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Thoughts on the Revolution, June 16, 2016
Time to dig deep, dig in, and double down
Singing mermaids invade British Museum to celebrate BP
On Sunday, a troupe of singing merfolk invaded the British Museum to celebrate the museum's climate-trashing sponsor, BP, and its new exhibition 'Sunken Cities'. Rising sea-levels might be great news for merfolk but they're disastrous for the rest of us. So now we need your...
The 5 Stages of Climate Change Grief w/ Bill Nye and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Bill Nye is feeling down. He's visiting his therapist – Dr. Arnold Schwarzenegger – wondering why he doesn't feel like himself lately. He feels as if a horrible weight is on his shoulders. The therapist listens sympathetically, and diagnoses the cause. Bill is suffering from...
Scorching Global Temps Astound Climate Scientists
As wildfire rages in California, flooding affects millions in India and China, and eggs are fried on sidewalks in Iraq, scientists say global climate catastrophe is surpassing predictions
The Climate Crisis Is Here But Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Know
What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient. The media turns us away from the issues that will determine the course of our lives, and towards topics of brain-melting irrelevance.
Lawns Are for Suckers. Plant a Garden - for the Climate!
Ripping out your lawn and planting kale and peppers won’t just lead to great stir-fry — a new study finds it could make major contributions to fighting climate change, too.
Under the Surface - Naomi Klein and the Great Barrier Reef
In Under the Surface, a special Guardian film, the award-winning writer and environmental campaigner Naomi Klein travels to the Great Barrier Reef with her son, Toma, to see the impact of coral bleaching caused by climate change. In a personal but also universal story, Klein...
#NODAPL: Battle at the End of the World
Watching the footage of the police attack against water protectors from last Sunday, conjured images of the apocalypse. Yet, despite this brutal assault, the people at Standing Rock keep on fighting. This video is dedicated to Sophia Wilansky, who was critically injured...
New Study Shows That the Polar Vortex Is Shifting
The path of the polar vortex is shifting from North America toward Eurasia. Now, a new study suggests that this might cause several regions to suffer colder and longer winters than usual. 
Regenerative Agriculture: Our Best Shot at Cooling the Planet?
It’s getting hot out there. For a stretch of 16 months running through August 2016, new global temperature records were set every month.[1] Ice cover in the Arctic sea hit a new low this past summer, at 525,000 square miles less than normal.[2] And apparently we’re not doing...
Tucker Carlson Interviewing Bill Nye Is Like Watching a Turkey Trying to Operate an iPad
Bill Nye is interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News to talk about climate change and research to identify the cause of the cognitive dissonance in those who deny the evidence that the current rate of climate change is man-made. What happens is an object lesson in media...
Kandi Mossett Explains the Intersectional Issues Around Standing Rock
Adapted from the feature documentary Not Without Us, Kandi Mossett from the Indigenous Environmental Network talks about the health, environmental and social impacts of extractive industries on indigenous communities.
The Paris Climate Deal Won’t Save Us – Our Future Depends on De-Growth
When Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris climate deal, the world reacted with outrage. And rightly so: the agreement represents a remarkable achievement in international diplomacy – a breakthrough after 20 years of failed climate negotiations. But as we...
Earth Overshoot Day Explained
This video explains our Ecological Footprint and Earth Overshoot Day with a particular focus on the #movethedate campaign to move back the day of ecological overshoot.
Hello Humanity. It's Me, Technology. We Need to Talk.
Technology has grown with us, side by side, since the dawn of human society. Each time that we've turned to Technology to solve a problem or make us more comfortable, we've been granted a solution. But it turns out that all of the gifts Technology has bestowed on us have come...
Reporting on Climate Change Is Harmful if You're Not Offering Solutions
Once-celebrated author and thinker Daniel Pinchbeck can't find an audience for his new book. He has a few ideas why.
Prince Ea: Will This Be Humanity's Fate?
We all can agree that if Earth dies, we die. So why do so many people keep denying climate change and our impact on this planet? Why do we take our time here for granted? Whether it's the food we eat, companies we support, our daily habits or how we vote, we have the power to...
Man-Buns and Climate Finance: Millennials Leading the Sustainable Investment Market
Apparently millennials are more than man-buns, gentrification or an avocado obsession. Millennials, defined as people with birth dates from early 1980s to late 1990s, are leading the sustainable investment surge in the United States. Aligning their personal values with their...
Top 5 Ways Man-Made Climate Change Made Hurricane Harvey Much Worse
The images from Houston and its environs are heart-breaking and we at Informed Comment wish all those affected a speedy and safe return to normality.
For More Resilient Cities, Stop Trying to Conquer Nature
Had we designed cities with nature in mind, we'd see fewer issues around flooding, pollution and excessive heat.
The Great Flood
How many times will we rebuild Florida’s cities, Houston, coastal New Jersey, New Orleans and other population centers ravaged by storms lethally intensified by global warming? At what point, surveying the devastation and knowing more is inevitable, will we walk away, leaving...
taking Root:- a vision of extraordinary African woman and eco warrior and Nobel Peace prize winner Wangari Mathaai
"In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace." Wangarai Mathai African Nobel Peace Prize winner.
The Sacrifice Zones of Hurricane Harvey
In this second installment of special coverage Hurricane Harvey's aftermath, Abby Martin explores how the petrochemical industry dominates the city and why its low-income, Black and Latino areas are in the highest-risk areas for flooding and pollution, earning them the name...
Decentralized Disaster Relief Fills Void
After uncovering total failure by the U.S. government to meet the needs of communities suffering in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Abby Martin meets the people who filled the void. S
Keystone XL: This Isn't Over
There’s a lot of uncertainty around TransCanada’s next move – they’re still expected to make a final decision this month whether to move forward with this pipeline – but one thing is for sure. We’re the biggest obstacle this project will face and no matter what TransCanada...
‘Water Is Life’ Camp Resists Energy Transfer Partners’ Louisiana Bayou Bridge Pipeline
Bayou Bridge is another dangerous pipeline from a company that’s shown complete disregard for Indigenous rights, the land and water, and our climate. If approved, the project will run though 11 parishes and cross around 600 acres of wetlands and 700 bodies of water, including...
Energy Internet
Is this an answer to climate change that we're missing? This is a taster for a one-hour documentary coming soon that explores the work of Nick Dunlop and the Climate Parliament.
Greenland Melting from Below
Turns out, Greenland isn't just melting from above—it's also melting from below. Eventually, it could raise sea levels by 24 feet. How long until we're all underwater? NASA's OMG mission is trying to find out.
Global Warming Is Increasing Russia’s Profits, And Pollution, VICE on HBO, Full Episode
Climate change is causing catastrophic changes to our planet, but it may be an economic blessing for Russia. As the Arctic ice melts, petroleum and mineral resources are more accessible, shipping lanes are opening up and the frozen Siberian tundra could become arable. In...
The Shore Line
This webdoc profiles the efforts of educators, artists, architects, scientists, city planners, and youth organizations from nine countries who are confronting coastal challenges with persistence and imagination. Solutions for climate change. 
RESIN - European cities working against the clock to adapt to a new climate reality
RESIN is an interdisciplinary, practice-based research project investigating climate resilience in European cities. Through co-creation between cities and researchers, the project is working on developing practical and applicable tools to support cities in designing and...
Threats facing Humanity, Russiagate & the Role of Independent Media | With Paul Jay
In this interview with the senior editor and founder of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, we examine the threats facing humanity today, Russiagate and what issues independent media outlets should be prioritizing.
Climate: A New Story - Charles Eisenstein
In this video from Spring 2018 in New Zealand, Charles advocates for expanding our exclusive focus on carbon emissions to see the broader picture beyond our short-sighted and incomplete approach to mitigating climate change. The natural and the material world--the rivers...
James Hansen's 1988 Climate Predictions Coming True
In summer 1988, James Hansen, NASA's Chief Atmospheric expert, testified before the US Senate, that the "greenhouse effect has been detected, and it is changing our climate now." Succeeding decades have borne him out.
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
What if we actually pulled off a Green New Deal? What would the future look like? The Intercept presents a film narrated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and illustrated by Molly Crabapple. Set a couple of decades from now, the film is a flat-out rejection of the idea that a...
Economics 101 and Ecological Collapse
“The collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” – David Attenborough
Amazon Rainforest Fires - Avoid This Trap | Charles Eisenstein
The grief is so strong. What do I do with that energy? I've noticed kind of a trap, a diversion, that says "take that energy and hate somebody with it. Blame somebody with it."
A Few Thoughts on Practical Activism
This speech by Kira McPherson was delivered during the #ClimateStrike protest on September 20th, 2019 in Lawrence, Kansas.
ROLLBACKS, an Assault Against Life on Earth From Old Dog Documentaries
We agree with the scientists, and many others around the world, that our most important collective concern is to address the climate crisis. NOW.
The Race is On: Secrets and Solutions of Climate
This film shows you the shocking secrets about the global climate crisis - but also solutions we already have to avoid disaster. Everyone wants a better, brighter future, and through smart storytelling, this film opens up the climate emergency for all to take effective actions.  
Inspired by Bees
How to Save the Planet and Ourselves
We must reduce carbon emissions by 40% in the next 12 years to have a 50% chance of avoiding catastrophe.
The Heart of the World (CORAZÓN DEL MUNDO)
WATCH OUR MESSAGE! ACT NOW! SHARE IT! We are dedicated to planting trees that tell stories, and we are really happy to share this special work with you! The Short Film is an important message of the Indigenous Elder Mamo Rumaldo Lozano Gil guardian of the sacred site TEYUNA...
Field Recording
Weaving together themes of extinction, grief and reconnection - Field Recording combines story, song and poetry in a unique and timely performance. CREDITS: Filmed in front of a live audience on Wurundjeri Land at Brunswick Mechanics Institute. Story by Matt Wicking. Sound...
The Promise of Biomimicry
The Biomimicry Institute presents a new 20-minute film produced by Tree Media that introduces biomimicry as a way of living for everyday people and as a pathway for design inspired by nature.
We Are The Political Revolution
Sign up to host a launch party:
A Vote Against Bernie Sanders Is a Vote for the End of Human Civilization
Frightening commentary has emerged among liberals committing to a protest-vote against both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Proponents argue that, in some undescribed way, their protest-vote will send to these front-runners the “signal” that they are not entitled to our...
Aluna: A Journey to Save the World
Aluna means "conscience." Enter the last theocratic chiefdom in America, hidden for centuries on a mountain in Colombia. The Kogi have made this amazing documentary to help us understand how to avoid the destruction of the world that they are trying to protect, and of ourselves.
Michael Moore, Filmmakers Respond to Criticism of Planet Of The Humans
Academy award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore and associates discuss their new documentary, 'Planet of the Humans,' a documentary that says we are selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. 
The Sleeping Giant: A Localist Manifesto
Four-part video series on Paul Fenn, pioneer of the Community Choice Energy movement in the United States. Produced by Stuart Farmer. Directed by Yoni Goldstein. Written by Charles Schultz. Production Assistant is Sebastian Alvarez. Filmed on location at Local Power in...
Our Coming Baptism by Fire
There is worse ahead. In acceptance, hope is transformed into energy for the unimaginable.
Nobody Takes the Renewable Energy Transition Seriously
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Despite all the demands from climate activists, scientists, and even policy makers, hardly a single country is taking the shift to renewable energy seriously. Even countries and regions that claim to be...
TEXTILE MOUNTAIN | The Hidden Burden of our Fashion Waste [2020]
  Europeans throw away 2 million tonnes of textiles each year. Every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned. Many of us donate our unwanted clothes to charity shops & clothing collection banks - but do we really know what happens to...
David Attenborough - For All Nature
“The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.” Sir David Attenborough
It's Okay to Panic
​"It’s Okay to Panic" is a nostalgic portrait of 62-year-old Professor Szymon Malinowski, Director of the Institute of Geophysics at the University of Warsaw, who worries that climate change may cause human civilisation to collapse in the coming decades. A career educator...
Can You See It ? | Extinction Rebellion France
Can you see the absurdity of our world? Can you imagine another society?
The Last and Most Important Advice I Will Ever Give | Dr. Meyer Hillman
89-year-old social scientist Dr. Mayer Hillman explains the source of climate change and what must be done.
The Crucial Role of Activism in the Apocalyptic Age -- Captain Paul Watson
Captain Paul Watson discusses the vital role of creative and flexible activism in order to counter the growing assault on nature.
More Of Everything - A Film about Swedish Forestry
The Swedish forestry model is promoted as a success story, promising both climate change mitigation and safeguarding of biodiversity, but is this really true?
Sir David Attenborough Presents: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet | Doc Preview
Breaking Boundaries tells the story of the most important scientific discovery of our time - that humanity has pushed Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept Earth stable for 10,000 years, since the dawn of civilization. The 75-minute film takes the audience on a journey...