241-300 of 1,264
Young People Across America Are Now Suing the Government - And This Image Shows Why
Young people across the United States are suing the federal government en masse for destroying their futures. They're claiming the feds' bungling of a crucial issue is a violation of their constitutional rights.
This 90-Second Video Sums Up Our CO2 Problem
If the new U.S. National Climate Assessment hasn't convinced you that we're surrounded by way too much carbon dioxide, maybe this jaw-dropping data visualization can help put things in perspective.   "Climate change, once considered an issue for a distant future, has moved...
Top Ten Bill Moyers Videos on the Web
Modern America has a strong generational divide.  Whether it’s cultural or political, there are a wide-range of topics that can be off limits when talking to “the grandparents.”  On the reverse side, it can be hard to listen to the “wisdom” of a generation that’s had such a...
Moyers & Company:  Putting the Freeze on Global Warming
Two leaders in the climate change divestment campaign on breaking ties with the fossil fuel industry.
Taking The Future Into Account
Why do humans have such a hard time taking the future into account? Answering this question with insightful analysis, the film offers strategies for policymakers and individuals who are interested in ways that we can overcome our conditioned habits. In contrast to many films...
5 Ways C02 Reduction Isn't The Best Way To Think about Solving Climate Change
Focusing on minimizing a number hasn't worked that well so far. Maybe it's time to try a whole-systems approach.
America Is the World Leader at Committing 'Supreme International Crimes'
The U.S.'s sledgehammer worldview is destroying countless lives and future generations.
If You Build It
A group of young Canadians take it upon themselves to strive for a more sustainable way of life by building their own wind turbine from scratch. With little to no prior knowledge or experience, the group finds aid in the surrounding community's range or skill sets that all...
Vanishing World
VANISHING WORLD explores how the population of the remote Alaskan village of Newtok are directly affected by climate change. Told in the natives storytelling technique of "Stream of Conciousness" Vanishing World is the bottom up, real-life story of its protagonists. Newtok is...
Back to Paoyhan #Action4Climate Competition @Connect4Climate
Miguel Ochavano, a shipibo shaman visits his community (Paoyhan) after the flood. The people of Paoyhan, a native community on the Ucayali river, in the peruvian amazon has seen their land flooded and their crops washed away every year since 2011, old people recall events...
Apocalyptic Future
With fast development of urbanization in China, the air pollution becomes worse and worse which has been a big challenge of both government and citizens. Beijing, the capital city in China, is under attack by fog and haze. The air suspension with a lot of smoke,dust...
Facing the Flood
The situation in the south of the Greenlandic Ice Cap is deteriorating. A global warming of the earth seems to threaten this area more than anywhere else in the world. Recorded temperatures have begun to fluctuate, and native inhabitants find their culture beginning to sink...
This film encourages everyone to discover or rediscover the beauty of our Earth--after all, that's why we're interested in mitigating climate change in the first place. This personal but widely relevant story explores outdoor sports and their connection with climate change.
The History of Climate Change Negotiations in 83 seconds
It's just a little absurd.
Climate Change Is War - and Wall Street Is Winning
Among the most iconic images to emerge from Hurricane Sandy’s assault on the Eastern Seaboard in 2012 were those
The Peoples Climate March
The Peoples Climate March took place in New York City, on September 21, 2014. Over 400.000 people attended. This is the largest march in world history, to bring attention to global warming.
Front-Lines Communities Rising Up: Dispatches from People's Climate
As heads of state, corporate leaders, and token civil society organizations meet behind the UN Climate Summit's closed doors Tuesday, the streets continue to resound with the messages of the 400,000 people who marched on Sunday, the thousands who flooded Wall Street, the
Mobilize to Stop Planet Fever: A 10-Point Action Plan for System Change Not Climate Change
When we, as human beings, get a fever, we immediately get worried and take action. After all, we know that if our body temperature rises to 1.5ºC, let alone 2ºC [3.6 ºF] above the normal average, there can be severe damage, while an increase of 4-6ºC [7.2-10.8 ºF] or more can...
Against the Climate March Cynics
Paul D'Amato answers the objections of several left-wing writers who critiqued the People's Climate March. HUNDREDS OF thousands of people--some estimates ranged above 300,000--gathered in New York City September 21 to protest government inaction on climate change, ahead of...
Naomi Klein Says Climate Activists Need to Get Comfortable Attacking Capitalism
Naomi Klein — “the most visible and influential figure on the American left,” as The New Yorker puts it — dropped by the Grist office to chat with David Roberts about her new book. They kicked things off by discussing its provocative title: This Changes Everythin
Twenty Things YOU Can Do To Address the Climate Crisis!
Getting your mind around climate change is hard. Confronting it requires us to deal with the ways that coal, oil, and gas have shaped nearly every aspect of our world, from our built environments to our economic systems — even our ideologies and patterns of thought. But that...
Our Culture Is a Crime | Acronym TV
Episode Breakdown | Spoken word from Immortal Technique and Erica Violet Lee of Idle No More PLUS 3 interviews looking at the climate crisis from 3 angles: Medea Benjamin of Code Pink talks about the links between the peace movement and the climate justice movement - and how...
The Globola Crisis
Black Hole: Transforming a Forest into a Coalmine
One Mining Company, a protest camp running for over 700 days, 280 voluntary arrests and counting, a State Forest home to 396 Species of native fauna and flora, 34 of which are endangered. What is this all about?
IPCC Climate Change Report In 18 Tweets
Rules of the Game: A Guide To The UN Climate Talks
Climate change negotiations have been going on longer than the world wide web has existed. But while the internet has progressed from a dozen or so green and black html pages to the lifeblood of modern civilization, the 
Stunning Photorealistic Pastel Drawings Bring Awareness To Climate Crisis
At first glance, these images look like like photos of glaciers and icebergs afloat on tranquil and frigid seas. The truth is somewhat more interesting, however – they’re enormous soft pastel finger drawings by U.S. artist Zaria Forman. Forman’s works (which we wrote about...
Indigenous Voices: A Call To Keep The Oil In The Ground
I walk a small path, surrounded by an infinite number of trees, plants and the scent of flowers. My lungs fill with pure, fresh air when I take a deep breath. My bare feet touch the ground, damp from yesterday's rain. This is my home. This is where I grew up. This is what I...
Our Shitty situation
In this sedition we look at the economic clusterfuck enveloping the globe, the mega drop in oil prices and the political party that has the left screaming like Justin Beaver fans.
Boom! Why Oil Trains Are Dangerous and Must Be stopped.
As the muthafuckin' resistance has been busy blocking pipelines all across Turtle Island, from the Keystone XL pipeline in the United Snakes, to the Northern Gateway and Pacific Trails pipelines in unceded Wet'suwet'en territory, capitalist oil-peddlers have had to find a new...
The Economics of Climate Change
Shifting away from an emphasis on global economic growth toward local economies provides a means to increase meaningful employment, shrink the gap between rich and poor, and tackle climate change.
One Magical Politician Won't Stop Climate Change. It's up to All of Us
Lots of people eagerly study all the polls and reports on how many people believe that climate change is real and urgent. They seem to think there is some critical mass that, through the weight of belief alone, will get us where we want to go. As if when the numbers aren’t...
Economist Juliet Schor: We're In a Structural Crisis
Given the realities of the climate crisis, can we continue to try to grow our way out of economic inequality? 
Climate Change Is About...Women
Climate change is, water, extractivism. Climate change is about...women, in leadership, in unity. Climate change is about...much more than climate change.
Shocking Short Film Highlights the Environmental Cost of the Aviation Industry
It's really not about polar bears any more... We have a problem. We're flying too much, and it's changing the earth's climate. Aviation is the fastest growing cause of climate change. But instead of doing anything about it, the Government is planning more flights and larger...
Sign the petition here: The farmers of the Liverpool Plains food bowl are fighting for their survival against massive proposed coal mines. Find out more and get involved! #wrongminewrongplace
Tell the United Nations: Plantations Are Not Forests
At the UN's World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the 'sustainable future' of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing...
Beneath the Canopy: Achuar Fight Against Big Oil and Climate Change
The Peruvian Amazon, which encompasses some 300,000 square miles, is an extremely biodiverse landscape larger than the state of Texas. For its size, it is very sparsely inhabited – it takes up 60% of Peru's landmass but is only home to about 5% of the country's 30 million...
Syria's Climate Conflict
Was the catalyst for the current conflict in Syria a drought caused by anthropogenic climate change?
This Trailer Changes Everything: Epic New Naomi Klein Doc Will Have You Running for Your Kayak
The film inspired by Klein's book features the stories of everyday people standing up to climate change.
As 'This Changes Everything' Debuts in US, Leave Your Climate Despair at the Door
'People are ready for a deeper, much more systemic critique and much more grassroots, radical solutions,' says film's director Avi Lewis
Help Change the Story at the Paris Climate Talks
  The UN climate talks in Paris (COP21) are right around the corner
Outdated Politics In a Time of Global Crisis
Complex societies require complex politics, which again require a highly educated public. We have neither. We have simpleton politicians, half of which claim to hate government, and a corporate media news circus that breaks everything down to the lowest common denominator.
Oil Fuels War and Terrorists Like Isis. The Climate Movement Can Bring Peace
We can make peace, with our energy sources, the planet and with each other if we end our addiction to oil
No Oceans, No Life. No Blue, No Green - Valhalla Interviews Sylvia Earle at #Earthtoparis
One of the most overlooked and scary facts surrounding the issue of climate change and environmental destruction lies under the sea... Our oceans are being destroyed and overfished in a way that is SERIOUSLY alarming to say the least.
Blind Focus on Carbon Reduction Could Be "Green" Movement's Achilles Heel
I'm in Paris now, preparing to speak tonight about climate change. It is a parallel venue, not mainstream, called Place 2 B, but even here I am afraid my message is going to be controversial. You see, I think there are deep problems with the standard climate change narrative...
Not Your Climate Movement
This we bring you a recap of the COP21 climate clusterfuck in Paris, with Jim Hansen's reaction to the historic non-agreement and's condemnation of comrades who defied the protest ban. Over in Greece we look at the yearly riots that commemorate the police murder of...
Bad Weather Everywhere This Holiday Season
The U.S. suffered its fair share of tumultuous weather conditions this year, as did many other parts of the world.
On December 4th 2015, Enbridge's began pumping tar sands crude on its 40 year old line 9 pipeline. On the same day, 22 year old Rachel Thevenard, began an 800 km run, through the route of the pipeline, to bring awareness, about the dangers of Line 9.
The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn't Just Her Corporate Cash. It's Her Corporate Worldview.
Clinton is uniquely unsuited to the epic task of confronting the fossil-fuel companies that profit from climate change.
Carbon Omissions: 3 Lies The UK Government Has Been Telling about Its Response to Climate Change
A new animation about consumption, climate change and wellbeing by PIRC, George Monbiot and Leo Murray. For more info, see:
Days of Revolt: Letting Go of the World
In this episode of Days of Revolt, Chris Hedges interviews documentary filmmaker Josh Fox, who directed the new film "How to Let Go of the World". The two discuss the catastrophe of climate change, and the role of art and culture in helping us embrace what climate can't change.
Disgruntled Royalty
We are the disgruntled royalty, ungrateful, because we're ignorant of our grand status.
Art Activists Crash the Press Launch of BP's 'Sunken Cities' Exhibition
"Do you know what irony is?" BP is sponsoring an exhibition called 'Sunken Cities' at the British Museum. You could NOT make this up. So theatrical action group "BP or not BP?" crashed the press launch with a giant artwork, in solidarity with communities fighting BP in Egypt.
Millions of Americans Now Claim Donald Trump Does Not Exist
On May 13 the American news media reported that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had recruited U.S. Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer of North Dakota—a major oil drilling state—to help him draft his energy policy. Cramer has said he does not believe...
Drenched Performers Occupy BP-Sponsored British Museum
On Tuesday night, a load of VIP guests - including officials from BP and the Egyptian government - arrived at the British Museum to launch the new 'Sunken Cities' exhibition. Activist performers "BP or not BP?" were also there - and refused to leave...
The Faux Insurgency of the Climate Change Deniers and the Need for Closure
Climate change deniers like to style themselves as latter-day Copernicuses and Galileos, lone visionaries bucking the established wisdom of the ages embodied back then in the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Climate Changers
The Climate Changers is a short documentary about civil society engagement during the historic climate conference (COP 21) in Paris in December 2015. Journalist Samuel Schlaefli and filmmaker Esther Petsche joined activists and visited them in their ateliers, in cultural...
Meet The People Taking Direct Action, Saying No to Coal
Huck's Michael Segalov headed down to the Ende Gelände camp in Germany to meet the activists putting their bodies on the line to take the fight against climate change to its very heart.
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change
Oscar Nominated director Josh Fox (Gasland) continues in his deeply personal style, investigating climate change – the greatest threat our world has ever known. Traveling to 12 countries on 6 continents, the film acknowledges that it may be too late to stop some of the worst...