“The Twelve” tells the story of twelve spiritual Elders from around the globe who gather at the United Nations in New York to create a unique ritual for Humankind and planet Earth. By interviewing each one of them in their home environments, the film is told exclusively through the voices of these elders. They give an unprecedented insight into their knowledge, traditions and rituals. Each of the twelve share a long forgotten wisdom and knowing of our eternal and complex connection with Nature and all of humanity, reminding us what it means to be human and how to live in harmony with each other and with Nature.
We follow the elders as they travel for the first time to New York, and witness the powerful energy of their three day reunion in New York. Their messages are unified in what needs to be done to change the course our planet is taking. The Twelve are from Australia, Alaska, Brazil, Botswana, Colombia, Gabon, Japan, Nepal, Mexico and Siberia.
The Twelve is available to download in English and to stream and download in 7 other languages including French, German, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and Arabic under https://lecielfoundation.com/download-the-twelve/
The filmmakers have kindly made "The Twelve" available for free, so that the message of the elders can reach the widest audience possible. If you'd like to show your thanks, you can donate here or via their Patreon campaign. Any amount, from $2 to $20, means a lot. - Films For Action