Emergency Powers And Creeping Authoritarianism

With the world on lockdown and countries taking drastic actions to slow the spread of Coronavirus, some world leaders are taking the opportunity to grab more power. Citizens of every country should keep a watchful eye on what powers their leaders are giving themselves, and speak up when people like Viktor Orban try to make their power absolute. - Second Thought

Update (April 3rd 2020): Because some people are already misunderstanding the video, let me clarify even further. You should absolutely follow recommended or required social distancing and self-isolating procedures. It's incredibly irresponsible not to. South Korea's response to the pandemic was amazing. This video isn't about that. This video is about the potential ramifications of crisis legislation. I think I made that pretty clear in the video, but just to drive home the point, President Duterte [of the Philippines] just went on TV last night and warned the public that he had ordered the military police to shoot and kill anyone who disobeys his orders. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. People who take that kind of power will likely not want to surrender it after the crisis is over.

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