Anima Mundi: Permaculture, Deep Ecology & the Soul of the World (2011) (trailer)

Many people do not realize that permaculture is much more than about growing fruit and vegetables, it is a whole view incorporating the environment, energy, resources, housing, technology, education, healthcare, the arts, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and agriculture. It provides a realistic alternative for our future sustainability, a gentler way that treads lightly on our Mother Earth. Anima Mundi is not a “How To” video, it is a “Where To” documentary showcasing alternatives like Earthship’s, Permaculture, Permablitz, retrofitting the suburbs, lifeboats, localized food production and currency’s, planned energy decent and Gaian philosophy.

And many people do not realize that Anima Mundi is not a big budget documentary, it was put together by one person with little money, no industry connections, a clapped out car and a home-video camera. As a production, Anima Mundi fits within many permaculture principles; it has a very low embodied energy, it took minimal resources to produce, I made do with what was local and/or at hand, and I grew something that has flourished from what was once a barren landscape. Anima Mundi is not a film that offers false-hope solutions, it is a practical film about the nature of reality, and the harsh and beautiful reality of nature. -  Peter Charles Downey, director

Stars: Dr. Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, Michael C Ruppert, Michael Reynolds (earthships), David Holmgren (permaculture), Permablitz and others. Anima Mundi is Latin for 'Soul of the World'.

Climate Change   Environment   Permaculture   Sustainability
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