61-120 of 1,264
In Our Hands: Seeding Change
Food and farming is in crisis. In just over a decade we’ve lost more than 33,000 farms from our countryside, and alongside this, bad diet is now causing more health problems than smoking! The fundamental link between people, food and the very land we stand on is being broken...
Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives On Restoring Our World
INHABITANTS follows five Native American communities as they restore their traditional land management practices in the face of a changing climate. For millennia Native Americans successfully stewarded and shaped their landscapes, but centuries of colonization have disrupted...
Who Killed The Electric Car?
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed. This film examines the politics, business interests, and technology that explains why.
The 11th Hour (trailer)
Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this captivating documentary explores the perilous state of our planet, and the means by which we can change our course. Contributing to this crucial film are noted politicians, scientists and other ambassadors for the importance of a universal...
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret
The World's largest environmental organizations are failing to address the single most destructive force facing the planet today. Follow the shocking, yet humorous journey of an aspiring environmentalist as he daringly seeks to find the real solution to the most pressing...
The Soil Solution To Climate Change
What If A Solution To Climate Change Was Beneath Your Feet?  Soil is a living universe beneath our feet. As important to our lives as clean air and water, soil also holds a potential solution to the global climate crisis. Increasing numbers of scientists, farmers and...
Pushing Through the Pavement: A Permaculture Action Story
It’s true; musicians can be a catalyst for social change!  Watch the inspiring story about the first Permaculture Action Tour, with music producer The Polish Ambassador, that covered over 9,000 miles though 33 cities and 19 states, from San Francisco to New York City...
System Change Not Climate Change
The greatest challenges of our time is to end unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change. What is stopping us? And what can YOU do to make a difference? 
Clean Energy Won't Save Us - Only a New Economic System Can
It’s time to pour our creative energies into imagining a new global economy. Infinite growth is a dangerous illusion
Occupy Sandy
"Occupy Sandy," which debuted at a surprise outdoor screening above a gas station in Lower Manhattan on Nov. 28, documents the Occupy movement's volunteer efforts to assist the most hard-hit New Yorkers in the wake of last month's storm.
The Coal Conspiracy: A Plan Even More Dangerous than Keystone XL
There's a new front line in the battle to prevent catastrophic climate change. Arrested Development star Alia Shawkat (aka Maeby) explains the truth about the coal industry's plans to export American coal. Multi-billion dollar coal companies like Arch, Ambre, and...
DAMOCRACY: Debunking the Myth of Dams as 'Clean' Energy
DAMOCRACY: A documentary that debunks the myth of large-scale dams as clean energy and a solution to climate change. It records the priceless cultural and natural heritage the world would lose in the Amazon and Mesopotamia if two planned large-scale dams are built - Belo...
Anima Mundi: Permaculture, Deep Ecology & the Soul of the World
Many people do not realize that permaculture is much more than about growing fruit and vegetables, it is a whole view incorporating the environment, energy, resources, housing, technology, education, healthcare, the arts, spirituality, psychology, philosophy and agriculture...
The Fuck-it Point
A film about the dark side of civilization, why we should bring it down and why most civilized people don't.
Years of Living Dangerously
Hollywood celebrities and respected journalists span the globe to explore the issues of climate change and cover intimate stories of human triumph and tragedy.    In this first episode, we’re taken across the world to get various climate-related answers from experts, as well...
A Burning Question: Propaganda & The Denial Of Climate Change
Climate change has been hailed as "the biggest challenge to mankind in human history" and has also been called "the biggest swindle". Today many people are confused as to what climate change is and what consequences lie ahead for Ireland in the near and distant future. In...
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land
RESIST: The Unist'ot'en's Call To The Land is a short documentary that was filmed in the summer of 2013 on unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, 1000 km north of Vancouver in northern BC (western Canada) over the duration of the fourth annual Environmental Action Camp, hosted by...
Small-Scale Farmers Cool the Planet
Fair World Project's new 17-minute documentary highlights the role of industrial agriculture in climate change while expounding on how small farmers are combating the climate crisis through regenerative organic agriculture.
Let's Get Crazy - The Venus Project
A short video about The Venus Project, a holistic solution to our current global problems. Music link:
Our Survival Depends On Keeping The Oil In The Ground
Humanity's survival depends on not burning two-thirds of our global oil reserves, so we must act now by limiting fossil fuel extraction. The highly biodiverse Amazon basin is a keystone area in combating climate change because it regulates our planet's health and drives...
Snows of the Nile
Uganda's Rwenzori Mountains rise 5000m from the heart of Africa. At their summits are some of Earth's only equatorial glaciers. But these "Mountains of the Moon," whose existence caused a sensation in Europe when they were first climbed in 1906, are changing fast. Snows of...
The Snow Guardian
For 40 years, billy barr has lived alone in small cabin in one of the coldest places in the United States - the ghost town of Gothic, CO. With no goals of proving anything, or even knowledge that the climate was changing, billy started collecting data about snowpack to pass...
What Will It Really Take to Avoid Collapse?
Fifteen thousand scientists have issued a dire warning to humanity about impending collapse but virtually no-one takes notice. Ultimately, our global systems, which are designed for perpetual growth, need to be fundamentally restructured to avoid the worst-case outcome.
Decade Zero #1
Decade Zero #1 is the first of a series of short fictional documentary films that blend utopia and apocalypse, the present and the future, the real and the imagined. 
Solar Roads:  The Future of the Highway & the Next Energy Revolution
What if roads and parking lots were solar, fueling enough energy from the sun to power nearby communities as well as electric vehicles? Scott and Julie Brusaw, the inventors/creators have the answer. They have a IndieGoGo funding campaign active through May 31st, 2014. 
Rap News 33: Pope Francis Vs Climate Change
Today on Rap News, a world exclusive: Pope Francis performing his 2015 encyclical on climate change, revealing his new, revised Ten Climate Commandments for the care of our common home. Of course, Robert Foster also has a couple of pointy questions to ask the Pontiff; as does...
176 Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and What the Science Really Says
Here is a summary of global warming and climate change myths, sorted by recent popularity vs what science says. Click the response for a more detailed response. You can also view them sorted by taxonomy, by popularity, in a print-friendly version,
Coming Soon: The 'Big Heat'
Forget the so-called ‘pause’ in global warming—new research says we might be in for an era of deeply accelerated heating.  While the rate of atmospheric warming in recent years has, indeed, slowed due to various natural weather cycles—hence the skeptics’ droning on about...
Ending The Oil Age
Big Oil’s days are numbered – but the industry could still take us all down with it. From divestment to disruption, Jess Worth explores how the transition to an oil-free future is being hastened.
Abundant Clean Renewables? Think Again!
Although “renewable” energy is growing faster than ever before, it is neither carbon neutral, “clean” nor sustainable. We need to transform into low-energy societies that meet human – not corporate – needs. Renewable energy is growing faster than
Tinau (My Mother)
Scientists predict that Kiribati - a remote Island Republic in the Central Pacific - could be lost to rising sea levels in the next 50 years. As a result a whole nation faces an uncertain future. 'Tinau' is an intimate family portrait of a Kiribatese mother now settled in the...
Eight Pseudoscientific Climate Claims Debunked by Real Scientists
Most people who deny that human activity is warming the planet just dismiss a massive body of scientific evidence as a big hoax.
Green Capitalism: The God That Failed
The results are in: No amount of "green capitalism" will be able to ensure the profound changes we must urgently make to prevent the collapse of civilization from the catastrophic impacts of global warming.
How Science Is Telling Us All To Revolt
In December 2012, a pink-haired complex systems researcher named Brad Werner made his way through the throng of 24,000 earth and space scientists at the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, held annually in San Francisco. This year’s conference had some big-name...
Treason Trilogy: Part 1: Casino Capitalism
Adam Smith branded those who pocketed the nation's rents as "The Public Enemy". But today, governments celebrate the privatisation of the income that we all help to create. The result, reports Fred Harrison in Part 1 of The Treason Trilogy, is a house of cards built on debt.
The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Science
In the first of a series of four videos Danny Chivers, author of the New Internationalist No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change, gives a whistle-stop tour of the science and impacts of climate change. Check out for references on everything in the video...
What the Bhutanese are Doing is Amazing. Can We Get More of this in Our Country?
Bhutan, a small country enshrined in the Himalaya's leads the way in the pursuit of holistic, inclusive and truly environmentally sustainable development. This commitment emanates from the visionary statement in the early 1970s, of His Majesty, the Fourth King of Bhutan...
The Top 15 Climate Denial Myths
We've been covering the debate on climate change for a while now, and we've noticed there's about a dozen or so common responses that we get on Facebook and here on the site.
The 15 Best Documentaries About Climate Change, Free to Watch Online
Here's a round-up of the 15 best documentaries about climate change. Click the title of each film below to watch.
If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it
'One woe doth tread upon another's heel, So fast they follow". That radical green pressure group PriceWaterhouseCoopers warns that even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on cours
What Made This Die-Hard Fox News Fan Believe In Climate Change?
This (now former) climate change skeptic and self-professed Bill O'Reilly fan recently attended a screening of a new documentary that features time-lapse footage of entire glaciers disappearing at alarmingly fast rates. I think it's pretty safe to say what she saw made an...
The Great Global Warming Swindle Documentary Debunked
When the Great Global Warming Swindle was first broadcast - climate deniers thought that at last they had the definitive polemic to beat back the forces of science and reason..... This 8-minute video corrects multiple manipulations of data presented in the film, including...
Can't Face the Math: On Climate Science, We're All Karl Rove on the Night of the Election
Throughout this long, crazy campaign, there’s been a tension simmering between empiricists like Nate Silver and Sam Wang, who cited poll data showing Obama with a small but durable lead, and pundits who trusted their “guts” and the “narrative,” both of which indicated that...
Exxon Hates Your Children
*Exxon hates your children. It's a serious accusation. And it deserves a serious explanation. Click here to learn more
Bill Nye Explains Climate Change (It Can't Be Explained Any More Simply Folks!)
I love Bill Nye more and more every day.  A very simple to understand video to explain how climate change works; and yes – it’s man made.  Love the part where they pull out Michele Bachmann’s political rantings.
Intro to Permaculture
This is an 18 part 90 minute intro to permaculture webinar with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture in Illinois. Bill has been teaching permaculture for 6 years. He holds 2 PDC Certificates and has Advanced Training in Permaculture Design and in teaching Permaculture.
FRACK! New documentary puts controversial gas "fracking" technology  under the spotlight
Frack! tells the story of the unconventional gas-drilling ("fracking") frenzy sweeping the Marcellus region, including the Catskills and Upper Delaware River watershed, threatening pristine areas which provide clean drinking water for over 15 million people.  Without a...
Cancun, Climate Change and WikiLeaks
CANCUN, Mexico—Critical negotiations are under way here in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations, to reverse human-induced global warming. This is the first major meeting since the failed Copenhagen summit last year, and it is happening at the end of the...
Activists Crash BP-Sponsored Day of the Dead Party
Day of the Dead sponsored by... BP and the Mexican Government. Did the British Museum have an irony bypass?
Climate Change Crisis (Bernie Sanders Vs Hillary Clinton)
What are Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton going to do about Climate Change? We are under attack, and the attack is coming from climate change. Al Gore warns Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton of the the danger of burning fossil fuels at Senate Environmental Committee...
Is Miami Beach Doomed?
Miami Beach could be underwater this century. The sea level around the tourist paradise has risen steadily in recent decades and flooding in the streets has become more frequent and severe. Most of the city sits just four to five feet above sea level, and on a foundation of...
Changing Everything Except What Needs Changing: What's Missing From The Renewable Energy Debate
Among climate change activists, solutions usually center on a transition to renewable energy. There may be differences over whether this would be best accomplished by a carbon tax, bigger subsidies for wind and solar power, divestment from fossil fuel companies, massive...
3 Kids are on a Mission to Fix the Global Meat Crisis, Fast!
In order to shift the broken meat and dairy system, Greenpeace has one ambitious goal: the reduction of meat and dairy production and consumption by at least 50% by 2050. If left unchecked, agriculture is projected to produce 52% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the...
Nature Isn't On a Rampage. That Would Be Us.
By putting the evil eye on nature, we take it off the humans who have science in their hands, but hold it behind their backs.
Raise a Paddle - A Journey From the Pacific Islands to the Tar Sands
In May 2017, a group of Pacific Islanders travelled half way across the world to visit the Canadian tar sands.
Tackling Food Waste Would Help Mitigate Climate Change
Eat your peas! It’s the easiest way to fight climate change.
22,000 Years of Climate Change - The last 200 Are Shocking
A timeline of the earth's average temperature since the last ice age glaciation
Glacier Exit
We stood on the ice dunes of the glaciers of Alaska in the midst of a snowy winter. Trekking the slopes of another planet had been on our list for a long time. The silence and majesty of the mountains surrounding us, the bluest ice we had ever seen and the steady rush of ice...
The Goal of Life is Not to Survive It |  Charles Eisenstein
With climate change and biodiversity loss worsening every day, we're all asking ourselves: will humanity survive?