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Viva Australis - Tiempo Circular
This is a videoclip about the cycle of nature and how tiny we are as humans in our planet. Everyone who was born  here will be part of this cycle and will be part of it forever , because we are one being.
The Green New Deal Can Work – Here's How
18 concrete ways to make the urgently needed climate mobilization a reality
An essay film about one of the last scythe builders in germany.
The Biggest Lie About Climate Change
You were lied to about climate change.
Brilliant Short Film Imagines Parallel Earth Saving Themselves From Fate of Earth
10 years after the premiere of THE AGE OF STUPID, here's Franny Armstrong's new short film, WHAT IF?  In a parallel universe, Fred Miliband, Carolyn Lukas, Zack Harries, Jon Snowflake, Kris Peckham, Jonathan Pie and the President of the Maldives battle to save the people of...
Restoring The Natural Mangrove Forest
Coastal communities are intrinsically connected to the sea. Their lives depend on it. A key to happiness and life in tropical regions is a healthy mangrove forest. We are now recognizing that a world without the rainforests by the sea, wouldn’t just mean a dismal scenario for...
The Wind in the Willows
Badger, Toad, Mole and Ratty find themselves in serious trouble when they return to the Willows!
Climate Denial Isn’t Stopping Climate Action. Here’s What Is. | David Wallace-Wells
Climate change denial draws headlines. But is it actually an obstacle to climate action? 
How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change | Allan Savory
"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to...
The World's Happiest People Already Have a Green New Deal, and They Love It
Green New Deal advocates in the United States should look to the Nordic countries for inspiration on how to overcome the 1 percent and address climate change.
Power of Water (Ukrainian / English)
Power of Water is an educational documentary short film exploring how water-ecology is key to our world's well-being. Explore its power and interconnected nature with experts from Ukraine and the USA. This upbeat yet information-rich film also features children’s hands-on...
Make It A Fair Cop Glasgow
We went to COP 26 in Glasgow to find out what was being done about the climate crisis and the destruction of the natural world. This film shows you what - and whom - we found. One thing is for sure. Governments must do much. much more than they are doing. We can't leave it to...
On The Wild Side
Wild plants matter on our urban streets and footpaths. Co-author of 'Wiltshire Flora', Dave Green explains why in this award winning short film.
Why We Need Climate Hope
Radical climate hope, explained.
COP 26: End the Cynicism and Denial
The global elites call for technology and market “solutions” they know will not reach the necessary targets. They are condemning human society to its demise. A mass movement to demand real solutions is urgently needed. Patrick Bond and Paul Jay discuss the climate crisis on...
MILKED: White Lies In Dairy Land
MILKED follows a young activist who goes deep into dairy land where he takes on the giants of New Zealand’s most powerful industry, and reveals how the sacred cash-cow industry has been milked dry. His journey exposes not only the sustainability crisis and the dangerous...
Why Capitalism Loves Disasters
In this video essay, Our Changing Climate looks at why disaster capitalism exists and how it works. Specifically, they dive into the core principles behind disaster capitalism-- how crises are exploited to pass neoliberal policies, turn a profit, and privatize land and...
Stephen Fry in Support of Extinction Rebellion: 'Something Has to be Done'
National treasure, actor and comedian Stephen Fry called on the British public to support Extinction Rebellion. Speaking to camera Fry, said: “Reasonable people, I think, understand that something has to be done about fossil fuels, most of all about our insatiable appetite...
Imprisoned Schools
Six hundred children from a Seine-Saint-Denis school group - nursery and elementary school - are currently threatened by a considerable increase in pollution due to new road infrastructure.
Your "Carbon Footprint" Is A Scam
If you get tired of being told that climate change is all your fault because you eat meat, don't use paper straws, or drive a car, this video is for you. While there are things we can all do to reduce our personal greenhouse gas emissions, the idea of the "individual carbon...
Howey Ou | China's 17 YEAR OLD Fights For YOUR Future
Howey Ou, 欧泓奕 is a 17 year old climate activist. She is also the bravest person I have ever met. Every Friday, as part of FFF (Fridays for future), she participates in youth climate activism, heading to streets of China to advocate for Climate Change. As well as this, she...
"The Worst Flood in Living Memory" - Yangshuo, China | June 2020
In June 2020, Yangshuo experienced its worst natural climate change disaster to date. Water poured into this beautiful tourist town from two nearby rivers, with shocking consequences. The area received the highest amount of rainfall recorded in 200 years. The "worst flood in...
The IPCC's New "CODE RED" Climate Report
Second Thought explains the IPCC's new climate report.
Living in the Web of Soft Climate Denial
Posted on September 7, 2016
Michael Hoexter: Politically Fashionable Carbon Gradualism Vs. Reality | Naked Capitalism
Posted on July 11, 2013 by Yves Smith
Imperialism in the Anthropocene | Monthly Review July-August 2019
On May 21, 2019, the Anthropocene Working Group, established by the Subcommision on Quaternary Stratigraphy of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, voted by more than the necessary 60 percent to recognize the existence of the Anthropocene epoch in geological time...
How to Pay for the Green New Deal | Levy Economics Institute | Working Paper No. 931
The title mimics that of J. M. Keynes’s (1940) famous book, How to Pay for the War: A Radical Plan for the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
How We Fix the Climate
We should act as if this is an emergency, because it is. But part of that is understanding the tools and strategies countries are using to decarbonize and stabilize the climate. This is work that's already being done. We have already decoupled economic growth from the...
How We Can Make Solarpunk A Reality
Solarpunk is a vision of the future that we can implement today. Here are just a few ways to get started! 
Why This Gives Me Hope for the Future
Why Solarpunk gives me hope for the future.
How Militarism Fuels The Climate Crisis — And Vice Versa
True climate solutions must have antimilitarism at their core.
Biden’s Climate Irresponsibility ❧ Current Affairs
It would be nice if having a Democratic president automatically meant real action on climate change. Sadly, it isn’t true.
Media and Climate
There is no conclusive proof that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. In fact, every year we are offered more and more evidence that he actually does exist. If not, where are all those gifts coming from?
Global warming: planning not pricing - July 22, 2021
Carbon pricing and carbon taxes are now proposed by international institutions and mainstream economics as the main solutions to ending global warming and destructive climate change.  For some time, the IMF has been pushing for carbon pricing as ‘a necessary if not...
The disastrous Economics of Climate Change, with Prof. Steve Keen  | Nucleus Investment Insights
Prof. Steve Keen joins us to discuss his work on the disastrous economics of climate change, in which he contends numerous errors have been made in calculating the economic effects of climate change. Correcting for these errors makes it feasible that the economic damages from...
Can We Survive Extreme Heat?
Humans have never lived on a planet this hot, and we’re totally unprepared for what’s to come | Aug 27, 2019
How to Think About International Responsibility for Climate Change ❧ Current Affairs | filed 03 August 2021 in CLIMATE CHANGE
We need to begin with the recognition that the United States has been more responsible for the climate catastrophe than anyone else. We have inflicted costs on the rest of the world that they rightly resent us for.
Realclimate: AR6 of the Best | 9 Aug 2021
Half a dozen takeaways from a first read of the new IPCC AR6 report.
Realclimate: We Are Not Reaching 1.5ºC Earlier Than Previously Thought
Realclimate: A Tale of Two Hockey Sticks
Posted: 9 Aug 2021
'Widespread and Severe.' The Climate Crisis Is Here, but There’s Still Time to Limit the Damage
Big Oil Coined ‘Carbon Footprints’ to Blame Us for Their Greed. Keep Them on the Hook.
Climate-conscious individual choices are good – but not nearly enough to save the planet. More than personal virtue, we need collective action
Why your Carbon Footprint is a Scam
Why your carbon footprint is a scam, explained.
Why the United States Is Killing the World
Why United States imperialism is causing climate change, explained.
Bitcoin is a mouth hungry for fossil fuels
This is an awful idea, but I’m writing about bloody Bitcoin again. I recently published a long thread about it, in which I tried to debunk the claim that the process of generating new bits of this digital currency is environmentally beneficial (it is not).
The Fossil Fuel Fight
Fossil fuels on their way out? Hah! The skeleton CEO at the Fossil Fuels AGM will tell you the truth: even after Covid 19 they're still booming.
Plastic Truth
What really happens to your recycling.
The People's Fight: How We Halt the Climate Crisis
The world’s scientists have made it all too clear: our earth is overheating. It’s bad, but we can still make changes that could be the difference between life and death for tens of millions of people. We need to take power away from the fossil fuel industry that created the...
Exxon Admits Capitalism Created the Climate Crisis ❧ Current Affairs - filed 05 July 2021
The company’s own Washington representative admits that we cannot solve the crisis without doing away with Exxon.
LEAKED: Exxon REVEALS Black Book of Senators
An ExxonMobil lobbyist accidentally admitted how they undermine climate science, and which Senators they love giving money to. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.
Why Cryptocurrency Is a Giant Fraud ❧ Current Affairs - filed 20 April 2021
Speculators might make money on it, but the arguments for its usefulness fail completely.
Writer on the Storm | Andrew Schenker | July 14
George R. Stewart’s ecofictions forecasted today’s calamities
As scientists have long predicted, warming is making heatwaves more deadly
Twenty years ago the IPCC warned of summer heatwave deaths in unprepared temperate regions like the Pacific Northwest.
Extinction Rebellion’s Liberal Moralism Can’t Save the Planet
Catapulted to media attention by its stunts, Extinction Rebellion has wasted its platform on a message of individualized guilt and obedience to the powerful. To avert climate disaster, we need economic transformation, not pointless moralism.
Neoliberalism Won’t Take Real Action to Stop Climate Change
At least 185 people have been killed by floods centered on the Rhineland region. Despite Germany’s supposed green credentials, the weak political response to the disaster shows how unwilling neoliberals are to take real action against corporate polluters.
Why the Green New Deal Has Failed — so Far
The Green New Deal program has enormous potential to generate mass popular support. But absent real leverage from labor, it's likely to be continually watered down into a toothless slogan for NGOs.
How Exxon Deceived The World (But Not Their Investors)
A video essay by Second Thought. 
The Power of Water
To learn more, watch my 4-part Permaculture Masterclass series, here: Good design will make the most of any situation. It can be used to mitigate any extreme. When it comes to water the question is… do you have enough?...
Biodiversity is Collapsing Worldwide. Here's Why.
In this video essay, we look at how climate change is causing a decrease in biodiversity worldwide. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety and variability of life, and climate change is causing the decline of biodiversity in numerous ecosystems via extreme weather...