Wall Street Occupation (7 Part Video Series)

Wall Street Occupation, was a video of the 8Th day of the occupation of Wall Street, in New York City, which took place on Sept 25, 2011. 99% of the people are going to take back our Media, Military, Courts, and our Government, which have been taken over by the wealthy 1%. The message of the occupation is that America belongs to all the people. Power to the People. In unity we will win.

On October 1, 2011 the New York Police arrested more than 700 people for walking on the Brooklyn Bridge. Last week The New York police corralled a group of young girls, who had done nothing wrong, and sprayed them with mace. These people who have been victims of police brutality are members of the Occupy Wall Street Group, who are camping out to bring attentions to the crimes of the privileged, and crimes of our political leaders. They are also demanding that the gross inequities, and injustice in this country be addressed. 

City Hall To Wall Street, was a march that took place on October 5, 2011. Over 10'000 people, along with several Labor Unions, marched in support of the the Wall Street Occupation. The Media estimated the crowd as being 5,000. Look at the master shots in my video. I must point out that they are only shots of a potion of the crowd. You will clearly see that the MSM is not only making a low estimate of the number of people who attended, they are telling an out and out lie, as they have been doing all along. Some marched in solidarity with the many who have been assaulted, maced, and falsely arrested by the New York City Police in the last few weeks. JP Morgan actually funds the New York City Police Department. It has received 4.6 million Dollars from the very banks that the protesters are targeting! I guess for 4.6 million the Police have to keep JP Morgan happy.

Occupy Wall Street Demonstrators were to be evicted and arrested on Oct. 14. Due to the support of millions of Americans, and the thousands of New Yorkers who went to Liberty Plaza in the early morning hours to stand with them, the eviction was postponed. 

Supporters of Occupy Wall Street staged a massive demonstration in Times Sq. on October 15. The New York City Police Department seemed to make the demonstration as difficult as possible. The side walks were fenced off with few entrances and exits. If you were on the side walk the Police would not allow you to stop walking to take pictures, or video. The center promenade was divided into a series of cages, many were for police use only. Tourists, New Yorkers, as well as Demonstrators were enraged by the police caging them like enamels, and not allowing them to cross streets at intersections, or walk around freely. After three weeks of beating, macing, and arresting peaceful demonstrators, people are beginning to question the police's motives. The Police Department just received 4.6 million dollars from J P Morgan Chase, one of the companies that the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are protesting. Corporate America has bought our government by paying for politicians election campaigns. Are they now buying our police departments? What did they give them that money for, and what do they expect in return? 

A demonstration against police brutality took place in New York City on October 15,2011. Supporters of Occupy Wall Street have been subjected to false arrests, beatings, macing and constant intimidation by New York Police. This is something new to most middle class people. Minorities, and poor people have been subjected to this by police in cities across the Nation for some time now. The media doesn't tell anyone about it and police departments do nothing to stop it. In fact they make every effort to cover up crimes committed by police officers. 

Occupy Wall Street , in New York City, held a march from Liberty Square to the Federal Court Building, on Nov 5,2011, to draw attention to the President's plan to grant immunity from prosecution, to Bankers who fraudulently evicted tens of thousands of people from their homes. Like many of the peaceful nonviolent demonstrations, they were met by violence, and brutality by the New York Police Force. If you do not think we are living in a Police State, join one of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration. You will see for yourself. The police kick around women, children, and old people for doing nothing more than exercising their constitutionally guaranteed right to public assembly, free speech, and the right to express grievances with our government.

President Bush said that our Constitution was just a dam peace of paper. President Obama is wiping his ass with it. We the people must put a stop to it. 

Activism   Corporations   Globalization   Police & Prisons
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