelwald, Switzerland.
(4.58 min)


Part 2 The Beekeeper

Tim Brod, a beekeeper in Boulder, Colorado, discusses the value of high quality honey and the importance of maintaining our relationship with the honeybee.
(7.22 min)


Part 3 The Ovens of Cappoquin

(3.52 min)


Part 4 On the Shores of This Bay

(6.38 min)

Baking bread with a commitment to tradition; harvesting oysters with a deep respect for the sea, and for life. These two films are part of an award winning online series — The Perennial Plate — dedicated to socially responsible and adventurous eating.


Part 5 Plan Bee Farm Brewery

Plan Bee Farm Brewery, located in Poughkeepsie, New York, is taking the local beer movement a step further than most by sourcing all of its ingredients from within 30 miles of the farm. While Plan Bee continues to grow, owners Evan and Emily Watson are aiming to decrease the radius of ingredient sourcing even further — until they’re able to use only ingredients they’ve grown themselves.
(15.56 min)


Part 6 Tartine Organic Bakery

A baker in Dublin, Ireland waxes poetic on topics such as yeast fermentation, traditional bread making techniques, and starting work while the world is still asleep.
(6.30 min)


Part 7 Northland Sheep Dairy

This series of films tells the story of MaryRose Livingston of Northland Sheep Dairy, in Marathon, New York. Together with her husband Donn Hewes, MaryRose raises a flock of dairy sheep and produces cheeses, wool, and meat that she sells at the Ithaca Farmers Market. The series starts with an introduction to the farm, and continues with a more in depth look at various stages of the cheese making and marketing process.
Food   Health   Solutions   Transition
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