601-660 of 6,408
You're Not Immune To Propaganda
It's very common in the West, especially in the US, for people to assume that propaganda doesn't really exist in our society. Sure, those other countries brainwash their citizens, but not us! No, all our media is completely unbiased. Let's explore the idea of propaganda, and...
How Brands Use Design & Marketing to Control Your Mind
As we navigate through the world, we are constantly being influenced by subtle design tactics that most of us aren't even aware of. These branding tactics can be found everywhere - in the layout of your favorite store, the colors of a pop-up ad, or even the design of your...
Noam Chomsky - Values, Abortion, and Preserving Life
In an edited interview from the Tony Kaye documentary "Lake of Fire", Chomsky is asked about decisions regarding the morality of abortion, and how individuals and society must take a hard look at specifics when discussing topics that deal with contradictory social values.
This Is Why You're Poor
We've all heard poverty described as a "mindset" or a "moral failing," but those claims don't hold up to scrutiny when you start to look into it. In this episode we'll take a look at the real causes of poverty, and why it persists in capitalist economies. – Second Thought
The Invention of Individual Responsibility
Humans love to fix things, to find the cause of a problem, to probe, tinker, and mend. We ask, in many different ways, Why does this happen? What’s the root cause? What’s the origin? What or who is at fault? What or who is responsible? But there are three subjects that have...
The Most Profound Insight about Poverty You'll Ever Hear
Structural violence - why isn't this idea common knowledge yet? This is a clip from Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, directed by Peter Joseph, featuring Dr. James Gilligan.
How To Let Go And Stop Worrying (10 Stoic Tips)
Worry is a silent destroyer of lives. A demolishing internal wrecking ball that can leave even the best of us incapacitated. But it doesn’t have to produce such obvious devastating effects to cripple our potential and produce unhappiness. It can just simmer under the surface...
How Our Lives Are Dictated
Life is about choice. What we eat, what we read, who we elect; every day we make choices that determine how we want to live. But what if these choices are just an illusion?
Honest Government Ad | Anti Protest Laws
The South Australien Government has made an ad about its new anti-protest legislation and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Why Republicans are NOT the Party of Freedom | Robert Reich
Why is the party of "freedom" trying to ban abortion? Because it's not actually about freedom. It's about power. 
Debunking “No One Wants To Work Anymore” | Robert Reich
What corporate America says: “No one wants to work anymore.” The truth: No one wants to be exploited anymore. 
Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism | Robert Reich
True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America. True patriots don’t support an attempted coup. It’s time to stop letting Republicans claim the mantle of patriotism. They’ve done nothing to deserve it.
Battling Race Essentialism in Student Government | Sahar Tartak
"Again these are kids. You don't teach kids that they're lousy and just [think] somehow that's going to redeem the world and make it less racist."
Privilege and Suffering Affects All Skin Colors | John Wood, Jr
"Understanding is the foundation of empathy. In a polarized America, we need it now more than ever." - John Wood Jr., national ambassador for Braver Angels. 
Honest Government Ad | Labor
The Australien Labor Party has made an ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.
Behind Closed Doors | Documentary on How The West Encourages Global Corruption
A Documentary about corruption in high places and those who enable it.
Actually Color Blindness Isn't Racist | Coleman Hughes
In this special video essay, I share my thoughts on the long-running national debate on color blindness. Check out the full article on my Substack. - Coleman Hughes
Being Outside Changes How You Think
 Support THEN & NOW on Patreon.
We the Power | The Future of Energy is Community-Owned
A film about the citizen-led community-energy movement in Europe and the visionaries lighting the way. 
Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts
BUFFALO SOLDIERS: FIGHTING ON TWO FRONTS, explores the often-contradictory role played by Black soldiers throughout American history, with particular emphasis on the settling of the American West and colonialism abroad. A film by Dru Holley.
The Media Bias Nobody is Talking About | Robert Reich
Robert Reich breaks down how the mainstream media draws a false equivalence between the right and the left and misleads the public about what's really at stake.
American Fascism And The Groomer Panic
We've seen a number of moral panics over the decades, and this one is no different. Come learn how the same old tropes are being recycled to animate this latest strain of American fascism. - Second Thought 
Do We Really Live Under Capitalism?
One of the most common objections to critiques of capitalism is "we don't have real capitalism, we have corporatism" or "crony capitalism" or even "techno-feudalism." These claims are often well-intentioned, but they miss the point. Let's talk about capitalism, corporatism...
What Red Pill Philosophy Gets Wrong
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Who Is Attracted to Policing Jobs? | Brian Klaas
Brian Klaas argues that the key to police reform is changing who wants to be a cop.
How "Woke Racism" Hurts Black People | John McWhorter
"Just because someone claims to be helping you, doesn’t mean they actually are."
There Is a Diversity of Thought in the Trans Community | Zander Keig
"Within any community, people think differently.  To think that a group all thinks alike is called stereotyping. This is a particular issue within minority communities. Large majority groups are often assumed to have differences of opinion within them. But in smaller...
How to Turn Your Neighborhood into a Village
Permaculture instructor Andrew Millison journeys to Portland, Oregon to talk with architect Mark Lakeman, founder of Communitecture Architecture and the City Repair Project. Mark initiated a movement in Portland to transform the homogenous neighborhoods of the city into...
The First Step to Fixing the Electoral College | Robert Reich
Swing state voters will have more say over the 2024 election than the 80% of Americans in other states. Does that sound like democracy to you? Here's how we fix the Electoral College. If you want to know more or get involved, click the link below to read about the National...
10 Minutes Matter
70% of children experiencing mental health problems do not receive intervention early enough. That's why 10 minutes to talk to a child in your life could really make a difference.
The GOP’s Attack on LGBTQ Americans, Revealed | Robert Reich
Republicans have introduced more than 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in 2023 alone, all over the country. They're obsessed with controlling who Americans love, how they identify, and even where they can go to the bathroom. Here's why.
Why I Don't Care About Your Flight Emissions
In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at climate hypocrisy and carbon guilt. Specifically, I dig into why I don't care about your flight emissions, and how our attention to individual carbon footprints and worries about being seen as hypocritical...
Are You Paid What You’re Worth? | Robert Reich
The idea that everyone is "paid what they're worth" has proven to be a cruelly effective way to put the blame on workers for not getting ahead — while giving the rich and powerful cover to rig the game for their own benefit. Don't buy it. 
6 Black Men vs 1 Secret White Guy
WHO IS JUBILEE? We believe in the power of empathy for human good. Ultimately, we aim to inspire people to EMBRACE EMPATHY.
Why You Can't Ignore This Far-Right Trend
In this video, I look at the rise of fossil fascism and ecofascism on the far right. As the world gets warmer and fossil fuels become increasingly untenable there are now glimpses of two trends within the far right that are a reaction to climate change. Ecofascism and fossil...
Gratitude Revealed
Gratitude Revealed is a remarkable cinematic documentary that has been forty years in the making.
How to Bring Back Front Yard Businesses
How do we add mixed uses in single detached neighborhoods? People have some ideas… - About Here
How 15-Minute Cities Are Shaking Up the World
In this video, we explore the concept of the 15-minute city, debunking common misconceptions and conspiracy theories surrounding it. We'll reframe the discussion to focus on the true intentions behind the idea, emphasizing its potential to create sustainable and thriving...
The Most Sustainable City In America
Over the last few weeks, I reached out to sustainability experts around the world, crunched a bunch of numbers, and asked all of you for help finding the most sustainable city in America. Here's what I learned. - Distilled
How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances
Consumerism is destroying our earth and our wallets - here's how. In this video essay, we're discussing the advertisement-driven world we live in, the ways consumerism impacts personal finance, mental health, and the environment, and what we can do to combat consumerism.
Our Obsession with Economic Growth is Deadly
We are surrounded by stuff. We buy and buy and buy - it’s the foundation of how our economies run, how they grow. But all this buying, all this economic "growing", is devastating people and our planet. We are in a dangerous spiral of out-of-control resource use. In the third...
Online Activism: What's The Point?
Is Online Activism Useless? Online activism has been heralded as the future of expanded freedoms, a cesspool where meaningful action goes to die, and everything in between. But when we “agitate” via Twitter, or call for revolution on Instagram, are we really contributing to...
Here’s How We Escape Climate Apocalypse
A look at the importance of speculative climate fiction, sci-fi, and utopias for political movements, from Our Changing Climate.
Male Inequality, Explained by an Expert | Richard Reeves
Modern males are struggling. Author Richard Reeves outlines the three major issues boys and men face and shares possible solutions. 
The Friendship Recession | Richard Reeves
Why friendships are becoming rarer in America, explained by author Richard Reeves. 
The Great Disconnect
We are living in a time that has been described as the age of loneliness. Despite Western advances in technology, living conditions, education and healthcare, we, as a society, are isolating ourselves from one another, and because of this, facing a health crisis that affects...
Water Has a Memory
Matriarch and Environmental Ambassador for the Ponca Nation, Casey Camp-Horinek takes us through the occupied territory of Ponca City, Oklahoma. Through the ancestral teachings of her Ponca culture, Casey has been protecting the Water, Mother Earth and Father Sky through the...
CIA Stories: The Jakarta Method
Abby Martin speaks with journalist Vincent Bevins about the hidden CIA mass murder in Indonesia, which created the model for US extermination campaigns against socialists and accused leftists in 22 countries during the Cold War. 
How Dangerous are Microplastics?
Microplastics have only recently become an issue outside the scientific world. A pioneering researcher in this field, Christian Laforsch is primarily interested in the long-term hazards they pose - something that could assume critical importance for us in the future...
A Quiet Revolution: Seed Sovereignty in the City
Londoners are rising to the challenges of climate change, food poverty, entrenched inequality and our nation’s mental and physical health crises by reviving one of the oldest human activities of all- sowing, saving and sharing seeds.
Beautiful No Dig Permaculture Kitchen Garden
This video is of Tim and Maddy Harland's beautiful no-dig permaculture kitchen garden in Hapmshire UK. Tim and Maddy are the founders of the fantastic @PermacultureMagazine and have a tranquil vegetable garden, meadow and food forest at their home that has been maturing for...
Abby Martin & Immortal Technique: Civil War
Legendary rapper Immortal Technique joins Abby to discuss the escalating tensions of the post-Trump era, the duopoly playing Americans, right-wing cooptation of conspiracy theory and deep-state critique, teaching real history and much more. 
How Your Attention is Stolen
This video is a masterpiece. 
Briahna Joy Gray Examines the Role of Race and Authoritarianism in Police Violence
Every minute of this is fantastic commentary, from CRT in schools, to why police violence should be framed more often as authoritarian, to the censorship and school defunding campaign being led by Republicans under the guise of fighting CRT, when such "excesses" include...
Unknown Influence | Social Media, Democracy and Transparency
Is Instagram fueling eating disorders in teenagers? Does TikTok harm your mental health? Are Facebook groups encouraging people to take part in offline violence? The answer is… we don’t know for sure. And that’s a serious problem.
Eating Our Way to Extinction
Narrated by Kate Winslet, Eating Our Way to Extinction is a cinematic feature documentary, taking audiences on a journey around the world and addressing the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about. This powerful documentary sends a simple but impactful message by...
Remembering That Life Is Good
As humans, we are always trying to control everything. We think we have the ability to change anything that crosses our path and believe we have the capability to handle it to our perfect satisfaction every time.
This "I Trust You" Social Experiment Shows a More Beautiful World Is Possible
Karim Sulayman is an Arab-American tenor from Chicago. Ten days after the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Sulayman teamed up with filmmaker Meredith Kaufman Younger to perform a trust experiment. Watch this silent video (set to Sulayman singing Sinead O'Connor's "In this...
The Truth About Corporate Subsidies | Robert Reich
Who else is sick of our government subsidizing the health care industry when millions can’t afford insurance, subsidizing Big Oil while they destroy the planet, and bailing out Wall Street when they crater our economy? 
Should We Move To A 4-Day Work Week?
Our mindset surrounding work is stuck in the 20th century. With massive improvements in technology and productivity in the last few decades, it's time to reassess what work could look like. Is it time to move to a four day workweek? - Second Thought